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Path to Greatness: Embrace Change and Excellence

Explore sessions on embracing change, believing in yourself, and striving for excellence to unlock your full potential and achieve greatness in life. Discover key takeaways from inspiring stories and learn the power of enthusiasm in everything you do. Join us on this transformative journey towards greatness!

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Path to Greatness: Embrace Change and Excellence

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  1. Session 1: The way to Greatness Year 2010: The Way To Greatness

  2. I deserve the BEST. I want to make it very very big in LIFE. I want to be a LEGEND. I want to be GREAT. Summary Session 1 Enthusiastic about anything and Excellence in everything. Session 2: I fear Nothing. And I believe in myself for everything. Session 6: My relationships are my responsibility,. So, I will take You – turns. Session 7: I will settle for nothing but the best, because I deserve the best. Session 3: I will never give this world a chance to point fingers at my character. Session 5: I am a Masterpiece, and I am proud of I. Session 4: I will be noble-hearted, and also Able-minded.

  3. Session 1: The Way to Greatness • Gas Balloon • The way to Greatness • Change is the changeless law • Realizations from Dragonfly Story • Enthusiasm is life • Excellence in everything • Key Takeaways Enthusiastic about anything and Excellence in everything. S1

  4. Session 1: Gas Balloon • It is not the outside of a balloon that takes it to the top, but it is the inside of the balloon that takes it to the top. • Every human being is made of the same inside stuff. • The God who created Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa and Abdul Kalam is the same God who created you. Enthusiastic about anything and Excellence in everything. S1

  5. Session 1: The way to Greatness • You don’t become a Mahatma Gandhi and then develop Mahatma qualities. • Simple human beings, when they are still simple human beings, develop certain great qualities, which make them great. • YOU, as you are, must develop certain great qualities, which will make you great. Enthusiastic about anything and Excellence in everything. S1

  6. Session 1: Change is the Changeless law • The most important quality of great people is the willingness to change. • Change is the willingness to give up who you are in order to become what you can be. • That which does not change does not grow. • Grow – you must. So, change – you must. Hence you cannot avoid uncomfortable transitions. Growth and change are inseparable. Enthusiastic about anything and Excellence in everything. S1

  7. Session 1: Key Realizations from Dragonfly Story • One of the Water Bug becomes Dragon Fly. Remaining Water bugs think, “Why would anybody give up this comfortable life, great friends, and move up in search of a new life?” • This water bug to dragonfly story has THREE profound lessons to teach us: • Realization 1: Great People never thought what is EASY for them. They always thought what is GOOD for them. • Realization 2: True growth is only when your own past seems like someone else’s past. • Realization 3: In that one water bug becoming a dragonfly, it will inspire a lot of other water bugs to become a dragonfly. Enthusiastic about anything and Excellence in everything. S1

  8. Session 1: Enthusiasm is life • The 1st change is to “Learn to live life enthusiastically” • Put Enthusiasm into everything you do. • Speak a little louder • Walk a little faster • Move a little quicker • Laugh from your belly • Maintain eye contact • Be enthusiastic about life. Be enthusiasm on the move. • As T.T.Rangarajan would always say, “Be excited to be alive.” • Nothing great has ever been achieved without Enthusiasm. Enthusiastic about anything and Excellence in everything. S1

  9. Session 1: Excellence in Everything • The next change “Excellence in everything” • To simply put it, if you can dot every “i” and cross every “t” that is what Excellence is all about. • Think Excellence. Breathe Excellence. • The mantra is “Enthusiastic about anything and Excellence in everything.” Enthusiastic about anything and Excellence in everything. S1

  10. Session 1: Key Takeaways • The God who created the Mahatma Gandhi, the Mother Terasa, the Abdul Kalam, the Rajinikanth, the Viswanathan Anand, and the Saina Nehwal is the same God who created you. If they can do it, you too can do it. • When you are still Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, you develop certain qualities, which make you a Mahatma Gandhi. • Grow – you must. So, change – you must. So you cannot avoid the uncomfortable transitions. • Change is giving up who you are to become what you can become. • The mantra is “Enthusiastic about anything and Excellence in everything” Enthusiastic about anything and Excellence in everything. S1

