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Presentation. Enter. Superior Business Software: Risk management, compliance, assurance, asset management, stock management, loss management…. Navigation Details. The presentation consists of 4 sections namely: Overview, Demonstration,
Presentation Enter Superior Business Software: Risk management, compliance, assurance, asset management, stock management, loss management…
Navigation Details The presentation consists of 4 sections namely: Overview, Demonstration, Pricing, and Contact Us. Click on the relevant section to view information pertaining to that section. To view further information in a particular section, click on the relevant green box, as illustrated below: U-Risk background U-Risk Features System Architecture Where green arrows appear next to the info box, these denote that more than one screen is viewable. Click on the relevant arrow to go forward or back, as illustrated below: Back Next To exit the presentation at any time, click the Escape button on your keyboard. Should you have any questions, you are welcome to contact us. Our details can be found under the Contact Us section of this presentation.
U-Risk™ Background Next • U-Risk™ was developed in South Africa by South Africans. It is owned by • IESS (a software-driven solution organisation specialising in risk management) • It is not a conventional software derived from a textbook, but designed on the • basis of practical thought leadership and identified gaps in the market • U-Risk™ is a business management tool embedding three softwares in • one, namely: • Risk Management & Compliance • Assurance (Auditing) • Business Intelligence • It supports best practice frameworks, guidelines and legislation as listed • below, inter alia: • King III • Best practice frameworks (ie ISO31000, COSO) • Legislation (PFMA, MFMA, Treasury Regulations, OHSA, Construction • Regulations, etc) • Other (ie ISO9001) Background Features System Architecture Advantage over Excel
U-Risk™ Background Back • Some typical uses of U-Risk™ include: • Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) • Strategic, Operational, Process, Project and People risk assessments • Regulatory and compliance monitoring • Quality management evaluation and monitoring • Insurance risk management, monitoring and tracking • Internal and Compliance Audits • Asset and stock monitoring and tracking • Used during risk assessment workshops at: • Mayoral Committee of Emfuleni Municipality • Department of Sports and Recreation SA • SASSETA • Tubatse Municipality • Mbombela Municipality • Eden District Municipality • Kannaland Municipality • PSV Holdings (Pty) Ltd (current user) • Petro Logic (current user) • ARMS (current user) • FIMCORP (current user) • Lateral Unison (Current user) Background Features System Architecture Advantage over Excel
King III Back • The issuance of King III was necessitated by the changes in the Company’s • Act of South Africa and changes in international governance trends • The Code applies to all entities, regardless of their nature, size or form of • incorporation. • Chapter 4 on Risk Management reflects the following, inter alia: • Risk management is an integral part of the strategy and business processes • The Board is ultimately responsibility for the process of risk management • Management is responsible for implementing the process • The board should ensure that risk assessments are performed on a • continuous basis using a top-down approach • Risks should be prioritised and ranked to focus the responses and • interventions on those risks outside the board’s risk tolerance limits • Key risks should be quantified • The risk management process should be verified/assured by Internal Audit • The effectiveness of risk management should be reported by the Board • The board should ensure that there are processes in place enabling complete, • timely, relevant, accurate and accessible risk disclosure to stakeholders Background Features System Architecture Advantage over Excel
ISO 31000 Process Back Establishing the context Risk assessment Risk identification Risk analysis Risk evaluation Communication and consultation Monitoring and review Risk treatment Background Features System Architecture Advantage over Excel
COSO Back Internal Environment Risk Management Philosophy and Risk Appetite Objective Setting Objectives and Unit of measure Inventory of opportunities Risk Tolerance Event Identification COSO- Committee of Sponsoring organisations of the Teadway Commission Inventory of risks Risk Assessment Inherent risks Risk response Residual risk Risk Response Risk responses & Portfolio Control Activity Information and Communication Outputs, Indicators, Reports Monitoring Background Features System Architecture Advantage over Excel
