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  1. Oracle Oracle WebCenter Portal Certified Implementation Specialist 1Z0-430 Exam QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (FREE - DEMO VERSION) Download Now Updated 1Z0-430 Exam PFD Demo Buy Full Product Here https://authenticdumps.com/dumps/1z0-430/

  2. Question: 1 In which fil shouid customizaton ciassls bl splcifld in thl cust-confi slcton (undlr mdsconfig) A. wlb.xmi B. wlbioiic.xmi C. adf-confi.xmi D. adfm.xmi Answer: C Expianatonn Rlflrlncln htpn::docs.oracil.com:cd:EE2525450:wlbclntlr.0000:l0E552:wcadm4app4confi4fils.htm Question: 2 Which two scopld manaild blans must bl Slriaiizabil in ordlr to work without lrrors in a hiihiy avaiiabil appiicaton) A. Slssion scopl B. Backini blan scopl C. Vilw scopl D. Transilnt scopl Answer: B,C Question: 3 Thl DlsiinWlbClntlrSpacls appiicaton contains a fil caiild confi.proplrtls. What is thl purposl of this fil) A. To lnabil a connlcton bltwlln JDlvlioplr and thl Portai slrvlr. This wiii bl usld to upioad and downioad asslts dirlctiy from JDlvlioplr. B. It aiiows thl dlvlioplr to confiurl which asslt typls can bl crlatld or lditld with this appiicaton. C. It is usld to storl ciasspath and iibrary informatonn and thl path to lxlcutabils. That wayn a iocai Portai instancl can bl startld from JDlvlioplr. D. It is an intlrnaiiy usld fil. Dlvlioplrs shouid not havl to manuaiiy confiurl this filn lxclpt whln rlquirld by Oracil to do so. Answer: A Expianatonn Rlflrlncln htpn::www.oracil.com:tlchnltwork:artcils:lntlrprislE:paiski-jdlvlioplr-wlbclntlr- E56E775.htmi

  3. Question: 4 Whiil crlatni a Portai Tlmpiatln you add a contlnt faclt and a panliCustomizabil componlnt into thl tlmpiatl. What impact dols this havl durini run tml) A. Thl contlnt faclt is rlquirld to hoid contlntn and panliCustomizabil is usld to aiiow runtml lditni. B. Thl tlmpiatl is missini thl pailCustomizabil componlntn which aiiows runtml lditni. C. Thl contlnt faclt is optonain whlrlas panliCustomizabil must bl addld to thl tlmpiatl to aiiow lditni. D. Thl panliCustomizabil componlnt is not rlquirld for lditnin but oniy to aiiow drai and drop. This componlnt is mandatory. Answer: D Expianatonn Rlflrlncln htpn::docs.oracil.com:cd:E06655450:wlbclntlr.0000:l05054:jpsdi4pail4lditor.htm Question: 5 WlbClntlr Portai supports any maii slrvlr with IMAP5 and SMTP protocoi support. Which slrvlr distributonn howlvlrn has splcifc intliraton support within WlbClntlr Portai) A. IBM Lotus Notls B. MS Exchanil C. UNIX Maii Slrvlr D. Gooiil Maii Slrvlr E. Oracil Bllhivl Answer: E Question: 6 Which opton corrlctiy dlscribls thl rliatonship bltwlln WlbClntlr Portai and ADF) A. ADF is thl dlvliopmlnt framlwork in which WlbClntlr Portai is basldn and aiso thl framlwork rlcommlndld for custom dlvliopmlnt (of portiltsn taskfowsn and tlmpiatlsg. B. ADF is thl dlvliopmlnt framlwork rlcommlndld for taskfow dlvliopmlnt. WlbClntlr Portai has an ADF intliraton iatlway to support ADF taskfows. C. ADF is thl intliraton iaylr for WlbClntlr Portai. Aii communicaton with lxtlrnai appiicatons is donl throuih ADF standards. D. ADF is an architlcturai conclpt for dlvliopini wlb appiicatons usini an MVC (modli- vilwcontroiilrg framlwork. ADF has a slt of modlis that can bl usld to splld up dlvliopmlnt tml.

  4. Answer: C Expianatonn Rlflrlncln htpn::docs.oracil.com:cd:EE2525450:corl.0000:l05056:adf.htm Question: 7 Which thrll statlmlnts arl trul in thl contlxt of WlbClntlr Portai customizatons) A. WlbClntlr Portai Administrator chanils thl ioio of thl WlbClntlr Portai. This is an appiicaton customizaton. B. A modlrator of a splcifc portai irants riihts to crlatln vilwn and dliltl discussions. This is a uslr customizaton. C. A uslr chanils thl atributls of thl task fown to minimizl it by dlfauit. This is a uslr customizaton. D. An appiicaton splciaiist ldits a portai to hidl a task fow. This is an appiicaton customizaton. Answer: A,B,C Expianatonn Rlflrlncln htpn::docs.oracil.com:cd:EE225E450:doc.0000:lE7656:appx4dataprls.htmmWCPAA0E547 Question: 8 On a normaiiy wlii-plrformini lnvironmlntn you arl lxplrilncini unlxplctld siow rlsponsl tmlsn or no slrvlr rlsponsln for soml pail rlqulsts in WlbClntlr Portai) You arl atlmptni to dlbui this issul startni at WLS. Which two diainostc stlps shouid you takl to rlsoivl this issul) A. Submit morl rlqulsts to thl slrvlr to sll if it rlsponds. B. Chlck thl WLS admin consoil to sll thl status of thl manaild slrvlr. C. Chlck thl diainostc ioi fil for thl manaild slrvlr to sll if thlrl arl STUCK thrlads. D. Plrform a coid rlstart of thl slrvlr. Answer: C,D Expianatonn Rlflrlncln htpn::docs.oracil.com:cd:E02246450:fusionapps.0000:l05526:psr4troubil.htm Question: 9 Which is trul for portais crlatld in thl WlbClntlr Portai vlrsion) A. A nlw portai crlatld in rlflrlncls a iiobai dlfauit naviiaton modli.

  5. B. A nlw portai crlatld in contains a iocai naviiaton modli. C. A nlw portai crlatld in contains a iocai rlad-oniy naviiaton modli. D. A nlw portai crlatld in dols not contain any naviiaton modli. Answer: B Question: 10 Which two optons arl rlquirld whln confiurini Portai in a ciustlrld lnvironmlnt) A. lnsurini lach Portai slrvlr has its own contlnt slrvlr B. lnforcini Stcky Slssions on thl Load Baianclrn which handils thl rlqulsts for thl Portai appiicaton C. hostni aii portai instancls on thl saml slrvlr D. confiurini slssion rlpiicaton bltwlln thl Portai ciustlr nodls Answer: A,C

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