  11. Session 2: “I fear nothing. And I believe in myself for everything.” • The Power of One • The metaphor of chess • To live is to live fearlessly • Believe in yourself • Right and Wrong ways to feel like a hero • Key Messages I fear nothing. And I believe in myself for everything. S2

  12. Session 2: The Power of One • Power of ONE. • In the way he walked this planet, millions attained freedom and the world has never been the same again - Mahatma Gandhi. • That’s the power of man. • That’s the power of one man. • And, that power is sleeping inside each one of you. • You can change your life, and in turn change the world. • You can lift yourself, and in turn lift the world. • You don’t have to be one IN the crowd. You can be the one ABOVE the crowd. I fear nothing. And I believe in myself for everything. S2

  13. Session 2: The Metaphor of Chess • William Shakespeare said - • Some are born great. King on the chessboard. No capabilities. • Some achieve greatness (Pawn), and • Some have greatness thrust upon them (The queen, the pair of bishops). • Pawn is just a pawn in the beginning. • It appears so insignificant. • Yet, it is just a few squares away from achieving greatness. I fear nothing. And I believe in myself for everything. S2

  14. Session 2: To live is to live fearlessly • One quality to be developed during adolescence is to become fearless. • You have to conquer fear. In fact, to live is to live fearlessly. • Fear stops man. Nothing stops man as fear does. Fear is a major self-hurdle. • You won’t speak in public because you fear facing people. Fear of facing public will hinder your leadership possibilities, as there is no leadership without communication. • Suggestions to overcome fear: • Repeatedly flirt with fear. • Never do a thing that you think you will have to hide from your parents or teachers. • Have the courage to be honest. • Have the courage to say ‘Sorry’. I fear nothing. And I believe in myself for everything. S2

  15. Session 2: Believe in Yourself • It is equally important that you believe in yourself for everything. • It does not matter whether your parents / teachers / friends, believe in you or not… What matters is, Y-G-B - You Got to Believe in yourself. • Being blind didn't stop Stevie Wonder from winning the Grammy. • Being short didn't affect Sachin Tendulkar from being legendary cricketer. • In spite of poor eye sight, Abinav Bindra won the Olympic gold. • Dhirubhai Ambani started with 15,000 Rupees and N R Narayana Murthy with 10,000 Rupees. Yet today, Reliance and Infosys are world famous organizations. How? • The message from the life of all these world movers is that they practiced the Y-G-B mantra - they believed in themselves. • Let the mantra be “I fear nothing. And, I believe in myself for everything” I fear nothing. And I believe in myself for everything. S2

  16. Session 2: Right and Wrong ways to feel like a hero • You build your self-belief by getting the direction of your intelligence right. • You can either use your intelligence to choose the wrong ways to feel like a hero OR • You can direct your intelligence to choose the right ways to feel like a hero. I fear nothing. And I believe in myself for everything. S2

  17. Session 2: Key Messages • You don’t have to be one IN the crowd. You can be the one ABOVE the crowd. Direct your intelligence on positive ways. • Respect everybody. Fear nobody. • Avoid fear – it grows. Face fear – it goes. • When there is nothing to avoid and nothing to hide, there is nothing to fear. • Have the courage to be honest. Have the courage to say sorry. • To live is to live fearlessly. • YGB – Even if no one believes in you, You Got to Believe in yourself. • The mantra is “I fear nothing. I believe in myself for everything.” I fear nothing. And I believe in myself for everything. S2

  18. Session 3: “I will never give this world a chance to point a finger at my character.” • You are a Sleeping Potential • Certain lives are born out of certain speeches • The wake-up call • The fragile adolescent years • Where is the problem? • What’s the solution? • Key Messages I will never give this world a chance to point finger at my character S3

