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Example N according to EDM

Explore the tragedy of Hamlet in five acts as written by William Shakespeare in this version with original notes by Samuel Weller Singer from around 1820 in English language.

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Example N according to EDM

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  1. Example N according to EDM C (partial representationin graphic form) [Events] (performances) [External source] (derivation) O (other version in same language) M, P (translations) B (study) “Hamlet Prince of Denmark:tragedy in five acts” dcterms:hasVersion dc:subject edm:isDerivativeOf edm:isRelatedTo dc:title edm:incorporates edm:isDerivativeOf “Hamlet” dcterms:alternative edm:Agent {Shakespeare, William: 1546-1616} dc:creator dcterms:alternative “William Shakespeare’sHamlet Prince of Denmark” edm:InformationResource dc:contributor edm:Agent {Singer, Samuel Weller: 1783-1858} dc:language “eng” edm:incorporates “Ausgabe: 3. ed. withnotes original andselected bySamuel Weller Singer” edm:Agent {Leipzig: Kersten} dc:publisher dc:description edm:InformationResource edm:hasType skos:Concept {Druck} dcterms:created edm:TimeSpan {1820} dcterms:created edm:realizes edm:Place {München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek} “[ca. 1820]” edm:currentLocation dc:format edm:PhysicalThing “179 S.” dc:identifier “Signatur: München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek… P.o. angl. 622c” edm:isSimilarTo edm:ProvidedCHO

  2. Example N according to FRBROO C (partial representationin graphic form) [Events] (performances) [External source] (derivation) B (study) P129 is about P16 usedspecific object P138 represents R2 is derivative of R16 initiated P102 has title P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Shakespeare, William: 1546-1616} F27 Work Conception F1 Work E35 Title “Hamlet” R3 isrealised in R3 is realised in O (other version in same language) R3 is realised in (+ R40 has representative expression?) M, P (translations) P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Shakespeare, William: 1546-1616} F28 Expression Creation P73 has translation R17 created P14.1 F22 Self-Contained Expression E33 Linguistic Object = E55 Type {author} P14.1 P72 has language P14 carried out by E55 Type {editor} E56 Language {eng} E39 Actor {Singer, Samuel Weller: 1783-1858} R14 incorporates P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Leipzig: Kersten} F30 Publication Event R24 created E35 Title “Hamlet Prince of Denmark:tragedy in five acts” P102 has title F24 Publication Expression P78 isidentified by P4 has time-span E52 Time-Span E50 Date “1820” P102 has title P3 has note E35 Title “William Shakespeare’sHamlet Prince of Denmark” P3 has note P87 isidentified by E62 String “[ca. 1820]” E53 Place P3 has note R6 carries P55 hascurrent location E44 Place Appellation “München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek” E62 String “Ausgabe: 3. ed. withnotes original andselected bySamuel Weller Singer” P3.1 P3.1 F5 Item P48 has preferredidentifier E55 Type {format} E55 Type {description} N E42 Identifier “Signatur: München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek… P.o. angl. 622c” E62 String “179 S.”

  3. Example O according to EDM N (other version in same language) “The Tragicall Historie ofHamlet Prince of Denmarke” dcterms:hasVersion dc:title “Hamlet” dcterms:alternative edm:Agent {Shakespeare, William: 1546-1616} dc:creator edm:InformationResource dc:language “eng” edm:incorporates “Ausgabe: [Nachdr. d. Ausg.London, 1603]” edm:Agent {S.l.: Direction of theDuke of Devonshire} dc:publisher dc:description edm:InformationResource edm:hasType skos:Concept {Druck} dcterms:created edm:TimeSpan {1858} dcterms:created edm:realizes edm:Place {München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek} “1858” edm:currentLocation edm:PhysicalThing dc:identifier “Signatur: München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek… 4 P.o. angl. 23” edm:isSimilarTo edm:ProvidedCHO

