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The “Grandest” US Engineering Challenge

This article explores the 14 NAE Grand Challenges that engineers aim to tackle in order to enhance our quality of life. It also discusses Americans' views on engineering, the challenges faced by the field, and the need for a different approach in engineering education.

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The “Grandest” US Engineering Challenge

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  1. The “Grandest” US Engineering Challenge “Broadening Student Expectations for Improving our Quality of Life” Nov 2010 A.L. Soyster Northeastern Engineering

  2. Advance health informatics Engineer better medicines Reverse-engineer the brain Prevent nuclear terror Secure cyberspace Enhance virtual reality Advance personalized learning Engineer the tools of scientific discovery Make solar energy economical Provide energy from fusion Develop carbon sequestration methods Manage the nitrogen cycle Provide access to clean water Restore and improve urban infrastructure 14 NAE Grand Challenges • Who will be There?

  3. U. S. Engineering Classrooms in 2020? Potential Engineers Engineering Classroom?

  4. What do “regular” Americans think about Engineering?

  5. A S S O C I A T E S HART RESEARCH Americans’ Views On Engineering Key findings from a nationwide survey among 808 adults conducted January 22 to 25, 2009 by

  6. Summary Of Findings & Observations On the plus side… • Americans have high expectations of 21st century technological advancements. • Issues and problems that engineers address are seen as critical to our continued well-being and future advancement. • Americans are ready to invest in what it would take to be the leader.

  7. Summary Of Findings & Observations However… • The public has little understanding of the world of engineers and what they do. • In the contest for the best and brightest minds, engineering is seen as losing out to other professions.

  8. While engineering issues are important, most believe the field is losing young people. The field of engineering is: Not sure Losing young people Winning young people Neither winning nor losingyoung people

  9. Net Education Hard, difficult, too much schooling Education reasons, lack of math, science Emphasis on health care, medicine over engineering 27% 16% 15% 12% Net Opportunity Not high paying, more money in other fields Lack of opportunity, more jobs in other fields Not enough publicity, not promoted Not as glamorous/ prestigious as other professions 32% 20% 10% 10% 9% Perceptions of opportunity and education put engineering at a disadvantage. Volunteered Reasons Engineering Is Losing to Medicine, Business, and Law* *Among adults who say engineering is losing to other professions

  10. AAES/Harris Surveys Top 10 Characteristics Associated with Engineers and Scientists

  11. AAES/Harris Surveys Top 10 Characteristics Associated with Engineers and Scientists

  12. Engineers and the Quality of LifeChanging our World

  13. The Smiths5000 BC

  14. The Smiths 2008

  15. Are We Really That Different?

  16. Are We Really That Different? … in intelligence and creativity?

  17. Are We Really That Different? … in our sense of curiosity and wonder?

  18. Are We Really That Different? … in our need for security?

  19. Are We Really That Different? … in the urge to explore?

  20. Are We Really That Different? … in the need to get from here to there?

  21. Are We Really That Different?… in the pursuit of health?

  22. Are We Really That Different? … in our Thirst for Knowledge?

  23. Are We Really That Different? … in our need to communicate?

  24. We really are a lot alike…

  25. So… Why Are Our Worlds So Different? The Difference is Engineering

  26. Where to Start • U.S. Engineering Colleges • Demand for Engineers • Public Attitudes • Parents and Economics

  27. Where to End “Business as Usual” What should U.S. Engineering Educators do differently? Something different

  28. Engineering Education(by the Numbers) John A. White Distinguished Professor and Chancellor Emeritus September 20, 2010

  29. First university degrees in natural sciences and engineering, selected countries: 1998–2006 NOTE: Natural sciences include physical, biological, earth, atmospheric, ocean, agricultural, and computer sciences and mathematics.

  30. Some Observations (Unpopular Thoughts) • Retention, alone (albeit important), is not going to solve the national problem.

  31. Some Observations (Unpopular Thoughts) • Retention, alone (albeit important), is not going to solve the national problem. • We are fooling ourselves if we think high school graduates are college-ready insofar as mathematics is concerned.

  32. Some Observations (Unpopular Thoughts) • Retention, alone (albeit important), is not going to solve the national problem. • We are fooling ourselves if we think high school graduates are college-ready insofar as mathematics is concerned. • The national ACT mathematics score is 21, but an ACT score of 30 is required for calculus in engineering curricula.*

  33. More Observations (Unpopular Thoughts) • Assuming high school graduates are “math-ready” and “computer-savvy” is a false assumption. • Colleges are jamming more and more into a curriculum which is being pressured to be reduced in number of hours. • Prerequisites are being pushed down, even to high school.

