Art Is Your Art Good Enough For An Art Show Is Your Art Good Enough For An Art Show? Lets defines terms here. By ‘good’ in terms of an art show meaning interesting, engaging and that ultimately someone would be willing to transfer money from their bank account to yours to own it.
What's the perennial question that a good half of all artists face?
It's not a lack of inspiration, or the money to sustain oneself. From our survey, It seems that its simply - How do I get noticed?
I have always had the mindset that, if I wanted someting bad enough, as long as it didn't defy God's Law that I had the capabilities to accomplish the situation. Even though we are creative, sometimes we must come out of our cozy self-created wonderland and ask the question "Is my art any good?"
On the internet, you will find an overwhelming range of quality in art, everything from random pencil doodles scribbled on lined notebook paper to the most highly polished, professional artwork that exists. Since the range of quality is so massive, there really is no “standard” whatsoever for what should be shown publicly. What it really boils down to is what your motivations are for showing your art. If you are looking to work professionally, my answer would be to get over it and get your work out there immediately. If you’re making art for yourself, then go with your instinct and do what you are most comfortable with.
When you finally do make the decision to show your work to the world, you have to brace yourself for the wave of comments that occurs and be ready to handle it. Showing your art can be both incredibly rewarding and difficult at the same time. Every time you show your artwork publicly, it is like walking the plank. Putting your work out there is a big risk every time. I have had people say lovely, moving things to me about my work. I have also had people make brutal, insensitive, comments.
I had a professor in college who came up to me in person, completely unsolicited, one day and said to me ”I am very disturbed by what you do,” and then went on to describe in great detail what a terrible artist I was. I was so completely startled by his comments that I was left speechless. Fortunately I did not let that deture me from my dreams, goals and accomplishments.
Are people really interested in your art? Do people stop and stare when they pass your art?
It is all relative of course. If you are a beginner artist then your art may not have reached it’s full potential yet, but there has to be a certain something about your art no matter what level of experience you have that makes people stop, look and get interested if you want to have any chance of success with your own art show.
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