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Read about the Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern's first experience with Aleph Direct, a hosted application package by Ex Libris. Discover details, chronology, and network information. Learn about system maintenance and ongoing services.
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage Aleph Directfor IDS Lucerne Firstexperience IGELU Berlin september 8, 2013 folie
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage Aleph Direct • Aleph-Installation hostedby Exlibris • System-Level maintenanceby Exlibris(Backup, Oracle etc.) • Application-Level (Aleph-System-Administration) bythecustomer folie
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage First Experience: The shortversion • Itworksverywell(betterthanexpected ;-) • Communication good(but couldsometimeshavebeen a littlebitclearer/faster) folie
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage Andnowsomedetails • Who arewe? • Wheredidwestart ? • Why ‚Aleph Direct‘ ? • Chronology • Daily businessquestions/aspects folie
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage ZHB Luzern / IDS Lucerne • ZHB: Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek:(Central and University Library ofLucerne)(Main librarythelocallibrarynetwork IDS Lucerne) • IDS Luzern: Information Network of German Speaking Switzerland, local network Lucerne (25 libraries, university, university of applied sciences, university of teacher education, special libraries) • Part ofthe national ‘IDS’(InformationsverbundDeutschschweiz) • Staff IDS Lucerne : ca. 150 people • 1.2 Million Bib, 1.6 Million Items • Circulation: 500’000 p year • Aleph since 1999 • Licenses: 58 staff / 45 WWW folie
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage IDS - Information Network of German Speaking Switzerland folie
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage ZHB Luzern / IDS Lucerne • Aleph since 1999 • Aleph serverlocallyinstalled 1998-2013(Sun / Solaris)Sun E450: 1998-2005 (Aleph V11 – V14)Sun Fire V440: 2005-2013 (Aleph V16 – V20) • System-Knowhow not toobig; externalsupportfor Oracle-Issues, Backup-Architecturea.s.o. • Verystable, almostneverproblems on systemlevel, but systembecomingslow • Wewereplanningtoinstallnew Linux-Server for 2013 (V21) folie
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage Other Ex Librisproducts • SFX (commoninstallation in IDS) • Metalib (commoninstallation in IDS, ended in 2013) • Metalib+ for IDS Lucerne= Primo Central Hostedinstallationsince 2012(firststepswith Primo) folie
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage Offers Ex Libris 2012 • Offerfor Primo hosted • Offerfor Aleph hosted (‘Aleph Direct’)(betterpricethanearlieroffers...) • Beinginterested in a) Discovery-Tool andb) Solution for Aleph-Hosting 2013ffwedecidedtogoforthispackage (Aleph Direct + Primo Direct) • In thefuture, weprobably all will havecloudcomputing why not startalready? folie
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage Ex Libris Services (contract) 2.1. Aleph Direct Aleph Direct is an application hosting package. The application is hosted on hardware owned by Ex Libris at a central data center. Ex Libris maintains ownership and responsibility for the ongoing maintenance of the application, including installation of software updates and upgrades. The User is responsible for maintaining the connectivity (with acceptable bandwidth) of the workstations and end users to the main Internet, including network connectivity to the application, and connectivity between the application and the User’s local applications interacting with the application, as well as creating and maintaining firewall definitions and opening required ports that permit access to the application. (a) Hosting implementation services provided by Ex Libris include: 1. Productionhardwareplatform 2. Hardware maintenance 3. 24 x 7 professional operators 4. Centralizedbackupfacilities 5. Redundant environmental systems (power, cooling, and humidity) 6. Robust UPS facilities 7. Diesel power generators (independent power plant) 8. No fewer than 3 ISPs providing OC3-level bandwidth to the facility with load balancing 9. Redundant routers 10. Backup tapes are stored at the data center, with separate offsite long-term retention. (b) Hosting ongoing services provided by Ex Libris include: 1. Disk backups to tape 2. Offsite storage of backup tapes 3. Server monitoring 4. Hardware system upgrades, patches, and maintenance 5. Operating system upgrades, patches, and maintenance 6. System security 7. Applicationavailability (c) Aleph Direct ongoing services provided by Ex Libris include: 1. Ongoingservice pack implementation. 2. Ongoingversionupgrades. folie