  34. More Observations (Unpopular Thoughts) • Assuming high school graduates are “math-ready” and “computer-savvy” is a false assumption. • Colleges are jamming more and more into a curriculum which is being pressured to be reduced in number of hours. • Prerequisites are being pushed down, even to high school. • Grade inflation is occurring in high schools.

  35. More Observations (Unpopular Thoughts) • Assuming high school graduates are “math-ready” and “computer-savvy” is a false assumption. • Colleges are jamming more and more into a curriculum which is being pressured to be reduced in number of hours. • Prerequisites are being pushed down, even to high school. • Grade inflation is occurring in high schools. • Unfortunately, today, college algebra is probably the place for engineering majors to start college, not calculus.

  36. My View/Background/Desire • Students • Alumni • Recruiters • Parents • Researchers • Editorials Engineering Educator went to Washington Combine data and personal experience • 75% Data - 25% Experience • 75% 25% - 25% 75% • BIAS: Want Engineering Education to Thrive

  37. Some U.S. Trends • Total 1985- 80,000 engineering B.S. (9.5%) 2009 – 68,000 (5%) (2) Women 1997 – 18% 2007 – 18% (3) SAT and ACT: 1993 – 157,000 Plan on Engineering 2008 – 148,000 Plan on Engineering

  38. Influential Reports/Studies • Engineer of 2020 • Educating the Engineer of 2020 • Engineering for a Changing World • Moving Forward to Improve Engineering Education • Enhancing the Community College Pathway • Academic Competitiveness Council • Urban Institute (Engineering shortage a myth! 2007) • Why Don’t Young People want to become engineers? (E. J. of Engineering Education 2010)

  39. A Primer on the U.S. Supply-Today • Currently about 400,000 undergraduates and 200,000 graduate students (10 million undergraduates) • 360 “Accredited Engineering Colleges in US • 70,000 Engineering BS degrees in 2009 – 24,000 Engineering Faculty • Tuition $4000 to $40,000 per year • Faculty - $80,000 to $200,000 annual Salaries

  40. A Primer on U.S. Supply – Earlier Times • 40,000 BS Engineers in 1960 • 80,000 B.S. Engineering Degrees in 1985 • Overall U.S. B.S. degrees increase by 50% since 1985 • Engineering BS Degrees (% of Total) drops from 9.5% 1985 to 5% (2008) • Participation by Women and Underrepresented Minorities virtually unchanged in past 10 years

  41. A Primer on U.S. Engineering Demand – Macro View (2006) 1.5 million engineers employed 1.9% Unemployment (4.6% Life Sciences) 3.7% Involuntary out of Field (9.9% Life Sciences) 1% growth rate (Bureau of Labor Statistics) (3% Life Sciences)

  42. A Primer for U.S. Demand – Micro • 60K starting salary for BS Engineering (highest among majors) • 81K Median Salary(NSF) • 1 in 5 Engineering Seniors – Different Path (2010 Center for Advancement of Engineering Education) • 4years Post BS Eng – 43% working out of field

  43. Engineering Other Pathways 57% 43% Happy or Sad

  44. Constituents Viewpoint • Aerospace Industry • Bill Gates • STEM Educators • U.S. Government • Parents • Students? (Discuss later) [ me ]

  45. Engineering for a Changing World (Duderstadt) • Professional preparation or academic discipline? “Undergraduate engineering should be restructured as an academic discipline, similar to other liberal arts disciplines in the sciences, arts and humanities, thereby providing students with more flexibility to benefit broader educational opportunities offered in the comprehensive American University with the goal of preparing them for a life-time of futher learning rather than near-term professional practice.”

  46. Input / Output Analysis for X(Product A and By Product B) A .4 ProcessX 100 40 Input .3 B 30 Engineering Pipeline – Major focus on Input (NSF, non-profits industry)

  47. 7300 Engineering Ph.D.s 3.5 million high school graduations 16 million college students 1.5 million Engineers K-12 Engineering Education (200 mil)

  48. Input / Output Analysis for X(Product A and By Product B) A .4 ProcessX 100 40 Input .3 B 30 Engineering Pipeline – Major focus on Input (NSF, non-profits industry Process X – What Engineering Colleges do Change Process X to Process Y ? X: focus on Product A Y: focus on Product A and By-Product B

  49. Input / Output Analysis for Y A .3 Process Y 200 60 Input .4 B 80 A = graduates into engineering careers B = graduates into other professions

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