ISO 9001 Back • ISO9001 is a global quality management standard that applies to all organisations • It can help both product and service orientated organizations achieve • standards of quality that are recognized and respected throughout the world • U-Risk enables continuous performance and monitoring of gap analysis of your • QMS. A gap analysis will tell you exactly what you need to do to meet the ISO 9001 • standard. It will help you to identify the gaps that exist between the ISO 9001 • standard and your organization's processes. Once you know where the gaps are, • you can take steps to fill your gaps. By following this incremental approach, you will • not only comply with the ISO 9001 standard, but you will also improve the overall • effectiveness of your organization's quality management system. A gap analysis • will also help you to figure out how much time it will take and how much it will cost • to bring your QMS into compliance with the ISO 9001 standard • U-Risk automates the management of QMS documents and records • U-Risk enables organisations to conduct internal compliance audits to ensure • compliance • U-Risk enables identification, analysis, prioritisation of challenges impacting • on quality objectives • U-Risk facilitates internal communication Background Features System Architecture Advantage over Excel
Section 38(1)(a) “the accounting officer for a Department… has and maintains: - Effective, efficient and transparency systems of financial and risk management and internal control;” Section 45(a) “an official in a Department, ….: - Must ensure that the system of ….. and internal control … is carried out within the area of responsibility of that official” Section 51(1)(a) “an accounting authority for a public entity: - must ensure that the public entity has and maintains- (i) …. Systems of … and risk management and internal control Section 57(a) “an official in a public entity: - Must ensure that the system of … and internal control … is carried out within the area of responsibility of that official” PFMA Back Background Features System Architecture Advantage over Excel
Section 62(1)(c) “the accounting officer of a Municipality… must… take all reasonable steps to ensure- that the municipality has and maintain… systems- (i) of… and risk management and internal control” Section 78(1)(a) “Each senior manager of a Municipality and each official… exercising financial management responsibilities must take all reasonable steps within their respective areas of responsibility to ensure- that the system of financial management and internal control… is carried out diligently” Section 95(c) “The accounting officer of a Municipal entity must…take all reasonable steps to ensure- That the entity has and maintain…systems- (i) of… and risk management and internal control” Section 57(a) “Each official of a Municipal entity exercising financial management responsibilities must take all reasonable steps within that official’s area of responsibility to ensure- That the system of financial management and internal control… is carried out diligently” MFMA Back Background Features System Architecture Advantage over Excel
Section 3.2.1 and Section 27.2.1 “The accounting officer / authority must ensure that a risk assessment is conducted regularly to identify emerging risks of the institution / public entity. A risk management strategy, which must include a fraud prevention plan, must be used to direct internal audit effort and priority, and to determine the skills required of managers and staff to improve controls and to manage these risks. The strategy must be clearly communicated to all officials to ensure that the risk management strategy is incorporated into language and culture of the institution / public entity. Treasury Regulations Back Background Features System Architecture Advantage over Excel
Section 8(1) [General duties of employers to their employees] “Every employer shall provide and maintain, as far as is reasonably practicable, a working environment that is safe and without risk to the health of his employees.” OHS Act (85 of 1993) Back • Section 9(1) • [General duties of employers and self-employed persons to persons other than their employees] • “Every employer shall conduct his undertaking in such a manner as to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, that persons other than those in his employment who may be directly affected by his activities are thereby exposed to hazards to their health or safety.” Background Features System Architecture Advantage over Excel
Section 7(1) [Risk Assessment] Every contractor performing construction work shall before the commencement of any construction work and during construction work, cause a risk assessment to be performed by a competent person appointed in writing and the risk assessment shall form part of the health and safety plan to be applied on the site and shall include at least- a) the identification of the risks and hazards to which persons may be exposed to; b) the analysis and evaluation of the risks and hazards identified; c) a documented plan of safe work procedures to mitigate, reduce or control the risks and hazards that have been identified; d) a monitoring plan; and e) a review plan. Construction Regulation (2003) Back Background Features System Architecture Advantage over Excel
U-Risk™ Features Next Background Features System Architecture Advantage over Excel
U-Risk™ Features Cont… Back Next Background Features System Architecture Advantage over Excel
