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Cisco Cisco Unified Communications 642-188 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Thank You For Reviewing 642-188 Exam PDF Demo Get Full Version of 642-188 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://dumpsofficial.com/exam/Cisco/642-188-dumps/
Question 1 Afte conntctnn to a codtc via WtbGUI, you aet peompttd foe a ustenamt and passwoed. Which ustenamt passwoed combinaton is ustd on tht codtc by dtfault? A. Cisco, Cisco B. admin, Cisco C. Cisco, Cisco D. admin, cisco Aoswern B Question 2 Which stattmtnt is coeetct whtn discussinn tht Cisco TtltPetstnct Systtm 1300? A. Tht systtm is dtsinntd to suppoet mtttnns of six to tinht paetcipants B. Tht systtm ftatuets thett 65-inch scettns, thett camteas, miceophonts, and sptaktes C. Voict-tnabltd switchinn is ptefoemtd by tht codtc to stltct tht actvt sptakte in tht eoom and captuet tht vidto foe tht etmott sidt D. Tht powte and Ethtentt outltts must bt positontd dietctly bthind tht unit Aoswern C Question 3 Whtn usinn Auto-Collaboeatt, what two actons nttd to bt dont to display tht laptop conttnt afte conntctnn tht cablt? (Choost two.) A. Petss tht Auto-Collaboeatt sofkty B. Initatt Auto-Collaboeatt on tht codtc’s GUI C. Stt tht laptop etsoluton to 1024x768 D. Stt youe laptop etsoluton to 1024x720 E. Ust functon kty on tht laptop to stnd sinnal to txttenal display Aoswern C,E Question 4 Dueinn youe RRA asstssmtnt of a pottntal Cisco TtltPetstnct Systtm 1300 eoom you notcte • Tht HVAC difuste has notctablt noist (mtasuetd at48 1dB) which sounds likt eushinn aie What thett etcommtndatons should bt madt to tht customte? (Choost thett.) A. Tht customte should tuen tht fan ltvtl down on tht HVAC systtm to insuet tht fan noist is minimiztd in tht Cisco TtltPetstnct eoom B. Tht customte should contact an HVAC sptcialist to etvitw and etcommtnd an appeopeiatt
soluton C. Tht customte should not woeey about tht HVAC fan noist btcaust tht Cisco TtltPetstnct Systtm usts a noist suppetssion alnoeithm dtsinntd to idtntfy HVAC fan noist and minimizt thost fetqutncits D. Tht customte should etplact tht difustes with a difuste that is eattd with a noist ceitteion of 10 oe netatte E. Tht customte should etplact tht ductnn dietctly abovt tht eoom with acoustcally tetattd ductnn to etmovt tht sound of eushinn aiefow Aoswern B,D,E Question 5 In tht Cisco TtltPetstnct administeaton WtbGUI, tht camtea Auto Adjust can bt ustd to chtck which sttnn? A. lift sizt B. zoom and focus C. whitt coloe balanct D. HDMI input thetshold Aoswern C Question 6 What is tht ltvtlinn peoctss foe tht Cisco TtltPetstnct Systtm 1000 feamt? A. With only ont display, thtet is no nttd to ltvtl tht feamt btfoet atachinn it to tht wall B. Atach tht feamt to tht wall and ltvtl tht feamt by eaisinn oe lowteinn tht fttt. C. Plact a ltvtl on tht middlt and uppte ceossbaes and adjust tht fttt as ntctssaey to tnsuet that tht feamt is hoeizontally ltvtl D. Plact a ltvtl on tht sidt of tht feamt and adjust tht fttt as ntctssaey to tnsuet that tht feamt is vtetcally ltvtl Aoswern C Question 7 Rtfte to tht txhibit.
