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35th ATEE Conference Budapest, 26 th - 30th August, 2010 In-Service Teacher Trainers’ Development Programme in Croatia - Impact and Challenges - Rod Bolitho, UK Sanja Milovic, Croatia. Content. Country background ETTA & ETTA advisors as agents of change
35th ATEE Conference Budapest, 26th - 30th August, 2010 In-Service Teacher Trainers’ Development Programme in Croatia - Impact and Challenges- Rod Bolitho, UK Sanja Milovic, Croatia Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA
Content • Country background • ETTA & ETTA advisors as agents of change • About the Teacher Trainers’ Development Programme • Results • Conclusion Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA
Background Policy iniciatives: • HNOS • national exams • State Matura • external evaluation • selfevaluation of schools • national curriculum framework (2010) Centralised INSETT system decentalised Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA
Education and Teacher Training Agency (ETTA) independent public institution responsible for promoting and supporting implementation of educational policies of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport on a large-scale. one of four important roles: supporting and training teachers, school counsellors and school principals from pre-school to secondary-school level throughout their professional career Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA
ETTA advisors (110) Strengths: a long tradition of cooperating with schools and teachers and culture of trust developed(since 1874.) positive perceptions of ETTA regarding the issues of educational change/reform a good insight, from a national perspective, into the strengths and weaknesses of current teaching practices and situations in schools advisers may act upon their professional insights immediately in order to make improvements Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA
ETTA 2009 • 110 advisors • 948 training events – national level • 57.166 paticipant • 1.432 CCoTT • 4.4001 training events – regional level • 111.236 participant Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA
Challenges • how can 110 advisers give the best possible support to all teachers in their process of change? • how can teachers be encouraged to take more ownership of their professional development? Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA
Aim UK students outcomes ETTA teachers (55.7619) (20/110) CCoTT (1.432) students edu.spec. (753.412) principles Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA
Ineffective INSETT (Fullan 1991) • one-shot workshops • imposed topics; little attention to participants’ individual needs • deficit view leads to resistance and negativity • little follow-up support or monitoring • little systematic follow-up evaluation of impact • teachers from different schools thrown together • lack of conceptual basis for planning; the process is often arbitrary and random; not shared with teachers • trainers often lack face validity for participants Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA
Effective INSETT (Fullan 1991) • school-based programmes • immediate practical relevance • opportunities to learn from each other • draws on teachers’ experience and what they can do well • attention to individual needs of participants • involvement of teachers in planning/decision-making • course as part of a longer-term development-oriented strategy with follow-up and accountability Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA
Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA
About the project Project leader: SanjaMilović, ETTA Expert: Rod Bolitho, Norwich Institute for Language Education, UK Project group: 20 senior advisors, ETTA Activities: 4x2days moduls, intermodular tasks, end-of-project conference, publishing Quide for professional development, dissemination to all ETTA advisors, new training courses/projects Duration: 2009 – 2010 Funding: ETTA, Croatia Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA
Objectives • to train advisers and key trainers in the principles and practice of in-service teacher development and lifelong professional learning • to build training capacity at regional and local levels through a cascade model of County Coordinators of Teacher Training(CCoTT) • to establish guidelines for good practice in in-service course design and delivery • to prepare sample training materials based on generic training principles • to familiarise participants with good practice in observation and supervision for professional development • to establish a team ethos and mutual support strategies among the advisors Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA
Location: Zagreb 9 Rijeka 4 Osijek 4 Split 3 Subject areas: 16 subjects ETTA working experience: English speaking: 65% ETTA Advisors (20) Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA
Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA
Module - topics Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA
Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA
Programme Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA
Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA
Results 1.) 20 Advisers trained - results presented to all ETTA 110 Advisers 2.) implementation now underway 3.) the publication of a Guide for Professional Development for advisers, CCoTTs, mentors and other teachers trainers and teachers themselves. “This Guide is specially valuable because it fills the gap in literature in Croatian language on issues of teacher training and professional development of teachers, educational specialists and principles.” (Basic, 2010.) Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA
Evaluationafter Modul 4 Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA
Evaluationafter 6 mounths Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA
Advisers’ voices I’ve improved the way I design trainingcourses and implemented the majority of ideas...teachers like mynew approach totraining.. I’ve also noticed that other colleagueschanged the structure of their training courses, and togetherwith one colleague I am preparing a course... The greatest value of the programme is that content and methods provided a better insight into the aim of training, and effective training of teachers as adult learners. You just can’t ignore what you’ve experienced, learned and understood as the programme participant. Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA
Dissemination (topics) Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA
Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA
http://www.azoo.hr/tekst/zbornik-radova-strucno-usavrsavanje-i-profesionalni-razvoj-/2510http://www.azoo.hr/tekst/zbornik-radova-strucno-usavrsavanje-i-profesionalni-razvoj-/2510 Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA
Thank you for your attention! Remember..“Change is mandatory; growth is optional”(Fullan 1993) Sanja Milović - senior advisor for international cooperation, ETTA