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Explore the trends and challenges in distance learning, focusing on the digital education strategy in Czech Republic. Discover how the government-approved strategy aims to enhance competencies for the information society and lifelong learning. Learn about the interventions proposed for various levels of education and teachers' training. Find out about the key objectives, principles of implementation, and success indicators that will shape the future of education in the country.
NewDigital educationstrategyCzech republic Daniela Růžičková Our Future Online: Trends and Challenges in Distance Learning Prague 20. 5. 2015
A world map created by John Matherly at search engine Shodanshowseverydeviceconnected to the internet. Our VISION • Oureducationalsystemgaranteesthateachindividualacquirescompetencesforinformation society and allow her orhim to use opportunities for open learning throughout her/his life.
Digital EducationStrategy • Workstarted in January 2014 • Approved by thegovernment in November 2014 • Proposes a set ofinterventions in • Pre-schooleducation, • Elementary (primary and lowersecondary) education, • (Upper) secondaryeducation, • Teacherstraining • Coversbroader area, cooperationwithotherstakeholderswillbeneeded
Digital EducationStrategy • Oureducationalsystemgaranteesthateachindividualacquirescompetencesforinformation society and allow her orhim to use opportunities for open learning throughout her/his life.
Digital EducationStrategy • Oureducationalsystemgaranteesthateachindividualacquirescompetencesforinformation society and allow her orhim to use opportunities for open learning throughout her/his life.
Digital EducationStrategy • Oureducationalsystemgaranteesthateachindividualacquirescompetencesforinformation society and allow her orhim to use opportunities for open learning throughout her/his life.
Digital educationStrategy • Priority objectives • to open education to new methods and ways of learning through digital technologies • to improve students' competencies in working with information and digital technologies • to develop students' computational thinking
Principlesofimplementation • Predictablefunding ofschoolsfrom the state budget • Use ofsubsidiesof EU Funds • Respectforthe autonomy ofschoolsand competencyoftheschool management • Regularevaluation and updates • Involmentof public, private and non-profit educationalactivities • Ethical and safe use ofdigitaltechnologies
Keysuccessindicators • EstablishingNationalCoalitionfor Digital Jobs • Project outputs (digitalmaterials) supportedfromthecurrentOperationalProgrammeofthe ME are accessible and publishedunder open licences • Fast and effective broadband connections • Improvingresults in internationalsurveys (ICILS, PIAAC) • Improvingresults in the Czech SchoolInspectorateevaluationofproficiencylevelsofpupils in the area ofinformationliteracy • Teachingthenewnational curriculum for ICT
Digital educationstrategy is just thebeginning…
Thankyouforlistening • daniela.ruzickova@nuv.cz • National Institute forEducation • Prague, CZ