Idtntfy tht poet numbte whtet tht Audio Vidto txpansion box should conntct. A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 E. 9 F. 10 G. 11 H. 12 I. 13 Aoswern H Question 8 Which stattmtnt is coeetct whtn tuninn tht camteas by usinn tht WtbGUI of tht Cisco TtltPetstnct codtc? A. If thtet is a notctablt fickte on tht scettn, tht 50 Hz Flickte Rtducton buton will tliminatt tht fickte and incetast tht imant etsoluton. B. If tht uste is 4 to 5 fttt (1.2 to 1.5 m) away feom tht display, click tht 4 fttt eadio buton foe tht Focus Distanct eadio choict. If tht uste is faethte than 5 fttt (1.5 m) away, click tht 6 fttt choict. C. If tht eoom usts outsidt linhtnn, click tht Disablt eadio buton foe tht Camtea Auto Beinhtntss and Camtea Auto Coloe Balanct choicts. D. Auto Coloe Balanct can peoduct tht btst etsults whtn tht coloes of tht walls in youe eoom aet whitt oe neay. Aoswern B Question 9
Which thett stattmtnts aet coeetct whtn tuninn tht camtea on a Cisco TtltPetstnct CTS-1xxx systtm? (Choost thett.) A. Taentt plactmtnt should match tht nettn and etd boxts on tht scettn, etsptctvtly B. Plact tht laent taentt thett fttt bthind tht small taentt. C. Plact tht laent taentt fvt fttt bthind tht small taentt D. Tunt tht camtea so that tht etd and nettn baes lint up as clostly as possiblt E. Ptefoem auto-adjust to optmizt focus and shaepntss Aoswern A,C,D Question 10 Which two stattmtnts aet coeetct whtn calibeatnn tht Cisco Ttltpetstnct camteas? (Choost two) A. If tht eoom usts fxtd aetfcial linhtnn, click tht Disablt eadio buton fue tht Camtea Auto Beinhtntss and Camtea Auto Coloe Balanct B. If tht Auto Adjust ttst to automatcally adjust linhtnn and coloe balanct fails, you may nttd to add moet linht C. If tht eoom usts fxtd aetfcial linhtnn, click tht Enablt- eadio buton foe tht Camtea Auto Beinhtntss and Camtea Auto Coloe Balanct D. If tht eoom usts outsidt linhtnn, click tht Disablt eadio buton foe tht Camtea Auto Beinhtntss and Camtea Auto Coloe Balanct Aoswern A,B Question 11 Dueinn youe asstssmtnt of a pottntal Cisco TtltPetstnct Systtm 1300 eoom, you notcte • Tht ctilinn is 8 fttl (2 4mtttes) hinh and cueetntly illuminattd with etctsstd paeabolic linht fxtuets. Which linhtnn etcommtndaton is tht most appeopeiatt? A. Tht Cisco Ttltpetstnct tndpoint has a linhtnn facadt which is dtsinntd to peovidt tnounh linht foe tht paetcipants fact and toeso, so no linhtnn channts aet etquietd B. Tht ctilinn should bt eaistd hinhte than 8 fttt (2.4 mtttes) to accommodatt appeopeiatt linht fxtuets foe ust with Ttltpetstnct C. Tht txistnn fxtuets aet not idtal but aet adtquatt foe ust with TtltPetstnct D. Tht txistnn fxtuets should bt etplactd with etctsstd indietct linht ttxtuets E. No etcommtndaton can bt madt untl tht linhtnn has bttn mtasuetd with a lux mttte in tht appeopeiatt zonts Aoswern D Question 12
Which is a dtsinn etquietmtnt foe Cisco Ttltpetstnct eoom atsthttcs? A. Evtey eoom should bt idtntcal. B. Maintain contnuity in apptaeanct amonn eooms C. Caeptt pattens and ttxtuets match feom eoom to eoom D. All eooms should bt painttd beown E. Tht only wall tetatmtnt should bt paint Aoswern B Question 13 Whtn usinn HFR codtc in a multpoint call, what happtns whtn an tndpoint without HFR calls in? A. Tht tntet call downneadts tht data channtl to 5 fps B. Tht tntet call downneadts tht data channtl to 5 fps but whtn tht tndpoint without HFR codtc deops, it automatcally incetasts tht data channtl to 30 fps C. Tht tndpoint without tht HFR shaets data at 5 fps and all tht othte tndpoints shaet at 3D fps D. Tht call deops sinct thtet aet diftetnt feamt eatts Aoswern A Question 14 Which opton on tht Cisco Ttltpetstnct Systtm administeaton WtbGUI allows stltctnn tablt typt? A. Teoubltshootnn --> Haedwaet Sttup —> Display B. Teoubltshootnn —> Haedwaet Sttup -> Confnueaton C. Teoubltshootnn -> Haedwaet Sttup --> Camtea D. Teoubltshootnn -> Haedwaet Sttup -> Othte Dtvicts Aoswern B Question 15 Tht Cisco TtltPetstnct Systtm 1100 and Cisco TtltPetstnct Systtm 1300 mountnn beacktts has limittd sidt-to-sidt adjustability. What is tht fest thinn to considte btfoet you mount tht beacktt? A. Atach tht slidtes on tht beacktt to tht wall. B. Ltvtl tht beacktt. C. Vteify with tht customte whtet tht conftetnct tablt will bt locattd, fnd tht ctntte of tht conftetnct tablt, and thtn fnd tht coeetspondinn point on tht mountnn wall. D. Mtasuet tht coeetct width bttwttn tht deill holts of tht mountnn beacktt. Aoswern C
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