  4. Example O according to FRBROO R16 initiated P102 has title P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Shakespeare, William: 1546-1616} F27 Work Conception F1 Work E35 Title “Hamlet” R3 isrealised in P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Shakespeare, William: 1546-1616} F28 Expression Creation R17 created R3 is realised in N (other version in same language) P14.1 E55 Type {author} F30 Publication Event P4 E52 Time-Span R24 created P78 F22 Self-Contained Expression E33 Linguistic Object E50 Date “1603” P7 R14 incorporates = F24 Publication Expression P72 has language E53 Place P87 R6 E56 Language {eng} E48 Place Name “London” R29 R30 F5 F33 E84 R14 incorporates R14 incorporates P16 E39 Actor {S.l.: Direction of theDuke of Devonshire} P14 carried out by F30 Publication Event R24 created E35 Title “The Tragicall Historie ofHamlet Prince of Denmarke” P102 has title F24 Publication Expression P78 isidentified by P4 has time-span E52 Time-Span E50 Date “1858” P102 has title E35 Title “Hamlet” P3 has note P87 isidentified by E62 String “1858” E53 Place P3 has note R6 carries P55 hascurrent location E44 Place Appellation “München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek” P3.1 E62 String “Ausgabe: [Nachdr. d.Ausg. London, 1603]” F5 Item P48 has preferredidentifier E55 Type {description} O E42 Identifier “Signatur: München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek… 4 P.o. angl. 23”

  5. Example M according to EDM N L “Shakespeare’s Hamlet / ;übersetzt von Aug.Wilh. Schlegel. ;” edm:isDerivativeOf dc:title dc:subject edm:Agent {Shakespeare, William, ; 1546-1616} dc:creator edm:InformationResource dc:contributor edm:Agent {von Schlegel, August Wilhelm; 1767-1845} dc:language “ger” edm:incorporates “Monograph/item” dc:description edm:Agent {Berlin: Reimer} dc:publisher skos:Concept {Language Material} edm:hasType edm:InformationResource edm:hasType skos:Concept {text} dcterms:created edm:TimeSpan {1844} dcterms:created edm:realizes edm:Place {Ghent University Library} “1844.” edm:currentLocation dc:format edm:PhysicalThing “16°; 168 p.;Regular printreproduction” dc:identifier edm:isSimilarTo [Ar 3129] edm:ProvidedCHO

  6. Example M according to FRBROO L (study) P129 is about R16 initiated P102 has title P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Shakespeare, William: 1546-1616} F27 Work Conception F1 Work E35 Title “Hamlet” R3 is realised in R3 is realised in N (edition of original text) F28 Expression Creation P14 carried out by R17 created F22 Self-Contained Expression E33 Linguistic Object = P14.1 E39 Actor {von Schlegel, AugustWilhelm; 1767-1845} P72 has language E55 Type {translator} P2 has type E56 Language {ger} R14 incorporates E55 Type {Language Material} {text} P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Berlin: Reimer} F30 Publication Event R24 created E35 Title “Shakespeare’s Hamlet / ;übersetzt von Aug.Wilh. Schlegel. ;” P102 has title F24 Publication Expression P78 isidentified by P4 has time-span E52 Time-Span E50 Date “1844” P2 has type P3 has note P87 isidentified by P3 has note E62 String “1844” E53 Place R6 carries P55 hascurrent location E44 Place Appellation “Ghent University Library” E55 Type {Monograph/item} E62 String “16°; 168 p.;Regular printreproduction” P3.1 F5 Item P48 has preferredidentifier E55 Type {description} M E42 Identifier “Ar 3129”

