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ExtendAzon 2.0– Secret Amazon Rule Unlocks Extended CommissionTime • ExtendAzon 2.0 is the original Amazon affiliate shopping cart plugin which was released back in March, 2012 and was the first Amazon affiliate shopping cart plugin on the market. It allows you to take advantage of the Amazon API shopping cart features to get the 90 day cookie, plus it makes your site really professionallooking. • http://crownreviews.com/extendazon-review-bonus/ • ExtendAzon 2.0Overview • Homepage: ExtendAzon 2.0 OfficialSite • Product Name: ExtendAzon2.0 • Type of Product: WPPlugin • Authors: RyanStevenson • Target niche: Affiliate Marketing, Online Store Optimization, ExtendAzon is a simple to use plugin that can be used on new Amazon sites or even dropped into any existing Amazon WP site. It will convert Amazon affiliate links into shopping cartlinks. • Official Price:$37 • Special Offer: 45%-OFF HERE! (Hurry Up! It expires verysoon!) • Bonuses: [EXCLUSIVE] You will get any of the bonus packs in below: • GIANT Bonuses Pack1 • SPECIAL Bonuses Pack2 • ULTIMATE Bonuses Pack3 • HUGE Bonuses Pack4 • MEGA Bonuses Pack5 • What is ExtendAzon2.0? • I have some really important information for you today about the Amazon Associates Program that affects yourcommissions. • There is one specific Amazon rule that controls whether an affiliate has1 day or 90 days to land a referredsale.
Amazon has fairly extensive legal documentation that governs the exact rules of their affiliate program, and many affiliates do not bother to read them or may not completely understandthem. Clause #7 of the Associates Program Operating Agreement details how and when you get credit for referring asale. The first thing that you need to understand about this clause is this statement... "A “Session” begins when a customer clicks through a Special Link on your site to the Amazon Site and ends upon the first to occur of the following: (x) 24 hours elapse from thatclick". The "Special Link" in that statement is your Amazon affiliate product link commonly used to refersales. It simply means that when someone clicks your link, you only get credit when the sale takes place within 24hours. Unless your website visitors are taking immediate action to buy the products you promote, you are likely losingsales. It is common practice to promote higher priced products for higher commissions. However, a lot of consumers will wait more than 24 hours before actually buying those higher priced goods - they may need to talk to their spouse first or simply wait until they get paid. Fortunately, there is something that you can do about thisproblem. There is one exception in Amazon's rules that allows for more time beyond that 24 hour time limit - read this statement, still from clause #7... a “Qualifying Purchase” occurs when (a) a customer clicks through a Special Link on your site to the Amazon Site; (b) during a single Session that customer either (i) adds a Product to his or her shopping cart and places the order for that Product no later than 89 days following the customer’s initial click-through, (ii) purchases a Product via our 1-Clickfeature". Take note of the sentence that includes the words "89days". When someone adds a product to their Amazon shopping cart, you'll get credit for the sale as long as it happens within 90 days of the initial click. Some people may immediately add a product they want to their shopping cart but a lot of others won't and you won't get credit for thosesales. There is one way to get around this rule though - Amazon has an API system that has a shopping cartsystem. That system can actually be utilized to send ALL of your traffic toAmazon
with the 90 day timelimit. The bad news is that you need to be a programmer to set up that system. However, the good news is that another programmer has already done this foryou. A new WordPress plugin for Amazon affiliates allows you to tap into the power of the Amazon shopping cart system and the 90 day timelimit. It is simple to use and can be quickly implemented into any existing Amazonsite. ExtendAzon 2.0 is the original Amazon affiliate shopping cart plugin which was released back in March, 2012 and was the first Amazon affiliate shopping cart plugin on the market. It allows you to take advantage of the Amazon API shopping cart features to get the 90 day cookie, plus it makes your site really professionallooking. How Does ExtendAzon 2.0 Work? Special Features of ExtendAzon2.0: USE ON ANY WORDPRESSSITE ExtendAzon was built using a unique and powerful technology that doesn't exist in any other plugin on the market. This technology allows ExtendAzon to scan an entire website to detect Amazon affiliate links so it canconvert them into shopping cart links on-the-fly. Ultimately, this means thatthe
plugin can be used on any WordPress site and it won't even change how you edit or build the site. Multiple scanning options even allow the detection of most java script links and cloakedlinks. TWO CART LINKTYPES When ExtendAzon converts an Amazon link, there are two main types of links users can choose for it to create. An on-site cart link allows the visitor to click multiple Amazon links on your site to add all of those products to a shopping cart on your website. When they click to Checkout, all of those products will get added to their Amazon shopping cart. The other type of link, a direct cart link, goes straight from an Amazon link to the Amazon shopping cart. Both link types deliver a 90 day cookielifespan. FOUR SHOPPING CARTDESIGNS When on-site cart links are used, it puts an e-commerce style shopping cart on the website that works with Amazon affiliate links. ExtendAzon users get to pick from one of four cart designs to use. Version 1.0 offered a sidebar / widget based shopping cart that could be used anywhere a theme offered a widget location. Version 2.0 still has the widget but it now offers a full-page shopping cart and slide-out cart tabs. The full-page cart is similar to what you see on normal e-commerce websites, and this also comes with an optional cart icon widget that will give a summary and quick access to the cart page. The slide-out tab has a right and a left version, so you can choose where it will be located on yoursite. AUTOMATIC CARTUPSELLS Anytime a visitor adds a product to the on-site shopping cart, ExtendAzon will automatically retrieve other products from Amazon that are commonly purchased with the selected item. Affiliate ads will then be generated for these items and shown to the visitor below the shopping cart. This uses the same system that Amazon uses to promote upsells on their website and now affiliates can have the same technology on their sitetoo! EASY TOCUSTOMIZE ExtendAzon 2.0 features an extensively redesigned back-end administrator system that makes it easier for users to customize the plugin to their liking and to fit the overall design of their website. Help explanations are now built-in to make it simple for even a first-timeuser.
