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Thermal-Hydraulic Digester Model Using A Higher Order Numerical Method

Thermal-Hydraulic Digester Model Using A Higher Order Numerical Method. Sharad Bhartiya, Pascal Dufour, Francis J. Doyle III Department of Chemical Engineering University of Delaware http://fourier.che.udel.edu/~Agenda2020. AIChE Annual Meeting Reno, Nevada. November 08, 2001. Contents.

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Thermal-Hydraulic Digester Model Using A Higher Order Numerical Method

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  1. Thermal-Hydraulic Digester Model Using A Higher Order Numerical Method Sharad Bhartiya, Pascal Dufour, Francis J. Doyle III Department of Chemical Engineering University of Delaware http://fourier.che.udel.edu/~Agenda2020 AIChE Annual Meeting Reno, Nevada November 08, 2001

  2. Contents • Motivation • Literature Overview • Perspective • Digester • Modeling • Results • Conclusions Doyle Research Group, University of Delaware

  3. Motivation • Chip level control • - Digester endpoint Kappa # (Amirthalingam & Lee, 2000) • Grade transition control • - Hardwood/softwood swings • Process monitoring and fault diagnosis Development of a fundamental model based on mass, heat and momentum conservation Doyle Research Group, University of Delaware

  4. Literature Overview: Fundamental Continuous Digester Models - Purdue Model 1974 Smith and Williams Series of CSTRs, 3 phase system, kinetic parameters 1982 Christensen et al. Optimal kinetic parameters, specie rate multiplier, mass transfer data 1986 Maras et al. Thermal balance for wood and liquor 1996 Kayihan et al. 2-vessel model 1997 Wisnewski et al. Improved defns. of mass conc. and volume fractions Doyle Research Group, University of Delaware

  5. Literature Overview: Fundamental Continuous Digester Models 1987 Härkönen Chip compaction, velocity - hydraulics 1995 Michelsen Hydraulics + simplified Purdue kinetics • Gustafson and co-workers > 1983 Kinetics, detailed diffusion, chip size distribution Doyle Research Group, University of Delaware

  6. Smith, Christensen, Wisnewski et al. (1974,1982, 1997) Past models Purdue Michelsen (1995) Mass/Energy Mass/Energy/Momentum High fidelity kinetics Level/compaction profile No level, fixed compaction Valid for (50-150) # range • Thermal-hydraulic Purdue Model • Higher Order Numerical Method Current Work Perspective Doyle Research Group, University of Delaware

  7. Digester Doyle Research Group, University of Delaware

  8. Mass Transfer Reaction Site Tc, vc,pc, si ei Tfl, vfl,pfl, fl,i Model Tc, vc,pc, si ei Tfl, vfl,pfl, fl,i Solid Free Liquor 1. Lo reactive lignin 2. Hi reactive lignin 3. Cellulose 4. Araboxylan 5. Galactoglucomannan 1. Active EA 2. Passive EA 3. Active HS 4. Passive HS 5. Dissolved lignin 6. Dissolved Carb. Entrapped Liquor Doyle Research Group, University of Delaware

  9. Summary of Assumptions P - Purdue M - Michelsen • Radial property gradients neglected (P,M) • Solid/entrapped phase in thermal and dynamic equilibria (M) • Stratified, incompressible flow (P,M) • Liquor-wall resistance neglected (correlation/experimental data) (M) • Acceleration of liquor negligible (simplified) (M) • Constant cross-sectional area (M) • Pulping chemistry based on McKibbins (1960) • Hydraulic constitutive laws based on Härkönen (1987) Doyle Research Group, University of Delaware

  10. Bulk flow Reaction Bulk flow Diffusion Reaction Diffusion Bulk flow External flows recirculation/extracts Mass Continuity Solid Phase Entrapped Liquor Phase Free Liquor Phase Doyle Research Group, University of Delaware

  11. Volume Continuity Chip Phase Volume Continuity Overall Digester Volume Continuity Space not occupied by chips must be filled with liquor Doyle Research Group, University of Delaware

  12. Chip pressure Liquor pressure Chip/liquor flow resistance Bulk momentum Chip/wall friction Gravity Gravity Chip/liquor flow resistance Momentum Conservation Chip Phase Liquor Phase Doyle Research Group, University of Delaware

  13. Bulk Interphase heat transfer Energy Conservation Chip Phase Diffusive energy Heat of reaction Liquor Phase Diffusive energy External flow Doyle Research Group, University of Delaware

  14. bulk flow Energy conservation  Overall volume continuity  #, pc vc  inter-phase flow resistance vc  Compaction Mass continuity  vf Reaction Diffusion bulk flow Momentum bulk flow Phenomenological Interactions Doyle Research Group, University of Delaware

  15. j – 0.5 Momentum balance j Mass, energy balance j + 0.5 j+1 Computational Issues • 96 control volumes (CVs) • Height: 0.29 m /CV • 2213 states • All variable properties vary linearly Staggered Grid (Patankar, 1980) Simulation Time 80 hr sim time - 25 min. real time Sun Sparc Ultra 10 - 333Mhz Doyle Research Group, University of Delaware

  16. WZ LPR WZ HPR CZ IZ CZ IZ Production Rate Change • Simultaneous chip feed and blow rate change • Flow rate change of  11% from nominal value • Step change filtered using first order filter with 13 min. time constant Doyle Research Group, University of Delaware

  17. LPR HPR Steady-state Spatial Profiles Compaction Chip Velocity Liquor Velocity WZ WZ IZ CZ WZ CZ CZ IZ IZ Doyle Research Group, University of Delaware

  18. EA at X-Screen Endpoint # Level (1)  in production rate (2)  in upper heater temperature (3)  in white liquor flow (4)  in dilute liquor flow Transient Response Doyle Research Group, University of Delaware

  19. initial final Near-Fault Scenario • Step increase in white liquor flow Doyle Research Group, University of Delaware

  20. Exact Solution Dissipation (typical of odd order) Dispersion (typical of even order) Higher Order Finite Difference • Previous results based on first order finite differences (errorO(h)) • Finite differences induces numerical diffusion in convective flows • Approach: First order at extremities and 4th order (error O(h4)) • in between Doyle Research Group, University of Delaware

  21. Enhanced Approximations For Plug Flow Using Finite Differences • 1) Increase number of CSTRs • increases number of model states 2) Use higher order information for approximation i-3 i-2 i-1 i • For the same volume, plug flow reactor shows higher conversion than CSTR i+1 Conc. profile Doyle Research Group, University of Delaware

  22. Higher Order Numerical Method • Better approximation of plug flow leads to lower Kappa # Normalized Distance Doyle Research Group, University of Delaware

  23. Conclusions & Future Work • A hydraulic extension of Purdue Model is presented • Momentum transfer impacts K # and compaction profiles • Simulation examples demonstrate coupling between momentum transfer and pulp quality profile • A hybrid first/fourth order finite difference approximation shows increased conversion • Hardwood/softwood grade transition model extension • Kappa profile control in a continuous pulp digester Doyle Research Group, University of Delaware

  24. Acknowledgements US Department of Energy University of Delaware Process Control and Monitoring Consortium Doyle Research Group, University of Delaware

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