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Cyberbullying and OfSTED!

Cyberbullying and OfSTED!. www.digizen.org. Cyberbullying is not a recognised concept. Young people do not tend to use the term and there are strong norms towards “seeing the joke” where online behaviour is concerned. Ippr – behind the screen: The hidden life of youth online.

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Cyberbullying and OfSTED!

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  1. Cyberbullying and OfSTED!

  2. www.digizen.org

  3. Cyberbullying is not a recognised concept. • Young people do not tend to use the term and there are strong norms towards “seeing the joke” where online behaviour is concerned. • Ippr – behind the screen: The hidden life of youth online

  4. But...over 1/3 are worried about cyberbullying on social networks.... Ofcom media literacy report – May 2008

  5. How do you connect to the internet?

  6. 10 year old – Plymouth...

  7. Plenty of resources..... • www.digizen.orgg • www.teachernet.gov.uk/wholeschool/behaviour/tacklingbullying/cyberbullying • www.kidscape.org.uk/childrenteens/cyberbullying.shtml • www.stopcyberbullying.org • www.dfes.gov.uk/bullying • www.bebo.com/CyberBullying.jsp • www.bullying.co.uk/young_people/cyberbullying/index.aspx • www.nasuwt.org.uk/cyberbullying • www.cyberbullying.ca • www.msn.co.uk/img/specials/portal/cyberbullying/cyberbullying_tall_revised3.pdf • www.cyberbully.org • www.anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk/downloads/pdf/cyberbullying-researchsummary.pdf • www.need2know.co.uk/relationships/bullying/article.html/id=1131 • stopbullyingnow.hrsa.gov/adult/indexAdult.asp?Area=cyberbullying • www.wiredsafety.org/gb/law/spam/uk_cyberbullying.html • www.childline.org.uk/Info/OnlineSafety/Pages/CyberBullying.aspx • And many many others.... • 811,000 google hits for cyberbullying

  8. Schools must be proactive • Get children involved • Start at primary • Encourage dialogue • Make links between on and off line... • Encourage children to create the resources

  9. The Byron Review • “It’s easier to say horrible stuff about people on the internet. It got really horrible in Year 10. Lots of people were being bullied over the internet. It gets brought into school. When friends do this, it’s horrible. It makes you really upset. You don’t want to go into school again...”

  10. www.netsmartz.org • Animations • Videos • Lesson plans

  11. “I would never have said those things to someone’s face...”

  12. Link online and offline..... • If you wouldn’t dream of saying it in the real world, then why say it online?

  13. Provide a stimulus for discussion • Why is this not acceptable? • So why do people still do it? • What can we do? • Make the link between on and offline as strong as possible – constantly reinforce.... • Think before you post....

  14. Orange

  15. Adina’s Deck

  16. What about teachers? • Teacher baiting • Rate my teacher • Hate sites • Fake profiles • Etc.

  17. I had no idea that it would upset him so much. • It was just a laugh. • We didn’t realise that so many people would see. • I just put it up there, others sent it around...

  18. Who can see this stuff?

  19. Myth and Reality • It was only for my boyfriend • It was a private thing between him and me • I felt safe in my bedroom • I never believed he’d do that • I trusted him • Now everyone knows...

  20. We say...”Be careful what you do on webcam” • Should we be more explicit? • Do we need to tell them not to expose themselves? • Do we need to tell them not to perform sexual acts on webcam? • Why are they doing these things?

  21. 14 year old boy I would never have done that if I’d realised. It was only a bit of fun Everyone’s doing it It wasn’t supposed to upset her

  22. www.safesocialnetworking.com

  23. http://www.teachernet.gov.uk/wholeschool/behaviour/tacklingbullying/cyberbullyinghttp://www.teachernet.gov.uk/wholeschool/behaviour/tacklingbullying/cyberbullying

  24. www.teachtoday.eu

  25. Byron Review I recommend that messages to the public around e-safety include the need to consider e-safety at times that children are not in the family home.

  26. “In good schools all staff will have a role with regards to e safety”

  27. To empower children and raise the skills of parents: • Deliver esafety through the curriculum • Provide teachers and the wider children’s workforce with the skills and knowledge they need • Reach children and families through extended schools • Ensure that OfSTED holds the system to account on the quality of delivery

  28. “Schools and local children’s services should use an accredited filtering service.”

  29. We’re not quite there yet but....

  30. 100 SEFs –summer term • Considerable variation • “A considerable proportion of schools do not indicate how they know whether their policies are effective or not in ensuring learners’ e-safety.”

  31. “...proportion of schools providing sufficient evidence of their strategies for ensuring e-safety was low, especially in primary schools.” • “schools rely heavily on external bodies...to provide a degree of e-security. They rarely evaluated the quality of the support received.”

  32. “schools were uncertain of their responsibilities when e-bullying extended beyond the school day.”

  33. Few of the schools indicated how they obtained evidence about the extent of cyberbullying in their school, which raises questions about whether they really recognise how extensive it is.

  34. How can we evaluate effectiveness? • Is e-safety embedded in the curriculum? • How? • From what age? • Does it make a difference? • How do you know?

  35. Have you provided appropriate training and awareness raising for: • Teachers • All school staff • Parents • Governors • Wider community • Children Was it effective? How do you know?

  36. Crucially, is the training ongoing? • How do you ensure ongoing effective CPD for all groups?

  37. Are you monitoring and recording any e-safety incidents?

  38. DCSF will... • Re-emphasise the duty of schools to ensure their pupils’ e-safety • Issue brief guidance on how to evaluate the effectiveness of e-safety policies, providing examples of effective interventions

  39. They will also..... • Work with Becta to develop and maintain schools’ expertise in e-safety, including advising them on legal issues surrounding the use, or confiscation , of private electronic property on school sites.

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