  7. Example L according to EDM “Übersetzung” M “A. W. Schlegels Shakespeare-Übersetzung :Untersuchungen zu seinemÜbersetzungsverfahren amBeispiel des Hamlet” “Schlegel, August Wilhelm von ; 1767-1845” dc:subject dc:subject dc:subject dc:title “Shakespeare, William ; 1564-1616 ; Hamlet” dc:subject edm:Agent {Gebhardt, Peter} dc:creator edm:InformationResource dc:language “ger” edm:incorporates “von Peter Gebhardt” edm:Agent {Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht} dc:publisher dc:description edm:InformationResource edm:hasType skos:Concept {Druck} dc:relation dcterms:created “Serie : Palaestra ; 257” edm:TimeSpan {1970} dcterms:created edm:realizes edm:Place {München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek} “1970” edm:currentLocation dc:format edm:PhysicalThing “265 S.” dc:identifier “Signatur: München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek… P.o.germ. 1041 fo-255/257 #257--” edm:isSimilarTo edm:ProvidedCHO

  8. Example L according to FRBROO E39 Actor{Schlegel, August Wilhelm von ; 1767-1845} F6 Concept{Übersetzung} P129 is about M P129 is about F1 Work{Shakespeare, William ; 1564-1616 ; Hamlet} P129 is about P129 is about E35 Title “A. W. Schlegels Shakespeare-Übersetzung : Untersuchungenzu seinem Übersetzungsverfahrenam Beispiel des Hamlet” R16 initiated P102 has title P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Gebhardt, Peter} F27 Work Conception F1 Work P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Gebhardt, Peter} F28 Expression Creation R3 is realised in (+ R40 has representative expression?) P14.1 R17 created E55 Type {author} F18 Serial Work F22 Self-Contained Expression E33 Linguistic Object = P2 P102 has title E35 Title “Palaestra” P72 has language E55 Type {series} R10 has member E56 Language {ger} P2 has type F19 Publication Work E33 Linguistic Object {257} E55 Type {numbering within series} R14 incorporates R3 is realised in P148 has component P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht} F30 Publication Event R24 created E35 Title “A. W. Schlegels Shakespeare-Übersetzung : Untersuchungenzu seinem Übersetzungsverfahrenam Beispiel des Hamlet” P102 has title F24 Publication Expression P78 isidentified by P4 has time-span E52 Time-Span E50 Date “1970” P3 has note P3 has note P3 has note P87 isidentified by P2 has type E62 String “1970” E53 Place P3.1 E62 String “von Peter Gebhardt” R6 carries P55 hascurrent location E44 Place Appellation “München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek” E55 Type {description} P3.1 F5 Item P48 has preferredidentifier E55 Type {format} L E55 Type {Druck} E42 Identifier “Signatur: München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek… P.o.germ. 1041 fo-255/257 #257--” E62 String “265 S.”

  9. Example P according to EDM N O “Les deux Hamlet / ; W.Shakespeare ; François-VictorHugo traducteur. ;” edm:isDerivativeOf dc:title edm:isDerivativeOf edm:Agent {Shakespeare, William, ; 1546-1616} dc:creator edm:InformationResource dc:contributor edm:Agent {Hugo, François-Victor, ; 1828-1873} dc:language “fre” edm:incorporates “Monograph/itemVertaling van de uitgave:Londres: Trundell, 1603 ;en: Londres: I. R., 1604.” edm:Agent {Paris: Pagnerre} dc:publisher dc:description edm:InformationResource edm:hasType skos:Concept {Language Material} “Oeuvres complètes / Shakespeare,William ; ; 1 ; ; Oeuvres complètes/ Shakespeare, William ; ; 2e éd. ; ;The tragicall historie of Hamlet,Prince of Denmarke.” dc:relation edm:hasType skos:Concept {Druck} dcterms:created edm:realizes edm:TimeSpan {1865} edm:Place {Ghent University Library} edm:currentLocation dcterms:created edm:PhysicalThing “1865.” dc:format edm:isSimilarTo “388, [4] p. ; Regularprint reproduction” edm:ProvidedCHO