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage Ex Libris Services (contract) EXHIBIT D : HOSTED ENVIRONMENT SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT • Availability For the duration of the Agreement, Ex Libris will use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that the Programs are available for access and use in accordance with the Agreement (the "Service") at an annual Uptime Percentage (defined below) of at least 99.5%, as measured over any calendar year. Upon request, Ex Libris shall provide the User with a report of any Downtime during a calendar quarter (the "Quarterly Report"). 2. Definitions "Scheduled Downtime" means any shutdown of the Service for repairs and/or maintenance including installing any updates, new releases and upgrades during a Measured Period. Ex Libris will use its reasonable efforts to provide the User with at least seven (7) days notice in advance of any Scheduled Downtime. Ex Libris will use commercially reasonable efforts to (i) ensure that the Scheduled Downtime falls between the hours of Saturday 20:00 and Sunday 06:00 CET; and (ii) minimize Scheduled Downtime. 3. SLA Exclusions 4. Low UptimePercentage 5. Support Incidents 6. 24x7 Monitoring The Ex Libris hub team provides 24x7 coverage for the Service by monitoring and alerting on any issues or problems with: - servers - operatingsystems - networkdevices (switches/routers) - backupsystems - serversideperformance folie
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage Chronology • November 2012: Idea ‘Aleph Hosting’ • December 2012ff: Offer Ex Libris, negociations • March 2013: Contract • April 2013: Planning • Mai 2013, Week 21/22: Installation Server (EXL) • June 2013, Week 23/24: Upgrade Express (EXL – Lucerne) • June 2013, Week 25/26: User Tests on V21 (Lucerne) • July 2013, Week 27/28: Service Pack, Last Details (Lucerne) folie
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage Chronology ff • 14./15. July 2013: Switch toproduction • August 2013: Installation Testserver (=copyofproduction) folie
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage 3 steps a) Version 20 to Version 21 b) Solaris to Linux c) Localinstallationtoexternalinstallation folie
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage Issuesforus (I) • Whereisourserver? • Ourrestrictions: Server canbeabroad, but it must be Europe; certainly not US. • Ex Librisworkswithwww.equinix.de (Computer/Data centerworldwide, ourinstallation in Amsterdam) ok folie
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage Issuesforus (II) • circulationperformance(distancetoserver 900 km insteadof 20m or 1 km) Till nowweare happy withperformanceandconnection! folie
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage Issuesforus (III) • Cooperationtoocomplicated? itworkswell (dailyworklike in thepast) • Forexample: GUI-Access only open for registered IP-Adresses? GUI-Access norestrictions(just restrictionsyouwantto handle in server_ip_allowed) Restrictionsonlyfor SSH/SFTP (just registered IP-Adresses), whichisreasonable folie
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage Issuesforus (IV) • Loss ofautonomy (somelocalprograms/interfaces not allowed/not possible??) Untilnow, everythingworksfine, e.g.- Dirlist (Pearl) (Tool for web basedaccesstoparametertables) - SAP-Interface (PL SQL)(we do not have a lotoflocalspecialities) folie
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage Issuesforus (V) • Access rights?Standard Aleph-User (aleph/oracle/sql) + sudo-rightswhereneededaleph@dc03kg0257eu(a21_1) ILU01> sudo–lMatchingDefaults entriesforaleph on thishost:!lecture, tty_tickets, !fqdnUser alephmayrunthefollowingcommands on thishost:(root) NOPASSWD: /exlibris/aleph/u21_1/alephe/apache/bin/ • Untilnow, weare ok withsudorights – whenweneedmore, wecantalkto Exlibris folie
