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Review of AIPM Competency Standards for Project Management

Review of AIPM Competency Standards for Project Management. Presentation Outline Competency Standard Review Profession Development Program Professionalisation of Project Management Member Protection Schedule The Benefits The Downside Questions.

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Review of AIPM Competency Standards for Project Management

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  1. Review ofAIPM Competency Standardsfor Project Management Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  2. Presentation OutlineCompetency Standard ReviewProfession Development ProgramProfessionalisation of Project ManagementMember ProtectionScheduleThe BenefitsThe DownsideQuestions Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  3. AIPM’s Competency Standard Review and Development Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  4. The Standards – What are they? • A new set of standards, designed specifically for the AIPM incorporating: • Competency requirements • Professional requirements • A sound basis for development of a new set of National Competency Standards for Project Management Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  5. The Development of AIPM’s New Competency Standards AIPM developed PM competency standards for AQF 4, 5 and 6 during the early 1990’s These were approved as National Competency Standards in 1996 and reviewed in 2004. The 2004 version is being used for RegPM assessments and is the current version of the PM domain in the Business Services Training Package. Since 2004 the PM body of knowledge and industry expectations of project management have increased substantially. Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  6. Reason for Review • The National Standards (AQF 4, 5 and 6) are overdue for review • Industry voiced the need for: • Upgrading the standards to meet industry needs • Higher levels of Project Manager performance particularly at the senior management level • More consistent assessments Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  7. WE MUST LIFT THE BAR We need consistent, quality assessment of competency against a robust standard Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  8. Who is developing the new standards? • The new standards are being developed under the direction of the AIPM’s Recognition Council through the: • Technical Standards Working Group – a group of practising project management practitioners • Assessor Working Group – a group of practising project management work place Assessors Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  9. Who is reviewing the new standards? • The new standards are being reviewed by: • an Industry Reference Group • Assessors • Trainers • AIPM Chapters • an ExecPM cohort • AIPM’s Recognition Council • Standards will be available on the website for Public Comment to meet ISO requirements Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  10. Titles • The post nominal RegPM gets confused within the RegPM Program. • This review recommends that we reassign titles to the new standard levels and that certified titles other than ExecPM carry the lead-in words “Certified Practising” so that we have: • Executive Project Manager (ExecPM) • Certified Practising Project Director (CPPD) • Certified Practising Senior Project Manager (CPSPM) • Certified Practising Project Manager (CPPM) • Certified Practising Project Practitioner (CPPP) • As well as a: • Project Team Member Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  11. Why CPPM and CPSPM? • This has to be a good question to postulate right now! So why? • A Senior Project Manager (CPSPM) needs: • Knowledgerequired to manage projects across a wide spectrum of complexity, and • Experience in order to manage major projects which are likely to be more difficult. WE ARE SEEKING INDUSTRY GUIDANCE TO VALIDATE THESE DIFFERENTIALS Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  12. Relationship to AQF • We must not lose sight of the fact that: • the proposed new AIPM Competency Standards for PM are for AIPM use in it’s RegPM Program, and • the intent is to modify the AIPM Competency Standards for PM to suit AQF requirements and then submit to IBSA for their endorsement/approval Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  13. AIPMProfessional Development Program Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  14. Professional Development Program The AIPM Professional Development Program (PDP) RegPM Sub Program Includes ExecPM, CPPD, CPSPM, CPPM, CPPP, Team Member Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Sub Program Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  15. Competence Progression Executive Project Manager Project Director Project Manager Entry points Traditional PM competence Project Practitioner Project Team Member Attributes & Behaviour competence Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  16. Comparison of Competence Levels Titles Standards ExecPM AIPM Level 4 Titles Standards AIPM Level 3 Project Director AQF 6 Master Project Director Project Manager AIPM Level 2 Competence AQF 5 Project Manager AQF 4 Project Practitioner Project Practitioner AIPM Level 1 Team Member Current Standards / Titles Proposed Standards / Titles Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  17. Relationship between Competence and Project Complexity Note 1: The competence requirements for CPPM and CPSPM are identical. The difference is experiential driven. Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  18. The AIPM and theProfession ofProject Management Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  19. Competence is one thing Workplace Performance Professionalismis another Performance. Body of Knowledge. Ethics Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  20. Title versus Professional Recognition Requirements (still under development) Note 1: Post graduate education can be in either the VET sector or the Higher Education sector but have material applicability to the project Note 2: The Complex level is not a component of AIPM's RegPM Program. It is shown only for the purposes of relativity. Note 3: The competence requirements for CPPM and CPSPM are identical. The difference is experiential and project complexity driven. Note 4: Project Team Member is a new entry level. This level does not carry AIPM post nominals Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  21. The AIPM andProtection of Members Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  22. Protection for Existing Certified Members (Grandfathering) - 1 • Three year period of grace • QPP – automatic certification as CPPP • RPM options • Upgrade to CPPD. All requirements apply • Certify as CPSPM. Educational and experiential requirements apply. Assess competency differences • Certify as CPPM. Assess competency differences • If none of above, certification lapses Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  23. Protection for Existing Certified Members (Grandfathering) - 2 • MPD options • Upgrade to ExecPM. All requirements apply • Certify as CPPD. Educational and experiential requirements apply. Assess competency differences • If neither of above, recognise as CPSPM Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  24. The Schedule Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  25. The Schedule - AIPM • Develop and review – Complete 31st August 2007 • National Council review/endorse – 9th September 2007 • Launch Exposure Draft – 8th October 2007 • Post Launch • Develop implementation documentation eg New RegPM booklet • Open for Public Comment • Distribute to Universities and Trainers • Final Review • Final approval by National Council – March 2008 • Release AIPM Standards – 30th June 2008 Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  26. The Schedule - AQF • Commence development of Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) version of AIPM Competency Standards for Project Management – October 2007 • Submit AQF version to Innovation and Business Skills Australia (IBSA) – March 2008 • IBSA review period • Formal introduction of IBSA - BSBPM Standards – 31 December 2008 Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  27. And the Benefits Are? Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  28. Effect on Membership and RegPM Program • Membership will be more desirable • Quality of certified members will be higher • RegPM credibility will be regained • AIPM will regain control of Competency Standards – for both AIPM and the IBSA subsets • Bridge to complex project management • Platform for sub specialist competencies eg schedule, cost estimating/control, risk Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  29. And the Downside is? Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  30. Effect on Membership and RegPM Program • MPDs who do not gain certification as ExecPM or CPPD will be recognised as a CPSPM • Many MPDs do not like the dropping of “Master” • RPMs who do not gain certification as CPPD, CPSM or CPPM will lose their certification Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

  31. QUESTIONS PLEASE Presented to ACT Chapter Forum by Peter Dechaineux 15th August 2007

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