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Algal Blooms and Coliforms in Environmental Microbiology

Explore the impact of pollutants causing algal blooms leading to eutrophication as well as the role of coliforms in detecting fecal contamination. Learn about municipal water and sewage treatments, activated sludge, and anaerobic sludge digestion. Discover the significance of indicator organisms and MPN testing methods.

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Algal Blooms and Coliforms in Environmental Microbiology

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  1. Chapter 27, part C Environmental Microbiology

  2. Algal Blooms • Pollutants (nutrients) may cause algal blooms. • Algal blooms lead to eutrophication. Figure 27.15

  3. Coliforms • Aerobic or facultatively anaerobic, gram-negative, non–endospore forming rods that ferment lactose to acid + gas within 48 hr, at 35°C • Indicator organisms • Used to detect fecal contamination • MPN • Most probable number/100 ml of water

  4. Multiple-Tube Method Figure 6.18a

  5. Multiple-Tube Method Figure 6.18b

  6. MUG Test - galactosidase MUG fluorescent compound • ONPG causes E. coli to make -galactosidase Figure 27.16

  7. Municipal Water Treatment Figure 27.17

  8. Municipal Sewage Treatment Figure 27.19

  9. Activated Sludge Figure 27.20a,b

  10. Anaerobic Sludge Digester • CO2 + 4 H2 CH4 + 2 H2O • CH3COOH  CH4 + CO2 Figure 27.23

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