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Transit Asset Management: The Key to Maintaining State of Good Repair

Learn about the importance of Transit Asset Management (TAM) in keeping transit networks in optimal condition. Explore TAM basics, oversight processes, and compliance requirements to enhance transparency, accountability, and safety in asset management strategies.

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Transit Asset Management: The Key to Maintaining State of Good Repair

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  1. Transit Asset Management: What’s Next? Alexandra Galanti/Mshadoni Smith 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference August 14-16, 2019

  2. Today’s Presentation 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference Overview TAM Basics TAM Oversight Technical Assistance FHWA Implementation Review FTA TAM Program

  3. TAM and State of Good Repair 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference The purpose of the National TAM System is to keep our Nation’s assets in a State of Good Repair (SGR) Consequences of not being in a SGR include: Safety risks Decreased system reliability Higher maintenance costs, and Lower system performance

  4. What is Transit Asset Management? 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference TAM is a business model that uses the condition of assets to guide the optimal prioritization of funding at transit properties in order to keep our transit networks in a State of Good Repair (SGR).

  5. Anticipated Benefits of Asset Management 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference Improved transparency and accountability Optimized capital investment and maintenance decisions More data-driven maintenance decisions Potential safety benefits

  6. FTA Backlog Estimates Since 2010 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference

  7. 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference TAM BASICS

  8. 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference The Two Types of FTA Rule Deliverables Process Reports Data Report Performance Targets Performance Status Condition Assessments Inventory Narrative report (Oct 2019) • Compliant TAM Plan • Group • Individual Tier I • Individual Tier II • Recordkeeping & Coordination with Planning • Certification

  9. TAM Deliverable Cycle 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference Reporting deadlines are relative to the end of your fiscal year

  10. Key Features of the TAM rule 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference TAM Final Rule provides a foundation for addressing SGR backlog Simple, Scalable, Structured, and Standard Focuses on measuring and monitoring performance and condition Minimizes burden on smaller transit providers

  11. TAM Plan Elements 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference Inventory of Capital Assets Condition Assessment Decision Support Tools Investment Prioritization TAM and SGR Policy Implementation Strategy List of Key Annual Activities Identification of Resources Evaluation Plan All Providers (Tier I & II) Tier I only Operates Rail OR ≥ 101 vehicles across allfixed route modes OR ≥ 101 vehicles in one non-fixed route mode

  12. Tier II & Group Plan - TAM Plan Elements 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference Inventory of Capital Assets Condition Assessment Decision Support Tools Investment Prioritization

  13. TAM Plan Process 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference NOTE: FTA estimates that fewer than 20% of transit providers do a Tier I Plan

  14. 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference TAM OVERSIGHT

  15. What is the TAM Oversight Process? 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference Follows traditional FTA oversight process Triennial and State Management Review of TAM requirements began in FY 2019 Compliant TAM Plans should be on hand for the review TAM POC’s in Regional Offices are potentially available for further assistance during scoping

  16. Comprehensive Oversight Review - TAM Questions 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference Has the recipient developed a TAM plan? Does the recipient’s plan have the required elements for the appropriate tier? Have TAM responsibilities been assigned to an accountable executive? Has the group plan sponsor developed the group TAM plan? Have group plan participants fulfilled their obligations in the development and implementation of the group TAM plan? Has the recipient set performance targets annually? Does the recipient share its TAM plan information with its planning partners? Does the recipient monitor subrecipients for compliance with TAM requirements?

  17. Certification 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference TAM Plans are Self-Certified by the grantee’s Accountable Executive (AE) Certifications and Assurances reflects TAM rule requirements.

  18. Compliance FAQs 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference Compliance Who must comply with the TAM rule? How do transit providers comply with the TAM rule? Am I a tier I or tier II agency? My agency is the public transportation provider for a tribal government. What are we responsible for under the TAM rule? How will FTA ensure compliance with the TAM rule? Which 5310 grantees are exempt from the TAM rule? What deadlines must I comply with under the TAM rule? www.transit.dot.gov/TAM/gettingstarted/FAQsArchive

  19. What Happens If Not In Compliance? 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference You won’t be able to pen the Certifications & Assurances for new grants Non-compliance during a comprehensive oversight review (Triennial or State Management) may result in a finding

  20. 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference Technical Assistance

  21. Key Technical Assistance Products 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference Training Courses Online Resources Webinar Series TAM Events FTA TAM website www.transit.dot.gov/TAM/

  22. Training Courses 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference Introduction to Transit Asset Management for Tier I Providers (NTI) Transit Asset Management Implementation for Tier II Providers and Sponsors (NTI) Calculating Performance Measures and Setting Targets (TSI) TAM 201 Course: Managing Asset Lifecycle and Risk Training (in development)

  23. Online Resources 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference TAMNews Newsletters (quarterly) Narrative Report Example