  10. Example P according to FRBROO R16 initiated P102 has title P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Shakespeare, William: 1546-1616} F27 Work Conception F1 Work E35 Title “Hamlet” R3 is realised in R3 isrealised in O R3 is realised in N P14 carried out by P73 has translation R3 is realised in E39 Actor {Hugo, François-Victor, ; 1828-1873} F28 Expression Creation P73 has translation R17 created P14.1 P14 E33 Linguistic Object E33 Linguistic Object F22 Self-Contained Expression F28 Expression Creation = = P14.1 E55 Type {translator} P72 has language P72 has language R17 created P72 has language F22 Self-Contained Expression E33 Linguistic Object E56 Language {fre} E56 Language {fre} = R14 incorporates R14 incorporates E35 Title “Oeuvres complètes/ Shakespeare, William” P102 has title F24 PublicationExpression P106 is composed of E35 Title “Les deux Hamlet / ; W.Shakespeare ; François-VictorHugo traducteur. ;” P102 has title F24 Publication Expression R24 created P2 has type P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Paris: Pagnerre} F30 Publication Event P3 has note E55 Type {Language Material} {Druck} P78 isidentified by P4 has time-span P3 has note E52 Time-Span R6 carries E50 Date “1865” E62 String “Monograph/itemVertaling van de uitgave:Londres: Trundell, 1603 ;en: Londres: I. R., 1604.” P3.1 P3.1 P55 hascurrent location P3 has note F5 Item P87 isidentified by E55 Type {format} E55 Type {description} E62 String “1865.” E53 Place P E44 Place Appellation “Ghent University Library” E62 String “388, [4] p. ; Regular print reproduction”

  11. Example C according to EDM N “Être ou ne pas être, c'estlà la question (Hamlet,scène VIII) : [estampe]/ Gillot sc. [sig.]” edm:isRelatedTo dc:title edm:Agent {Gillot, Firmin (1820-1872). Lithographe} dc:creator edm:InformationResource dc:subject dc:language “fre” “Shakespeare, William(1564-1616). Hamlet” edm:incorporates “Scènes théâtrales -- 1800-1869” edm:hasType edm:hasType skos:Concept {still image} edm:InformationResource edm:hasType skos:Concept {engraving} dc:relation “Notice du catalogue :http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb42066280g” dcterms:created edm:TimeSpan {1867} edm:realizes edm:Place {Bibliothèque nationale de France,département Bibliothèque-musée de l'opéra} edm:currentLocation dc:format edm:PhysicalThing “1 est. ; 35 x 22 cm(im.) ; image/jpeg” dc:identifier “Bibliothèque nationale de France,département Bibliothèque-musée de l'opéra,ESTAMPESSCENESHamlet(16)” edm:isSimilarTo edm:ProvidedCHO

  12. Example C according to FRBROO E55 Type {Scènes théâtrales -- 1800-1869} F1 Work {Shakespeare, William (1564-1616). Hamlet} P109 is about P2 has type E35 Title “Être ou ne pas être, c'estlà la question (Hamlet,scène VIII)” R16 initiated P102 has title P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Gillot, Firmin (1820-1872)} F27 Work Conception F1 Work R3 is realised in (+ R40 has representative expression?) P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Gillot, Firmin (1820-1872)} F28 Expression Creation R17 created P14.1 F22 Self-Contained Expression E33 Linguistic Object P72 has language = E55 Type {lithographer} E56 Language {fre} E31 Document E36 Visual Item P149 is identified by = P138 represents P70 documents E75 Conceptual Object Appellation “http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb42066280g” R14 incorporates N F30 Publication Event R24 created E35 Title “Être ou ne pas être, c'estlà la question (Hamlet,scène VIII) : [estampe]/ Gillot sc. [sig.]” P4 has time-span P102 has title P78 isidentified by F24 Publication Expression E52 Time-Span E50 Date “1867” P2 has type E55 Type {still image} {engraving} P87 isidentified by E53 Place P3 has note R6 carries P55 hascurrent location E44 Place Appellation “Bibliothèque nationale de France,département Bibliothèque-musée de l'opéra” P3.1 E62 String “1 est. ; 35 x 22 cm(im.) ; image/jpeg” F5 Item P48 has preferredidentifier E55 Type {description} C E42 Identifier “Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Bibliothèque-muséede l'opéra, ESTAMPESSCENESHamlet(16)”

