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Brian Shipman Cornwall County Council UK

Brian Shipman Cornwall County Council UK. “The environment is a highly valuable capital asset ”. REGIONAL ECONOMIC STRATEGY FOR SOUTH WEST ENGLAND 2006 - 2015. GDP per inhabitant, 2004 = 116% (EU27=100) Population = 5 million +. REGIONAL ECONOMIC STRATEGY FOR SOUTH WEST ENGLAND

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Brian Shipman Cornwall County Council UK

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  1. Brian Shipman Cornwall County Council UK

  2. “The environment is a highly valuable capital asset”

  3. REGIONAL ECONOMIC STRATEGY FOR SOUTH WEST ENGLAND 2006 - 2015 GDP per inhabitant, 2004 = 116% (EU27=100) Population = 5 million+

  4. REGIONAL ECONOMIC STRATEGY FOR SOUTH WEST ENGLAND 2006 - 2015 GDP per inhabitant, 2004 = 116% (EU27=100) Population = 5 million+

  5. REGIONAL ECONOMIC STRATEGY FOR SOUTH WEST ENGLAND 2006 - 2015 GDP per inhabitant, 2004 = 116% (EU27=100) Population = 5 million+

  6. INNOVATION SKILLS ENVIRONMENT “The environment is identified… as one of three key drivers for the region's future economic success.”  a successful and competitive economy

  7. over 12% of the regional economy relies directly on the land and landscape • quality of life (often associated with environmental quality and cultural opportunities) is a major attractor of investment, businesses, workers and tourists to the region • business efficiency can be enhanced through better environmental management • environmental technologies and services, such as renewable energy, represent a huge global market

  8. GRDP case studies

  9. Cornwall Rivers Project:developed integrated plans for farms and land holdings along river resulting in reduced resource use, better fishing opportunities, tourism, and more (UK) • Working Woodlands 2: supports sustainable wood fuels and products for profit (UK) • Fat Chance: turning cooking oils into a diesel fuel substitute in Malta • Güssing Austria: development of renewable energy facilities sparks economic revitalisation through research, training, tourism

  10. Environment Park: a science and technology park aimed at environment leads to inward investment and job growth (Piemonte Italy) Economic development agency of La Rioja, Spain: provides grants for industries which go beyond compliance in environmental management, including EMAS and ISO 14000 Envision: where environment means business: a business support mechanism in the UK offering advice on increasing environmental performance and credibility

  11. Stages in the Journey • Traditional view - environment is seen as irrelevant, or as a barrier to economic development • Early action – Some environmental activities are supported, but not seen as a key part of the programme

  12. Stages in the Journey continued… • Moving on – Programmes have clear environmental aims, but delivery is not always consistent • Environment as economic driver – Consistent approach throughout Programme preparation, partnership working, project development…

  13. Lessons from GRDP • Understand the current position – identify and promote good practice • Use drivers which are most relevant to your region • Bring champions together • Be clear about what needs to happen – but also take capacity into account; and • Use international networks to show what can be done

  14. A Paradox? • Can a successful environment-driver region become environmentally sustainable? • Or is Convergence growth inevitably unsustainable? • …the case of a Convergence region

  15. The “Co2 Paradox”

  16. GDP per capita 2003

  17. Co2 Emissions per capita 2003

  18. Questions • How far advanced are your programmes? • What support would be helpful in the future to improve programmes? • A luxury for more prosperous regions? (China/India vs. US/EU debate) • The growth paradox: growth in GDP = growth in CO2?

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