  19. Session 3: You are Sleeping Potential • Thousands of horsepower is sleeping inside each of us • Raring to go - Wanting to be ignited… • Endowed with the seeds of greatness, • Engineered for VERY big things in life… • Each one of us are a sleeping potential, • Ready to be awakened I will never give this world a chance to point finger at my character S3

  20. Session 3: Certain lives are born out of certain speeches • Certain speeches are born out of certain lives. • Certain lives are born out of certain speeches. • Once we become great, speeches will be born out of our lives. • Till then, we need speeches to help us to become great. • Words of wisdom - Take the suggestions of others, implement it • Unwanted Advices - When there is resistance to others suggestions I will never give this world a chance to point finger at my character S3

  21. Session 3: The wake-up call • A young sculptor - A young man - Model as King • 30 years later - Same Sculptor - Same Model - But now as a Beggar • In-between the Model squandered his life • 90 out of 100 people have lost a sense of direction • Take complete responsibility for your own life in your secondary formative years I will never give this world a chance to point finger at my character S3

  22. Session 3: The fragile adolescent years • Crave for identity • Body has gone through some hormonal changes • Lack maturity and exposure to be man-enough or lady-enough • Temptations of life during adolescent years are like the thorns. Life during this phase is like a piece of cloth. It is better to ensure it doesn’t fall on the thorns at all. I will never give this world a chance to point finger at my character S3

  23. Session 3: Where is the problem? • Decisions are driven more by pain and pleasure than right and wrong • Decisions born out of pain and pleasure will definitely mislead you in life. • Decisions have to be born out of right and wrong and that is what character is all about. • Get the grounds of your decision-making to Right and Wrong • You don’t have to fall to rise. • You don’t have to pay any price to learn the lessons. I will never give this world a chance to point finger at my character S3

  24. Session 3: What’s the solution? • I will only choose the right ways to feel like a hero. • Quality of your life is your responsibility and yours alone. • Strong willpower and a strong value system are the foundations for a life of character • Develop creative habits, instead of destructive ones • Friends have the power to make you or break you I will never give this world a chance to point finger at my character S3

  25. Session 3: Key Messages • “Why should I be good?” You should be good, because, the greatest gift you can ever give yourself is to be able to say, “I will never give this world a chance to point a finger on my character.” • I know you will make it very very big in life, but I also want you to be a very very good human being. • Your life and your death is in your own hands • Be good and make your parents/teachers/school/country/god proud • The mantra is : “I will never give this world a chance to point a finger on my character.” I will never give this world a chance to point finger at my character S3

  26. Session 4: “I will be noble-hearted, and also able-minded.” • A good human being should also be competent • Multiple Intelligence • Education makes all the difference • Expand your thinking • It is never too late to begin • What’s your learning style? • How to get more out of studies? • What to do on the day of examination? • Key Messages I will be noble-hearted, and also able-minded. S4

  27. Session 4: A good human being should also be competent • Neither being a good human being, but not being competent is accepted; • Nor being competent, but not being a good human being is accepted; • Need is for a good human being who is also competent; • Let the mantra is, "I will be noble-hearted and also able-­minded." Noble I will be noble-hearted, and also able-minded. S4

  28. Session 4: Multiple Intelligences • Every Human Being has Multiple Intelligence • People who make it to the top are those who develop themselves in Multiple Intelligences. • Extra-curricular activities play big role in developing Multiple Intelligence. • One of the most important aspects of Multiple Intelligence is Academic Intelligence I will be noble-hearted, and also able-minded. S4

  29. Session 4: Education makes all the difference • The difference between the Indians who go abroad as 'White-Collar Employees' and 'Blue-Collar Workers‘ is Education. • It doesn't matter whether you like it , enjoy it , happy about it or not - You must focus on Education. • Work hard, systematize, and take help from your parents and teachers. Do whatever it takes to become good in studies. • Hold on to this belief, Education makes all the difference. I will be noble-hearted, and also able-minded. S4