TWO LIVE COACHINGCALLS To ensure that all customers get the most out of this plugin, Ryan Stevenson will be hosting a total of two live coaching webinars for them. These will be in the first 10 days after the launch period, and recordings will be provided after they are over. In these live classes, Ryan will be teaching his personal tactics using ExtendAzon 2.0, helping new customers with questions they have about using the plugin, and even holding open Q&A sessions to make sure nobody is left sitting on aquestion. FREE UPGRADES (EXTENDAZON 2.XBRANCH) All customers of ExtendAzon will continue to receive free 2.x updates to the plugin that may include bug fixes and even new features. Ryan's plugins are updated on a regular basis to keep them compatible with recent WordPress versions and Amazon's Affiliate Agreement. Customer feedback is always welcome and appreciated, so sometimes modifications or additions may also be made to the plugin after release for thesepurposes. How itworks: This plugin gives you two main ways to promote Amazon products with the extended cookielifespan: EXTENDAZON DIRECT CART LINKS EXTENDAZON ON-SITE CARTLINKS
Who Should Use ExtendAzon2.0? No matter what niche you are in - this plugin is for any kind of site in any category out there. If just one site like this could make you a lot of money per month - how many such sites would youcreate? Besides, with the easy-to-use function, you can make it work no matter whom you are making this product doesn’t require much of yourskill. All you have to do after grab this WP Plugin are just one click and follow three simple steps to create multiple high-ranking affiliate niche sites with 100s of curated products, videos andposts. Why should you Get ExtendAzon 2.0Now? If you are sending traffic to Amazon as an affiliate, you have likely referred sales WITHOUT receiving a commission. This is literally throwing your hard earned money in thetrash! As an Amazon Associate, your traffic gets tagged with an affiliate cookie that ONLY lasts for 24 hours. This means that you are ONLY getting paid for spontaneous purchases people make the same day you referthem! When your traffic decides to do more research or wait until pay day to buy, you’re not getting credit for those sales even though you actually referred them! ExtendAzon offers you the opportunity to take advantage Amazon API shopping cart feature on your site WITHOUT changing your advertising plugin! Just install ExtendAzon and all Amazon affiliate links on your site will get converted into shopping cart links ( ExtendAzon does NOTgenerate ANY Amazonads)!
It’s purpose is to CONVERT all of the Amazon affiliate ads on your site into links that work with the Amazon shopping cart (this can be done with direct links or an on-site shoppingcart). It will work with standard Amazon affiliate ads that have been manually created through the Amazon site and it will even work with Amazon ads created by almost ANY other Amazon affiliate WPplugin Conclusion This special WILL be closing down at midnight tonight with a drastic price increase. Once again, the early-bird launch special is ending in just a few hours, so there is not much time left to pick up your copy.. Use this plugin right away and start keeping your Amazoncommissions!!! ExtendAzon 2.0, ExtendAzon 2.0 review, ExtendAzon 2.0 review and bonus, ExtendAzon 2.0 reviews, ExtendAzon 2.0 reviews and bonuses, ExtendAzon 2.0 discount, ExtendAzon 2.0 bonus, ExtendAzon 2.0bonuses, ExtendAzon 2.0 review anddiscount http://crownreviews.com/extendazon-review-bonus/ https://www.facebook.com/ExtendAzon-20-Review-GIANT-Bonus- 1135350366547227 https://medium.com/@antxu6kfaxon/extendazon-2-0-review-extendazon- 2-0-27-300-bonus-discount-ce5d7020d95e#.i5zsd2so8 https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/extendazon-20-review-free-12700- bonus-discount-bret-whyte?published=t http://kukusoti.tumblr.com/post/151089790373/extendazon-20-review- 65-discount-and-free http://sco.lt/8nmsyX http://lanyrd.com/2016/extendazon-20-review-and-giant-22800- bonuses/ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/extendazon-20-review-and-giant-12700- bonus-80-discount-tickets-28247606351 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GW3_hs9u9jM&feature=youtu.be
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