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NCCTG N9831 May 2005 Update. Perez EA, Suman VJ, Davidson N, Martino S, Kaufman P, on Behalf of NCCTG, ECOG, SWOG, CALGB. NCCTG N9831 Schema. Paclitaxel qw x 12. AC q3w x 4. Arm A:. RANDOMI Z E. Paclitaxel qw x 12. Arm B:. AC q3w x 4. H qw x 52. Paclitaxel qw x 12 + H qw x 12.
NCCTG N9831May 2005 Update Perez EA, Suman VJ, Davidson N, Martino S, Kaufman P, on Behalf of NCCTG, ECOG, SWOG, CALGB
NCCTG N9831 Schema Paclitaxel qw x 12 AC q3w x 4 Arm A: RANDOMIZE Paclitaxel qw x 12 Arm B: AC q3w x 4 H qw x 52 Paclitaxel qw x 12 + H qw x 12 Arm C: H qw x 40 AC q3w x 4 Radiation and/or hormonal therapy as indicated Perez E. Protocol NCCTG-N9831. H=trastuzumab (4mg/kg loading dose, followedby 2mg/kg); doxorubicin dose 60mg/m2;cyclophosphamide, 600mg/m2; paclitaxel, 80mg/m2 q3w=every 3 weeks; qw=weekly
Statistical PlanAddition of H to AC T • Two pairwise comparisons • Goal • To detect a 33% increase in median DFSfrom 6.3 to 8.4 years • Final analysis • At 663 events for A vs Ccomparison • At 789 events for A vs B comparison Sequential AC T H Control: AC T vs Concurrent AC T + H H Control: AC T vs T=paclitaxel; DFS=disease free survival
Statistical Plan Timing of H Initiation • Pairwise comparison • Goal • To detect a 29% increase in median DFSfrom 7.3 to 9.4 years • Final analysis • At 590 events for B vs C comparison Sequential AC T H Concurrent AC T + H H vs
Cardiac Testing RANDOMIZE Paclitaxel Arm A: AC x 4 Arm B: AC x 4 Paclitaxel H Arm C: AC x 4 H Paclitaxel + H Time (months) 6 0 3 9 18–21 LVEF measurement No H if symptoms or LVEF ↓ >15% or ↓ to <LLN Pre-AC Post-AC LVEF=left ventricular ejection fraction; LLN=lower limit of normal
Impact of Joint Analysis on N9831 April 2005 • Joint analysis with B-31: Concurrent approach • DMC asked for an unplanned interim analysis comparing Arm B (sequential) vs Arm C (concurrent) to assist in patient management AC T + HHsignificantly improves disease-free and overall survival vs control: AC T DMC=data monitoring committee
Patient/Event Status at Time of Joint Analysis April 2005 • Patients • Enrollment goals met (n: >3300) • 700 patients on chemotherapy • 2701 patients entered prior to 1/1/2005 • Median follow up: 1.5 years • Total disease-free survival events • A and B: 220 (of 789 needed) • B and C: 147 (of 590 needed)
Results Disease-Free Survival Joint Analysis *Stratified – nodal status and receptor status N9831 Analysis A B B C *Stratified – nodal status and receptor status **for patients randomized before 1/1/2005
Disease-Free Survival: A vs BN9831 AC → T → HEvents=103 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 AC → TEvents=117 % Hazard ratio=0.87 Stratified logrank 2P=0.2936 0 1 2 3 4 Years Number of patients followed A 979 629 353 168 15 B 985 637 403 169 20
Disease-Free Survival: B vs CN9831 AC → T + H → HEvents=53 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 AC → T → HEvents=84 % Hazard ratio=0.64 Stratified logrank 2P=0.0114 0 1 2 3 4 Years Number of patients followed B 842 501 285 162 20 C 840 520 285 178 17
Overall Survival Joint Analysis Results *Stratified – nodal status and receptor status N9831 Analysis Results A B B C *Stratified – nodal status and receptor status
Other Relevant Factorsfor Patient Management • HER2 testing • Cardiac tolerability comparisons based on planned analyses
HER2 Testing in N9831 • Modest level of concordance between local and central laboratories for both IHC and FISH • With HercepTest™: 81% (78-83%) • With FISH: 87% (84-90%) • High level of agreement between central and reference laboratory results for HER2 • 94.5% for IHC (0, 1+, 2+) • 95.1% for FISH (not amplified) • Accurate HER2 testing is critical given the degree of trastuzumab benefit as a component of adjuvant therapy Updated from Perez EA, et al. ASCO 2004 (abstract 567)
Cardiac Monitoring Plan • Monthly formal review of LVEF, clinical data • Interim analyses after 100, 300, and 500 patients per arm • completed AC and followed at least 6 months • ~ 9 months from registration Perez EA, et al. ASCO 2005 (abstract 556)
Effect of the Introduction of H on Cardiac Tolerability • Difference in the incidence of cardiac events (CHF and cardiac deaths) between non-H and H arms is <4% • 9 month analysis; 500 per arm with nl LVEF or LVEF decrease 15% from baseline (after AC) • 0.0% (95% CI,0.0-0.7%) for control • 2.2% (95% CI,1.1-3.8%) for control vs sequential • 3.3% (95% CI,2.0-5.1%) for control vs concurrent* therapy with paclitaxel * at month 9, concurrent pts have received 3 additional months of H compared to sequential Perez EA, et al. ASCO 2005 (abstract 556)
Effect of Introduction of H on Disease RecurrenceConclusions • 52% decreased recurrence with concurrentvs control treatment (P=3X10-12) (joint analysis finding) • 13% decreased recurrence with sequential vs control treatment (P=0.2936) • 36% decreased recurrence with concurrent vs sequential treatment (P=0.0114) • More follow up is needed to determine whether this trend continues
NCCTG N9831Next Steps • Pre-specified interim analyses at 50%, 67%, and 75% of events still planned • Continued exploration of predictive factors for cardiac toxicity • Continued patient follow up