  30. Session 4: Expand your thinking • Unless one dares to think BIG, one cannot become BIG. • Your results in life will only match the size of your thinking. • Irrespective of how you have been till now, decide to bounce big in life. It is never too late to begin. • Expand your thinking. • Average can become good, the good can become better, the better can be the best and even the best can scale higher standards. I will be noble-hearted, and also able-minded. S4

  31. Session 4: It is never too late to begin • The harder you press the spring and when you release it, the faster it will bounce back. • Decide to bounce big in life and see how life will turn around. I will be noble-hearted, and also able-minded. S4

  32. Session 4: What’s your learning style? • Three common types of learning styles: Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic. • Visual : They learn best what they see. • Auditory : They learn best what they hear . • Kinesthetic : They learn best what they feel. • No one learning style is better than another. Each has its own advantages and drawbacks, depending on what you're trying to learn. I will be noble-hearted, and also able-minded. S4

  33. Session 4: How to get more out of studies? • Learning Tools to get more out of your studies • Learning Methodology : Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic • 50-minute hour : Average attention span of most human beings 50 min • Study as a unit : Break down syllabus into units • Key point notebook : Write down all key points in a notebook • Make learning pleasurable : Maintain Flow Charts • Peak Hours : Identify Peak Hours • Dedicated study space : Separate space for studying • A ritual before you begin : Practice ritual before beginning to study I will be noble-hearted, and also able-minded. S4

  34. Session 4: What to do on the day of examination? • Practice BADAM • B – Breakfast. Don’t Skip Breakfast • A – Add more Color to Diet. Like Fruits, Vegetables • D – Drink at least 6 glasses of water • A – Avoid junk food. • M – Moderation is key. • While writing the examination start with what you know. • After the exams never discuss your answers with others. I will be noble-hearted, and also able-minded. S4

  35. Session 4: Key Messages • Resolve to be a good human being who will also be competent. • Resolve to develop yourself in Multiple Intelligence. • Remember “Education makes all the difference. “ • The Mantra is, "I will be noble-hearted, and also able-minded." I will be noble-hearted, and also able-minded. S4

  36. Session 5: “I am a Masterpiece, and I am proud of I.” • The three relationships • I am born to win • I am a blessed human being • I have the courage to be different from the crowd • I will appreciate • I will take the initiative • I am a Masterpiece • Key Messages I am a Masterpiece, and I am proud of I. S5

  37. Session 5: The three relationships • Life primarily hinges on three relationships: • Intra relationship: Your relationship with yourself. • Inter relationship: Your relationship with others. • Transcendental relationship: Your relationship with the force above. • Swami Vivekananda said, your belief in the creator can’t help you much, unless you also believe in his creation – that’s yourself. • How the world sees you will make only a small difference to you, but how you see yourself will make all the difference to you. I am a Masterpiece, and I am proud of I. S5

  38. Session 5: I am born to win • Out of 700 million sperms from father, racing towards 1 egg in mother ; only 1 emerges as Winner. • YOU are that Winning Sperm. • Your very birth is a symbol of victory. You are born to win. • Your very beginning was winning. • I am proud of I - because I am born to win. I am a Masterpiece, and I am proud of I. S5

  39. Session 5: I am a blessed human being • It is a great blessing to be born as a human being. • It is a great blessing to be born to such wonderful parents who have always given you more than what they have for themselves. • It is a great blessing to get a proper education in a proper school. • I am proud of I, because I am a blessed human being I am a Masterpiece, and I am proud of I. S5

  40. Session 5: I have the courage to be different from the crowd • Never lose yourself to gain someone else. • You are here to be you… just you. • It is easy to be one in the crowd. • It needs courage to be different from the crowd. • I am proud of I, because I will develop the courage to be different from the crowd. I am a Masterpiece, and I am proud of I. S5