  24. TAM for Tribes 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference Tribes share the same requirements as most small providers TAM for Tribes webpage is a one-stop shop for asset management resources, curated with tribes in mind: TAM plan requirements for tribes Group Plan participation Frequently asked questions Reporting requirements Tribal Points of Contact at FTA Regional Offices Tribal Template www.transit.dot.gov/TAM/Tribes

  25. Group Plan Sponsor Workbook 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference Who, What, & Why of TAM TAM Plan Role for Group Sponsors How to develop a Group TAM Plan Other Considerations (e.g., reporting, monitoring) www.transit.dot.gov/TAM/TAMPlans/GroupWorkbook

  26. Group Plan Sponsor Workbook 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference

  27. TAM Template for Small Providers -> “TAMPLATE” 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference Purpose: Develop a compliant TAM Plan Coming Soon!

  28. Webinar Series 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference

  29. TAM Events 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference TAM Roundtable for Bus Sept 4-5 in St. Louis, MO “Introduction to Transit Asset Management” (NTI) Sept 17-19 in Washington, DC FHWA/FTA TPM and PBPP Implementation Workshops 2019 Nov 5-7 in Atlanta, GA www.transit.dot.gov/TAM

  30. Where do you get information from? 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference Getting Started introduces a logical roadmap to TAM

  31. Regional Points of Contact 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference

  32. 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference Preliminary Survey Results FHWA Implementation review www.fhwa.dot.gov/tpm/

  33. Transportation Performance Management (TPM) 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference Purpose of TPM Implementation Plan: Stakeholders have information needed to implement TPM Build professional capacity Integrate performance management into business practices US DOT evaluates impact Goal: To develop capacity-building resources, contribute to research road map, and refine TPM guidance

  34. Transportation Performance Management (TPM) 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference Asked 3 basic questions: Progress implementing TPM practices? Effectiveness of processes: Performance-Based Planning & Programming (PBPP) Transportation Performance Management (TPM) Asset Management Additional resources needed to advance state-of-the-practice?

  35. TPM Survey – Survey Structure 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference

  36. TPM Survey – Survey Structure 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference

  37. TPM Survey – Agency Capabilities? 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference

  38. TPM Survey – Performance-Based Justification? 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference

  39. 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference FTA TAM PROGRAM STATUS

  40. TAM Program Highlights 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference First TAM plans (Oct 2018 ) First Comprehensive Oversight Reviews (began Spring 2019) Eight (8) questions of Compliance First NTD reports Inventories, Targets and Condition Assessments First Published Targets and Inventories (Oct 2019) Shifting focus from compliance to creating TAM culture

  41. FTA Lessons Learned 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference What we did well Include the regions early and often Open consistent communication with stakeholders Initial TAM Plans complete! What we could have done better Better timed resource delivery Developed curriculum for TAM Targeted executives for buy-in earlier What’s due next? Narrative reports, Coordinate with Planning, Align with Safety....(wash, repeat)

  42. Coordination/Communication 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference Internal Regional TAM Points of Contact (POC) Team Narrative Reports (begins Oct 2019) External Roundtables remain public agency only Webinar Series of peer agencies

  43. New FTA Projects 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference Research Systems Asset Category (spring 2020) TAM Program Evaluation (2023) Set baseline for program Identify metrics and data Longitudinal design

  44. Future of FTA TAM program 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference Researching data quality standards Continue Technical Assistance Peer exchanges, Focused roundtables, Factsheets, reports and tools Add to Industry Knowledge Focus on TAM as a strategic approach, business model Incorporating into strategic and long range plans, workforce planning Creating a ‘TAM culture’

  45. Shifting from Managing Assets to Asset Management 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference • Whole life perspective considers value and cost of asset from cradle to grave • Integrative Approaches (technology, systems engineering) • Continuous process of monitoring performance • Data systems and use of technology • Qualitative data is valued and can be leveraged • Asset Management is active, while managing assets is passive.

  46. Managing Assets vs. Asset Management 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference Long-term performance Daily service Age Condition and risk Up-front cost Maintenance Whole-life cost Lifecycle management Silos Reactive Integration Proactive

  47. Moving the Dial: Creating a TAM Culture 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference Culture: Shared set of values, goals, and practices that characterizes an organization Clear Communication Lifecycle Management Organizational Mission Alignment Performance Monitoring Incorporating Lessons Learned

  48. Review 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference TAM is a business model, purpose is to drive the State of Good Repair and reduce backlog TAM Rule requirements include developing appropriate TAM Plan, internal processes, reporting asset information to NTD Requirements of smaller providers and their plan sponsors: asset inventory, condition assessment, decision tool, investment prioritization Technical assistance tools are available

  49. Looking To The Future 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference FTA oversight for TAM (State Management Reviews) begins this year (2019) Performance targets are an annual requirement FTA TAM program will continue to provide technical assistance, especially strategic implementation of TAM

  50. 18th Biennial State Programs Meeting and Public Transportation Partnerships Conference Thank You!

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