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Chapter 14

Chapter 14. Fluid Mechanics. Goals for Chapter 14. To study density and pressure To consider pressures in a fluid at rest To shout “Eureka” with Archimedes and overview buoyancy

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Chapter 14

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  1. Chapter 14 Fluid Mechanics

  2. Goals for Chapter 14 • To study density and pressure • To consider pressures in a fluid at rest • To shout “Eureka” with Archimedes and overview buoyancy • To turn our attention to fluids in motion and calculate the effects of changing openings, height, density, pressure, and velocity

  3. Introduction • Submerging bath toys and watching them pop back up to the surface is an experience with Archimedes Principle. • Fish move through water with little effort and their motion is smooth. Consider the shark at right … it must keep moving for its gills to operate properly.

  4. Density does not depend on the size of the object • Density is a measure of how much mass occupies a given volume. • Refer to Example 14.1 and Table 14.1 (on the next slide) to assist you. • Density values are sometimes divided by the density of water to be tabulated as the unit less quantity, specific gravity.

  5. Densities of common substances—Table 14.1

  6. The pressure in a fluid • Pressure in a fluid is force per unit area. The Pascal is the given SI unit for pressure. • Refer to Figures 14.3 and 14.4. • Consider Example 14.2. • Values to remember for atmospheric pressure appear near the bottom of page 458.

  7. Pressure, depth, and Pascal’s Law • Pressure is everywhere equal in a uniform fluid of equal depth. • Consider Figure 14.7 and a practical application in Figure 14.8.

  8. Finding absolute and gauge pressure • Pressure from the fluid and pressure from the air above it are determined separately and may or may not be combined. • Refer to Example 14.3 and Figure 14.9.

  9. There are many clever ways to measure pressure • Refer to Figure 14.10. • Follow Example 14.4.

  10. Measuring the density of a liquid • Have you ever seen the barometers made from glass spheres filled with various densities of liquid? This is their driving science. • Refer to Figure 14.13.

  11. Buoyancy and Archimedes Principle • The buoyant force is equal to the weight of the displaced fluid. • Refer to Figure 14.12.

  12. Buoyancy and Archimedes Principle II • Consider Example 14.5. • Refer to Figure 14.14 as you read Example 14.5.

  13. Surface tension • How is it that water striders can walk on water (although they are more dense than the water)? • Refer to Figure 14.15 for the water strider and then Figures 14.16 and 14.17 to see what’s occurring from a molecular perspective.

  14. Fluid flow I • The flow lines at left in Figure 14.20 are laminar. • The flow at the top of Figure 14.21 is turbulent.

  15. Fluid flow II • The incompressibility of fluids allows calculations to be made even as pipes change. • Refer to Figure 14.22 as you consider Example 14.6.

  16. Bernoulli’s equation • Bernoulli’s equation allows the user to consider all variables that might be changing in an ideal fluid. • Refer to Figure 14.23. • Consider Problem-Solving Strategy 14.1.

  17. Water pressure in a home (Bernoulli’s Principle II) • Consider Example 14.7.

  18. Speed of efflux (Bernoulli’s Equation III) • Refer to Example 14.8.

  19. The Venturi meter (Bernoulli’s Equation IV) • Consider Example 14.9.

  20. Lift on an airplane wing • The first time I saw lift from a flowing fluid, a man was holding a Ping-Pong ball in a funnel while blowing out. A wonderful demonstration to go with the lift is by blowing across the top of a sheet of paper. • Refer to Conceptual Example 14.10.

  21. Viscosity and turbulence—Figures 14.28, 14.29 • When we cease to treat fluids as ideal, molecules can attract or repel one another—they can interact with container walls and the result is turbulence.

  22. A curve ball (Bernoulli’s equation applied to sports) • Bernoulli’s equation allows us to explain why a curve ball would curve, and why a slider turns downward. • Consider Figure 14.31.

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