  41. Session 5: I will appreciate • Most people cannot appreciate others that easily and they also cannot handle it, when others appreciate them. • How can you feel proud of yourself, if you cannot even accept the appreciation of others? • Learn to feel good about yourself. • Learn to appreciate. Learnt to enjoy it when you are appreciated. • I am proud of I, because I will no more miss a single opportunity to appreciate. I am a Masterpiece, and I am proud of I. S5

  42. Session 5: I will take the initiative • People who feel proud of themselves always take the initiative. • People who refuse to take the initiative keep rejecting themselves. • If you want to be proud of yourself, you must always take the initiative. • I am proud of I, because I will always take the initiative. I am a Masterpiece, and I am proud of I. S5

  43. Session 5: I am a Masterpiece • Stop comparing yourself with others - that’s negative comparison. • Strive to make every today of yours better than yesterday - that’s positive comparison. • The feeling “I can” is achieved by C.A.N.I, which is Consistent And Never-ending Improvement. • YOU are a unique, original, rare masterpiece, specially designed by God. Then, why at all compare yourself with anybody else. • Simply strive to make every today of yours better than your yesterday. • I am proud of I, because I am a Masterpiece. I am a Masterpiece, and I am proud of I. S5

  44. Session 5: Key Messages • Remember, you are born to win. • Remember, you are a blessed human being. • Have the courage to be different from the crowd. • Always appreciate. Also, gracefully accept appreciations. • Always be the first to take the initiative. • The Mantra is “I am a Masterpiece, and I am proud of I.” I am a Masterpiece, and I am proud of I. S5

  45. Session 6: “My relationships are my responsibility. So, I will take the You-turns.” • TEAM • Your relationships are your responsibility • You-Turn • Make people feel respected • Do not laugh at other’s expense • Will not speak bad but will speak all the good • Admit it immediately when you are wrong • Will first listen and only then speak • Will communicate in questions • Will clarify my expectations • Expectations fulfilled and unfulfilled • Key Messages My relationships are my responsibility. So, I will take You-turns. S6

  46. Session 6: TEAM • TEAM - T.ogether E.verybody A.chieves M.ore • Life is all about leadership • Leadership is all about relationships • TEAM is all about relationships My relationships are my responsibility. So, I will take You-turns. S6

  47. Session 6: Your relationships are your responsibility • When your relationships get disturbed, it disturbs your happiness. • Without happiness what is life? • Blaming makes no sense • The quality of your relationships is your responsibility and yours alone. • In the road called life, in dealing with the traffic called relationships, it is not the question of whose mistake, but it is question of whose life? My relationships are my responsibility. So, I will take You-turns. S6

  48. Session 6: You-Turn • The ‘U - Turn’ road sign tells you ‘YOU - Turn’ • Teaches you the essence of relationship • Don’t expect others to turn • I got the man right and the world became right • To get your relationships right, you have to get your approach to relationships right • Mahatma Gandhi said, “Become the change you wish to see” My relationships are my responsibility. So, I will take You-turns. S6

  49. Session 6: Make people feel respected • The first You-Turn: I will make people feel respected. • It is not the question of whether you respect people or not. • THEY should feel respected and it comes from the way you relate with them. • There must be respect in your words. • There must be respect in the tone of your voice. • There must be respect in your body language • Make your parents, teachers, classmates, grandparents, siblings feel respected My relationships are my responsibility. So, I will take You-turns. S6

  50. Session 6: Do not laugh at other’s expense • The next You-Turn: I will not laugh at other’s expense. • There is a huge difference between nicknames and pet names. • Nickname - Don’t cut somebody’s leg for you to look tall • Sarcasm is cheap humour. • Laughing at other’s expense is cheap humour. • Drop the habit of laughing at others. My relationships are my responsibility. So, I will take You-turns. S6

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