  13. Example B according to EDM “Etude médico-psychologiquesur Shakespeare et ses oeuvres,Hamlet en particulier / parle Dr Biaute,...” N skos:Concept {Maladies mentales -- Dans la littérature} skos:Concept {Shakespeare, William (1564-1616). Hamlet} dc:subject dc:title dc:subject dc:subject edm:Agent {Biaute, Alcée} dc:creator edm:InformationResource dc:language “fre” edm:incorporates skos:Concept{text} edm:Agent {Vier (Nantes)} edm:hasType dc:publisher edm:InformationResource edm:hasType skos:Concept {printed monograph} dc:relation dcterms:created “Notice du catalogue :http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37268057t” edm:TimeSpan {1889} edm:realizes edm:Place {Bibliothèque H. Ey. C.H. de Sainte-Anne} edm:currentLocation dc:format edm:PhysicalThing “24 p. ; in-8 ;application/pdf” dc:identifier “Bibliothèque H. Ey. C.H.de Sainte-Anne, 505-46” edm:isSimilarTo edm:ProvidedCHO

  14. Example B according to FRBROO F1 Work {Shakespeare, William (1564-1616). Hamlet} F6 Concept {Maladies mentales -- Dans la littérature} N P129 is about P129 is about P129 is about E35 Title “Etude médico-psychologiquesur Shakespeare et ses oeuvres,Hamlet en particulier” R16 initiated P102 has title P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Biaute, Alcée} F27 Work Conception F1 Work R3 is realised in (+ R40 has representative expression?) P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Biaute, Alcée} F28 Expression Creation R17 created P14.1 F22 Self-Contained Expression E33 Linguistic Object = E55 Type {author} P72 has language E31 Document E56 Language {fre} P149 is identified by P70 documents E75 Conceptual Object Appellation “http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37268057t” R14 incorporates E35 Title “Etude médico-psychologiquesur Shakespeare et ses oeuvres,Hamlet en particulier / parle Dr Biaute,...” P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Vier (Nantes)} F30 Publication Event R24 created P102 has title F24 Publication Expression P78 isidentified by P4 has time-span E52 Time-Span E50 Date “1889” P2 has type E55 Type {text}{printed monograph} P87 isidentified by E53 Place P3 has note R6 carries P55 hascurrent location E44 Place Appellation “Bibliothèque H. Ey. C.H. de Sainte-Anne” P3.1 E62 String “24 p. ; in-8 ;application/pdf” F5 Item P48 has preferredidentifier E55 Type {format} B E42 Identifier “Bibliothèque H. Ey. C.H.de Sainte-Anne, 505-46”

  15. Example F according to EDM Event (performance,1899) edm:incorporates N “[Hamlet]. Tragique histoired'Hamlet prince de Danemark.Sarah Bernhardt. ThéatreSarah Bernhardt : [affiche] / Mucha” “Bernhardt, Sarah (1844-1923)” dc:subject dc:title edm:isRelatedTo “Théâtre” dc:subject edm:Agent {Mucha, Alphonse (1860-1939). Illustrateur} dc:creator edm:InformationResource “Notice d'ensemble :http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb40461546b ;Notice du catalogue :http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb40461546b” dc:language “fre” dc:relation edm:incorporates “Référence bibliographique :Rennert (Jack) et Weill (Alain),Alphonse Mucha : toutesles affiches & panneaux,Paris, 1984. [USUEL]” edm:Agent {[s.n.]} dc:publisher dc:description edm:InformationResource edm:hasType dc:publisher edm:Agent {Imp. F. Champenois, 66boul[evar]d St Michel (Paris)} skos:Concept {still image} edm:hasType skos:Concept {engraving} dcterms:created edm:realizes edm:TimeSpan {1899} edm:Place {Bibliothèque nationale de France} edm:currentLocation dc:format edm:PhysicalThing “1 est. : lithographie,coul. ; 210 x 78 cm ;image/jpeg” dc:identifier “Bibliothèque nationale de France,ENTDN-1(MUCHA,Alphonse/6)-ROUL” edm:isSimilarTo edm:ProvidedCHO

