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Preparación Hoy es jueves , el 19 de marzo de 2015 Today is Thursday, March 19, 2015. Look at your notes and information on Fallas . Answer how would you explain to a tourist the following: (answers are on following link and lesson) https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icT25K38t6E
PreparaciónHoy esjueves,el 19 de marzo de 2015Today is Thursday, March 19, 2015 Look at your notes and information on Fallas. Answer how would you explain to a tourist the following: (answers are on following link and lesson) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icT25K38t6E What are ninots of Fallas in Spain? What city and country has them? Which month happens? What is cremá?
Objectives/ Objetivos • Review days question with months. • Describe Easter in • Gather in Groups of 3-4 with similar country • Use your research of one particular Spanish country • Decide how you would present the questions of homework about Easter • Be original. Compare and contrast how Easter is celebrated in the area, country you chose and how it is celebrated in the USA. Describe celebrations. Give specific examples. • Make a colorful, insighful power point on it.
Valencia Fallas, Spain Want to learn Spanish? Lesson on what are lasfallas, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icT25K38t6E 2015 Falls Mascleta= fireworks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qzKTdkwBvw Las Fallas de Valencia (all in Spanish explanation for kids) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDa9y47XCcA Does the USA have any celebrations similar to the Fallas? New Orleans lighting the way for Papa Noel (USA) http://video.wgno.com/Bonfires-in-St-James-Parish-help-light-the-way-for-Papa-Noel-28290346
Ninot or small fallas made of wax or paper mache which are burned
Homework for Monday , March 23 or Tarea para el lunes, 23 de de marzo • Work on Easter presentationfinish it, rehearse to present beginning Monday - Thursday • (see next slide for info)
Easter Project (see next slide for Rubric) • Research and do a power point on Easter. (summative) • Read and write about Easter in one of Spanish speaking countries. You can use same country you chose for the end of the year project. Answer the following questions: • When is it celebrated? • Why is it celebrated? • Who celebrates it? What do families do? • How is it celebrated? Show examples of: • Main city celebration • Small towns celebration • Describe celebration • Is it religious? What is the meaning of it? • What foods are served? • describe , find a recipe, bring a sample or similar to it. • Compare and contrast with USA’s Easter. • Type bibliography, video links. (include on power point) • Have fun creating your power point. Be original.
Rubric of Easter Project Excelente/ Excellent: 10 pts. Power point answers 9-10 questions. There several nice pictures, it may include history, a video and compare and contrast this celebrations with Easter in the USA. Group members take turns in an organized manner. Presentation: Speaks loud with a clear voice, show enthusiasm, addresses the audience. Presenter does not read because he/she knows what each picture means and the meaning of it. Buentrabajo/Good Job: 6 pts. Power point: it has 4 pictures with few details. Includes 5-7 questions of what was asked. Presentation: only read off power point bullets, no loud voice, and lack of enthusiasm. A few group members participate and they don’t know content. Necesitaayuda/ Needs help: 1-3 pts. Power point: Does have only 1-3 slides. No clarity in explanations. There is no effort, lack of information. Presentation: Only one student speaks. Reads off power point, not much enthusiasm, no loud voice.
Fallas of Spain http://www.travelvivi.com/las-fallas-amazing-valencia-festival/
Preguntas con meses del año.Questions with months of the year. • ¿Cuáleséstemes? • What is this month? • EsJunio. It’s______ • ¿Cuálfue el mespasado? • What was last month? • Fue ________ It was_____ • ¿Cuálesel próximomes? • What is next month? • El próximomeses _______ • Next month is___________
“The Seasons in Spanish" - Las Estacioneshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7W5oKx6g2I • ¿ Quétiempohace? What’s the weather like? Hacecalor. It’s hot. Hacefrío. It’s cold. Hace sol. It’s sunny. Haceviento. It’s windy. Llueve. It’s raining. Nieva. It’s snowing.
Las 4 Estaciones: la primavera, el verano, el otoño y el inviernoFour Seasons: • Hacecalor La primavera El verano • Hacefrio • Hace sol • Haceviento • Llueve • Nieva El invierno El otoño
CumpleañosTradicion/ TraditionHow is 15th birthday celebrated? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aPCgAHjq9c
QuinceañeraTraditionSee Rubric too on online homework. • Have fun creating your power point. • Content • Pictures • Accuracy • Briefly answer the following questions: • What is it? • Why is it celebrated? Do other Spanish countries celebrated? • What is the meaning of it? • How is it celebrated? • How are the boys and girls dressed? • Is it a religious and family tradition? • Is this formal? • Describe what you see in the videos: food, cake, decorations, music, dances. • What does it look like to you? Tell me your opinion. • Is there any comparison with any US tradition? • Where did you get the information? Did you interview someone that has gone to one Quinceañera?
Rubric for Quinceanera Have fun creating your power point. RUBRIC: Excelente/Excellent: 10 pts. Power point: answers 9-10 questions. Several nice pictures, it may include a video or compare and contrast this celebrations with another one. Group members take turns in an organized manner. Presentation: Speaks loud with a clear voice. Does know what each picture means and the meaning of the Quinceañera. Buentrabajo/Good job: 6 pts. Power point: it has 4 pictures with few details. Includes 5-7 questions of what was asked. Presentation: only read off power point bullets, no loud voice. A few group members participated and they don’t seem to know much. Necesitaayuda/ Needs help: 1-3 pts. Power point: Does have only 1-3 slides. Doesn’t show much. There is no effort. Presentation: Only one student speaks. Reads off power point, not much enthusiasm.