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage Issuesforus (VI) • Exlibris tobestingywith Disk-Space? Untilnownoproblems, enoughspacefortemporaryneeds • aleph@dc03kg0257eu(a21_1) ILU50> df–hFilesystem Size UsedAvailUse% Mounted on(fs1) 28G 6.3G 20G 24% /(fs2) 3.9G 1.5G 2.5G 37% /dev/shm/dev/vda1 (fs3) 194M 53M 131M 29% /boot(fs4) 310G 210G 101G 68% /exlibris folie
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage Issuesforus (VII) • Can wework on the SQL-Level aswedidthe last 14 years? (f.ex. Global updates in Z30)Lucerne: Do we have the same rights to work on sql?Ex Libris: Select ok, Update forbidden (for all Aleph-Installations: local or hosted)Lucerne: But we are used to update data on sql-level!Ex Libris: You will have same users/access-Rights in the hosted version as before, so you can work in the same way. folie
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage People concerned • Exlibris (Germany): - 1 projectmanager- 1 technicalconsultant- 1 Implementation Consultant- ‘cloudteam’ • Lucerne:- 1 projectmanager- 1 systemlibrarian folie
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage whodidwhat • Exlibris: - Initial installation V21- Installation u-tree- [Initial export/import Oracle] byourselves- Upgrade-Express (UPX) steps <1000 (parameters) • Lucerne:- Adaptingparametertables- 2 x Export/Import of Oracle and UPX step > 1000 (oracletables) - Service Pack 2 weekspriorto STP - Final Export/Import Oracle + UPX step > 1000 folie
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage Special problems • STP plannedtobedonebyourselves(out ofofficehours!)Saturday 13.7.13 17:00 toSunday 14.7.13 17:00 • Startingwithunexpectedproblem:imprudentkilling a firstlaunchofthe Oracle-Export-script (it was not launched in thebackground) caused an Oracle Error andblockedtheexport needed Exlibris support 7x24hub in IsraelSupport was veryverygood, problemsolved in theearlymorning folie
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage Communication duringproject • In generalgoodanduncomplicate • But couldsometimesbeimproved:- communicationofsomeimportantparameters/informationstook a longtime- Sometechnicalquestionsneeded(too) manymails • Oneexplanation/reason: vacationperiod (june/july) folie
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage Backup • Exlibris offers 7x24 service (no down time for Backup) • Wedecidedtohave a shutdown/restartonce a weekcrontab aleph-user:05 01 * * 0 /exlibris/aleph/u21_1/alephe/aleph_shutdown18 01 * * 0 /exlibris/aleph/u21_1/alephe/aleph_startup folie
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage Monitoring Only after 30 Minutes!(whichisforusreasonableand ok)(SI 16384-453012) Thereareserverlevelchecks, thatare not relatedtotheproduct: 1. Disk space 2. CPU 3. Load 4. Ping Thereareapplevelchecks: 1. Search in the Aleph 2. Oracle healthchecks 3. J-Boss (Forinteroperabilitywith Primo) In general, thechecksaredoneeveryminuteandcreate a critical alert ifthereis a sequenceof 3 failedchecks. But thiscanchange, accordingtotheleveloffalsealertswegetandload on themonitoringsystem. Ifthecustomerwantstotake down its Aleph, theyneedtoletusknow in advance so thatweshut down themonitoring. Otherwisewe will thinkthattheyare down and will trytorestarttheir Aleph, whichcanruinanyworktheyaredoing folie
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage List IGELU-ELUNA-HOSTED-L@LISTSERV.ND.EDU Mon, 6 May 2013 Hello All – IGELU-ELUNA-HOSTED-L is an unmoderated discussion list for users of Ex Libris’ Cloud Services. It is a way for users to share alerts and information specifically about that service, such as questions about connectivity or response problems. It’s an extremely low-traffic list. The only messages are generally the rare “Our catalog (or any other product) seems to be off line, is anyone else having that issue” posting. Discussions of specific Ex Libris products should be posted to the appropriate lists, such as Voyager-L or Aleph500-Discuss-L.http://el-una.org/mailing-lists/all-products-mailing-lists/#elunahosted folie
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch homepage Thankyou Further informations Philipp MartiHead IT ZHB Luzernphilipp.marti@zhbluzern.chseptember 8, 2013 folie