  16. Example F according to FRBROO P16 used specific object N F31 Performance E39 Actor {Bernhardt, Sarah (1844-1923)} F6 Concept {Théâtre} P19 was intended use of E55 Type{work performed} P16.1 E55 Type{advertising material} P129 is about P129 is about P19.1 E35 Title “Tragique histoire d'Hamletprince de Danemark. Sarah Bernhardt.Théatre Sarah Bernhardt” R16 initiated P102 has title P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Mucha, Alphonse (1860-1939)} F27 Work Conception F1 Work R3 is realised in (+ R40 has representative expression?) P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Mucha, Alphonse (1860-1939)} R17 created F22 Self-Contained Expression E33 Linguistic Object F28 Expression Creation = P14.1 P72 has language E55 Type {illustrator} E31 Document E56 Language {fre} P149 is identified by P70 documents E75 Conceptual Object Appellation “http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb40461546b” R14 incorporates P4 has time-span F30 Publication Event R24 created E35 Title “[Hamlet]. Tragique histoired'Hamlet prince de Danemark.Sarah Bernhardt. ThéatreSarah Bernhardt : [affiche] / Mucha” P78 isidentified by E52 Time-Span P102 has title F24 Publication Expression E50 Date “1899” P2 has type F32 CarrierProduction Event R27 used assource material P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Imp. F. Champenois, 66boul[evar]d St Michel (Paris)} P3.1 E55 Type{still image}{engraving} P67 refers to P14.1 E55 Type {printer} E55 Type {format} P3 has note E53 Place R6 carries P55 hascurrent location E62 String “1 est. : lithographie, coul. ; 210 x 78 cm ; image/jpeg” E44 Place Appellation “Bibliothèque nationale de France” P87 is identified by F5 Item P48 has preferredidentifier E31 Document {Rennert (Jack) et Weill (Alain),Alphonse Mucha : toutesles affiches & panneaux,Paris, 1984} F E42 Identifier “Bibliothèque nationale de France,ENTDN-1(MUCHA,Alphonse/6)-ROUL”

  17. Example F according to FRBROO (alternative – with extended notion of R14 incorporates) P16 used specific object N F31 Performance E39 Actor {Bernhardt, Sarah (1844-1923)} F6 Concept {Théâtre} E55 Type{work performed} P16.1 P138 represents P138 represents P19 was intended use of E55 Type{advertising material} P19.1 [*: with range of R14 incorporates extended to E73 Information Object instead of F2 Expression] P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Mucha, Alphonse (1860-1939)} P94 has created E38 Image E33 Linguistic Object E65 Creation P14.1 P72 has language E31 Document E55 Type {illustrator} P149 is identified by E56 Language {fre} P70 documents E75 Conceptual Object Appellation “http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb40461546b” [R14 incorporates]* [R14 incorporates]* P4 has time-span F30 Publication Event R24 created E35 Title “[Hamlet]. Tragique histoired'Hamlet prince de Danemark.Sarah Bernhardt. ThéatreSarah Bernhardt : [affiche] / Mucha” P78 isidentified by E52 Time-Span P102 has title F24 Publication Expression E50 Date “1899” P2 has type F32 CarrierProduction Event R27 used assource material P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Imp. F. Champenois, 66boul[evar]d St Michel (Paris)} P3.1 E55 Type{still image}{engraving} P67 refers to P14.1 E55 Type {printer} E55 Type {format} P3 has note E53 Place R6 carries P55 hascurrent location E62 String “1 est. : lithographie, coul. ; 210 x 78 cm ; image/jpeg” E44 Place Appellation “Bibliothèque nationale de France” P87 is identified by F5 Item P48 has preferredidentifier E31 Document {Rennert (Jack) et Weill (Alain),Alphonse Mucha : toutesles affiches & panneaux,Paris, 1984} F E42 Identifier “Bibliothèque nationale de France,ENTDN-1(MUCHA,Alphonse/6)-ROUL”