U-Risk™ Features Cont.. Back Background Features System Architecture Advantage over Excel
System Architecture • U-Risk™ is a platform independent web application. Data is stored centrally on the • dedicated U-Risk™ server. • Communication with server is over HTTP protocol. • The application server used is php in conjunction with the webserver Apache, • and database MySQL. • The application is accessible using a username and password. Only licensed users • are able to access the Module for which they have a license. (Persons allocated as • participants in the software do not need to pay a license fee) • U-Risk uses minimal bandwidth and the server version is accessible anywhere in • the world, via an organisation's webserver. Clients connect to the webserver via • the intranet. • For optimum usage of 5 to 10 users, a 2Gb ram is required (Dedicated server • is included in the user package to ensure optimal efficiency). Background Features System Architecture Advantage over Excel
Advantages over Excel Back Next Background Features System Architecture Advantage over Excel
Advantage over Excel BASE Module Back Next Background Features System Architecture Advantage over Excel
Advantage over Excel WORSHOP Module Back Next Background Features System Architecture Advantage over Excel
Advantage over Excel OFFICE MANAGEMENT Module Back Next Background Features System Architecture Advantage over Excel
Advantage over Excel ANALYSIS Module Back Next Background Features System Architecture Advantage over Excel
Advantage over Excel PROFILE Module Back Next Background Features System Architecture Advantage over Excel
Advantage over Excel ASSURANCE Module Back Next Background Features System Architecture Advantage over Excel
Advantage over Excel TRACKING Module Back Next Background Features System Architecture Advantage over Excel
Advantage over Excel LIBRARY Module Back Next Background Features System Architecture Advantage over Excel
Advantage over Excel Business Intelligence Back Background Features System Architecture Advantage over Excel
Demonstration The U-Risk Suite is comprised of fully integrate modules, as reflected below Click on the icon of each module below to learn more:
The BASE module enables the customisation of parameters and standard information in terms of an organisation’s risk and audit models. Access profiles are set in the BASE Module. The BASE module forms the platform for effective and optimal use of the software. It is recommended that only 2 persons have access to the BASE Module (ie U-Risk champions) BASE Module Back
The ANALYSIS Module enables the consolidated analysis of information across an organisation, thus providing benchmarking of common information and a valuable data mining solution.This Module enables Comparative reporting and common risks, common controls, common losses. It provides a dynamic platform for empowered advisory services ANALYSIS Module Back
The WORKSHOP Module provides a workable platform that clearly differentiates the various types of risks. It also enables dynamic evaluation of an organisation’s compliance environment through the Compliance workshop.The Questionnaire workshop is a dynamic interaction workshop that enables the involvement of all in an organisation as well as provides a platform for interaction by external parties. WORKSHOP Module Back Click on Risk Assessment or Questionnaire Workshop to view more detail. Risk Assessments Questionnaire Workshop Strategic Risk Workshop Operational Risk Workshop Process Risk Workshop Project Risk Workshop Questionnaire Workshop People Risk Workshop Occupational Health and Safety risk Workshop Compliance Workshop Insurance Risk Workshop Financial risk Workshop
The WORKSHOP Module enables participants, of a workshop, to actively participate through reduced autocracy, where participants will be able to talk with their fingers and listen with their eyes. The WORKSHOP Module also provides a platform for continuous information updates. It promotes a structured flow of information. U-Risk: The winning solution Back Click on relevant box to view screenshots 1 Objective identification and rating Strategy identification and rating 2 Risk Identification and rating 3 4 Root Cause identification and rating Click to view Click to view Click to view Click to view Analysis Reporting and Monitoring Identification and rating of control measures 7 Losses Identification and quantification 6 Consequence Identification and rating 5 8 Click to view Click to view Click to view Click to view
The identification of objectives is the first step in business planning. The organisation determines its reason for operating. Once objectives have been identified, these are rated on significance (ie its importance) and its achievability (likelihood of achievement) Objective identification & rating Back
An organisation is exposed to various methods (commonly known as strategies) for achieving its objectives. A percentage of the budget is allocated to each strategy. The user is able to allocate strategies to each objective and measure its status of achievability. Actual cost is compared to planned cost as this will give an indication of the budget allocation in terms of monies spent and the status of achievement. Strategy identification & rating Back
