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The Case of The Missing Flash Drive

The Case of The Missing Flash Drive. The Case. Frame 1 Fade in and hold for 5 sec. Faded rose wallpaper bkgrd on all frames Scale in lower left on all frames

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The Case of The Missing Flash Drive

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  1. The Case of The Missing Flash Drive The Case Frame 1 Fade in and hold for 5 sec. Faded rose wallpaper bkgrd on all frames Scale in lower left on all frames VO: Welcome Detective. My flash drive is missing. It has all my education and personal files on it. I need your help in finding it. Please work with me to recover it. You make such excellent decisions. Which do you think we should do? of the Missing Flash Drive Ask Bob Ask Dogs

  2. Pix of Bob Frame 2 Ask Bob option from frame 1 pix of Bob in center. VO: (RTV) Honey, have you seen my flash drive? VO:(RWV) No sweetheart. Keep looking, I'm sure it will turn up. Maybe you should ask the dogs. VO:(RTV) What should we do first Detective? Exit Ask Dogs Keep looking

  3. Frame 3 Pixs of chair, lamp, footrest, lanyard w/cap VO: (RTV)I have looked everywhere. Oh no! There is the cap and lanyard. I guess there are only two choices left. Buy another flash drive and re-create all my work or ask the dogs. What should I do Detective? Exit Buy Ask Dogs

  4. Frame 4 VO: (RTV) Oppps! I'm broke. It's ask the dogs or forgettaboutit… Forget taboutit Ask Dogs

  5. Pix of Sturgis Pix of Lacy Frame 5 Ask dogs option from F1,2,3 Pixs of dogs are hyperlinks to breed info. F15,16,17 VO:(RTV) I have called you all here because my flash drive is missing. I found the cap and lanyard on the floor near your favorite chair Sturge. Lacy,we all know how much you like electronics. But Trixie, you were the only one inside the house today So who should I interrogate first Detective? Pix of Trixie Sturgis Trixie Lacy

  6. Pix of Sturgis Frame 6 Pix of Sturgis VO: (RTV) Ok Sturg, Did you take my flash drive? Or do you know who did? I don't know nothin. I was asleep, that's my alibi. What's a flash drive anyway? Who should I ask next Detective? Exit Trixie Lacy

  7. Pix of Trixie Frame 7 Pix of Trixie VO:(RTV) Trixie honey, you have a worried look on your face. I promise I won't be mad. Just please tell me where my flash drive is. Mama Rose, do you think I did it? That hurts me deeply. I love you Mama Rose. I would never take your flash drive. I know how much it means to you. Who should I ask next Detective? Scene of Crime Sturgis Lacy

  8. Pix of Lacy Frame 8 Pix of Lacy VO: (RTV) Little Lacy, where is my flash drive? If you tell me the truth I won't be mad. Just tell me what you did with my flash drive. You think I took it? No Mama Rose, it wasn't me. Not at all. It was probable ole Sturg or Tricky Trixie. Nope it wasn't me.I've been a good girl today. Who should I ask next Detective? Scene of Crime Sturgis Trixie

  9. Frame 9 Pixs of chair, lamp, footrest. VO:(RTV) What should we do? This is the scene of the crime. Maybe we should search the room. Do you think we should ask the dogs questions? What do you think we should do Detective? Exit Ask dogs Search Room

  10. Frame 10 Pix of chair, lamp, footrest. VO:(RTV) Well we have a choice of four places to look. Maybe if we move each thing we will find my flash drive. What do we move now Detective? Exit Move Chair Move lamp Move footrest Move scales

  11. Frame 11 Pixs of chair (moved), lamp, footrest. VO:(RTV) Boy that chair was heavy. Phew, thanks so much for helping me Detective.Hmmmm, there's nothing under the chair. What should we move now Detective? Exit Move lamp Move footrest Move scales

  12. Frame 12 Pixs of chair, lamp (moved), footrest. VO:(RTV) Well it’s not under the lamp. We should really look under and around everything. That way we can be sure that we searched everywhere. What should we move now Detective? Exit Move chair Move footrest Move scales

  13. Frame 13 Pixs of chair, lamp, footrest (moved). , and flash drive under footrest. VO:(RTV) Aha! We have found my flash drive Detective. Hoorah! But we still don't know who took it. Maybe there is a clue still in the room. What should we move now Detective? Exit Move chair Move lamp Move scales

  14. Frame 14 Pixs of chair, lamp, footrest. Pix of scales (in everyframe) is moved.Pix of Trixie telling all large and down front over other pixs VO:(RTV) Trixie honey what is it? VO:(TX) Oh Mama Rose, I can't keep it to myself anymore. I saw Lacy playing with your flash drive very early this morning. She found it on the footrest. She didn't mean to hurt it. Honestly she didn't, but you know how she loves electronics. Please don't punish her. VO:(RTV) I promise I won’t Trixie dear. Now you go outside and play.Detective, we can stop now or we can go talk to Lacy. What do you think? Pix of Trixie Exit Talk to Lacy

  15. Pix of Sturgis Frame 15 Pix of Sturgis VO:(RWV) Info about pit bulls. Back to Ask Dogs

  16. Pix of Trixie Frame 16 Pix of Trixie VO:(RWV) Info about Staffordshire terriers Back to Ask Dogs

  17. Pix of Lacy Frame 17 Pix of Lacy VO:(RWV) Info about Smooth Fox Terriers Back to Ask Dogs

  18. Frame 18 Pix of Lacy and the whole flash drive VO:(RTV) [Lacy, little girl, I just learned that it was you that took my flash drive. Why did you not tell me when I asked you? If you had told me the truth right away you would have saved me all this time looking for it. VO:(LY) I’m so sorry. I was afraid Mama Rose that I would be punished. Are you going to punish me? VO:(RTV) No little Lacy. I left the flash drive on the footstool and that was my mistake. But you must promise me never to take it again. In fact, would you be a very good girl and any time you see my flash drive, would you come tell me right away? VO:(LY) Oh, yes Mama Rose I promise. I love you Mama Rose. VO:(RTV) I love you too Lacy. Pix of Lacy Exit

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