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RtI Response to Intervention EDUC – 503 11.08.11. Goals for Today. Provide common background for RtI Review core components of the RtI model Develop an understanding of RtI at both the elementary and secondary level Identify why RtI is required topic for this course.
Goals for Today Provide common background for RtI Review core components of the RtI model Develop an understanding of RtI at both the elementary and secondary level Identify why RtI is required topic for this course
What words come to mind when you think of early intervention • RtI • SRBI ? (Write down ALL words that come to mind)
Alphabet Soup RtI = Response to Intervention (national) SRBI = Scientific Research-based Interventions (Connecticut)
Shifts in THINKING… Shifts in the LAW… Over the last 30 years, how we address the needs of students has evolved: • We have changed our thinking on how we teach and how children learn. • These discoveries have resulted in educational laws and practices (IDEA Partnership, 2007). NCLB 2001: • accountability for learning • school improvement • adequate yearly progress (AYP) • ensures academic growth and achievement for all children regardless of race, ethnicity or religion. Reauthorization of IDEA 2004: • effective (research-based) instruction • progress monitoring • early intervening services • explicitly allows states to use RTI to identify LD AND forbids states from forcing schools to use ‘discrepancy model’ • ensures free and appropriate education for children with disabilities
IDEA 2004 States… • “when determining whether a child has a specific learning disability ... a local educational agency shall not be required to take into consideration whether a child has a severe discrepancy between achievement and intellectual ability" ... a school "may use a process that determines if the child responds to scientific, research-based intervention as part of the evaluation procedures ..." (Section 1414(b)(6)). “Traditional Identification Model”
Average Classroom Academic Performance Level Target Student Discrepancy 1: Skill Gap (Current Performance Level) Discrepancy 2: Gap in Rate of Learning (‘Slope of Improvement’) ‘Dual-Discrepancy’: RTI Model of Learning Disability(Fuchs 2003)
RtI is a regulareducation, comprehensive and systematic approach to assessing and instructing students such that all students experience continuous growth (preK-12) • It is also a focus on students whose progress indicates a need for proactive steps and/or early intervention - academic & behavioral - before students fall behind Additional THINKING Behind RtI
Key Components of RtI Instruction Assessment STUDENT LEARNING Collaborative Decision-making
What is up with all of these TIERS? It brings me to TEARS trying to figure it out!
WEEP NO MORE! We are all learning together. In small groups, read through slides with s on them. Complete a Venn Diagram (one per group) to show your understanding. 15 minutes = sharing in whole group
Tier I Tier II Tier III
Key Components All TIERS: Integration of data-driven, Collaborative Decision-Making Model to analyze student performance data & to make changes in instruction for students TIER I: High quality, differentiated, research-based core curriculum, instruction for all students Systematic & comprehensive assessment plan with common benchmark assessments (3 times per year) TIER II/III: Additionalinterventions requiring frequent progress monitoring (Using data to answer th question: How is the student responding to the intervention?)
RTIComponent 1: Instruction Tier III:specialized & intensive intervention; individualized support (1-5%) Tier II:supplemental instruction and interventions; small homogenous groups for at-risk learners; designed to support & enhance Tier I instruction(5-15%) Tier I:research-based, differentiated core classroom instruction; identification of “at-risk” students (95-100%) Tier III Decision Making Tier II Decision Making Tier I Behavioral Academic
RTIComponent 2: Assessment Tier III:more frequent & targeted progress- monitoring to track learning progress, plan interventions and provide feedback (1-5%) Tier II:additional, targeted progress- monitoring to track learning progress, plan interventions and provide feedback(5-15%) Tier I:use of assessment data to monitor student progress & inform instruction (e.g. district-wide summative assessments & common benchmark assessments, 3x/year; classroom formative assessments; additional diagnostic and/or screening assessments) (95-100%) Tier III Decision Making Tier II Decision Making Tier I Behavioral Academic
RTIComponent 3: Collaborative Decision-making Model Evaluation Team (referral) Tier III:Student Assistance Teams (S.A.T.) Tier II:S.A.T. and/or Instructional Data Teams Tier I:Instructional Data Teams Tier III Decision Making Tier II Decision Making Tier I Behavioral Academic
Now, what do you KNOW?Share something you learned today about RtI that you could explain to someone else.
Learn More www.rti4success.org
Using Data to Support RtI Decisions Next steps in understanding
Where can we get the DATA for use in decision making?(These are a few possible data sources)
Data for Intervention Meetings(focused on the individual child):
What could the PROCESSlook like? The Process for RtI (In the Greenwich Public Schools it is referred to as S.A.T.)
Collaborative Decision-Making Model: The process for RtI RtI
Take a look at the GPS S.A.T. Handbook It can be found in the resources tab of the wiki
Why do you think that RtI is a required topic in this course?