Every strategy has various events that would impact on its achievement, either negatively or positively.The process of risk identification & rating enables the identification and classification of such events as well as rating each event in terms of its likelihood of occurrence and impact it will have on the organisation should it occur. Rating is conducted in terms of a rating scale, that is aligned with the relevant organisation’s risk model parameters. Risk identification & Rating Back
Root causes are the events that contribute / gives rise to the occurrence of risks. It is important to identify such events to reduce the likelihood and/or impact of unwanted surprises that could lead to losses. Each root cause is rated on probability and exposure, which averages to give a more realistic rating of individual risks. Root Cause identification & rating Back
Consequences are the impacts of the occurrence of an unwanted surprise. By proactively identifying and rating your consequences, you are able to determine the significance of such unwanted surprises and thus be able to place the necessary focus accordingly. Consequence identification & rating Back
Monitoring losses enables proactive detection of poorly managed risks (ie unwanted surprises) over a period of time. It also acts as red flags that directs focus. Losses identification & quantification Back
Control measures are the actions implemented by management to reduce the likelihood and/or impact of unwanted surprises. Controls are assessed in terms of their effectiveness (ie are they achieving their purpose). Where controls are not achieving their purpose, further action is required to improve the current control environment relevant to the individual risk. Identification & rating of controls Back
It is important to monitor changes in information as this could be the difference between experiencing phenomenal losses and preventing such losses from occurring. Through the embedded Business Intelligence tool, the user is able to graphically analyse information pertaining to objectives, strategies, risks, root causes, consequences, losses, controls and action plans to make empowered decisions and react accordingly. Analysis, Reporting, Monitoring Back
Self-assessments of compliance with relevant laws and regulations is critical in an organisation. Compliance evaluations and surveys highly contributes to proactively ensuring that areas of non-compliance or problem areas identified through surveys are immediately addressed. Questionnaire Workshops Back
The TRACKING Module promotes interaction of all persons in the organisation. The purpose of this module is to enable timeous updates of information by allocated participants. All information captured in this module automatically updates the WORKSHOP Module in terms of:- Action Plans- Compliance- Surveys- Policies and Procedures- Assessments TRACKING Module Back
The LIBRARY Module houses all relevant documents and contains a knowledge base of all information captured in the software in terms of:- Objectives- Strategies- Risks- Root Causes- Consequences- Controls- Action Plans - Audit Findings LIBRARY Module Back
The PROFILE Module provides a detailed helicopter view of all information per workshop, compliance assessment and survey results conducted across the organisation.This Module is ideal for the person overseeing the risk management function or any person requiring immediate access to workshop results as this module provides results of all workshops at a click of a button. PROFILE Module Back
The OFFICE MANAGEMENT Module enables effective management of assets, stock and human resources:Asset Management:- Asset register- Insured assets profile • - Monitoring of LossesStock Management:- Stock counts- Monitoring of stock losses • HR Management: • HR Profiling • Performance management • Productivity management • Leave management OFFICE MANAGEMENT Module Back
The ASSURANCE Module enables value-add audits of the adequacy and effectiveness of an organisation’s control environment. It also enables compliance audits.This Module is fully integrated with the WORKSHOP Module to enable inclusion of risks identified by management, into the audit program.Working papers done in Excel / Word (and then linked to the system) are not required as all working papers are done in this Module. ASSURANCE Module Back
Fees include the following:- Dedicated Server with each package- Consulting in terms of Setup and configuration of Base Module- Population of all existing information (risk registers, incident reports, etc)- Training to all active users on all modules - Dedicated Account Manager- Telephonic & Onsite support- Quarterly version upgrades- Unlimited customised reports- Embedded People Risk survey- Embedded ERM Review Survey- Consulting in terms of populating relevant compliance surveys Click on the link below to request costing structure admin@urisk.co.za
Contact Details 083 944 5246 / 084 380 3258 admin@urisk.co.za www.urisk.co.za