  18. Example G according to EDM Event (performance,1965) edm:incorporates N “[Hamlet : photographies/ Roger Pic]” edm:wasPresentAt edm:Agent {Georges Wilson} edm:happenedAt dc:title edm:occurredAt edm:Place {Paris : Palais de Chaillot} edm:isRepresentationOf edm:TimeSpan {26-04-1965} edm:Agent {Pic, Roger (1920-2001). Photographe} dc:creator edm:InformationResource edm:incorporates edm:Agent {Roger Pic (Paris)} dc:publisher edm:InformationResource edm:hasType skos:Concept {still image} “Hamlet / mise en scène de Georges Wilson.- Paris : Palais de Chaillot, 26-04-1965 ;Notice du catalogue :http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb40996788h” dc:relation edm:hasType skos:Concept {photograph} dcterms:created edm:realizes edm:TimeSpan {1965} edm:Place {Bibliothèque nationale de France,département Arts du spectacle} edm:currentLocation dc:format edm:PhysicalThing “Rec. factice : n. et b. et coul. ;formats divers ; image/jpeg” dc:identifier “Bibliothèque nationale de France,département Arts du spectacle,DIA-PHO-1(393)” edm:isSimilarTo edm:ProvidedCHO

  19. Example G according to FRBROO P16 used specific object R25 performed N F31 Performance F25 PerformancePlan R17 created P4 F28 ExpressionCreation E52 Time-Span {26-04-1965} P14 carried out by P7 E55 Type{work performed} P16.1 R20 recorded E53 Place {Paris : Palais de Chaillot} E39 Actor{Georges Wilson} P14.1 R16 initiated P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Pic, Roger (1920-2001)} F27 Work Conception F21 RecordingWork P102 has title E55 Type {stage director} R21 created arealisation of R13 is realised in P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Pic, Roger (1920-2001)} F29 Recording Event R21 created E35 Title “[Hamlet : photographies/ Roger Pic]” P14.1 F26 Recording E55 Type {photographer} E31 Document P149 is identified by P70 documents E75 Conceptual Object Appellation “http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb40996788h” R14 incorporates P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Roger Pic (Paris)} F30 Publication Event R24 created F24 Publication Expression P78 isidentified by P4 has time-span E52 Time-Span E50 Date “1965” P2 has type P3 has note E55 Type {still image} {photograph} P87 isidentified by E53 Place R6 carries P55 hascurrent location E44 Place Appellation “Bibliothèque nationale de France,département Arts du spectacle” P3.1 E55 Type {format} F5 Item P48 has preferredidentifier G E42 Identifier “Bibliothèque nationale de France, départementArts du spectacle, DIA-PHO-1(393)” E62 String “Rec. factice : n. et b. et coul. ; formats divers ; image/jpeg”

  20. Example G according to FRBROO (alternative) P16 used specific object R25 performed N F31 Performance F25 PerformancePlan R17 created P4 F28 ExpressionCreation E52 Time-Span {26-04-1965} P14 carried out by P7 E55 Type{work performed} P16.1 R20 recorded E53 Place {Paris : Palais de Chaillot} E39 Actor{Georges Wilson} P14.1 R16 initiated P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Pic, Roger (1920-2001)} F27 Work Conception F21 RecordingWork P102 has title E55 Type {stage director} R21 created arealisation of R13 is realised in P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Pic, Roger (1920-2001)} F29 Recording Event R21 created E35 Title “[Hamlet : photographies/ Roger Pic]” P14.1 P4 has time-span E55 Type {photographer} E52 Time-Span P78 isidentified by F26 Recording P70 documents E50 Date “1965” E31 Document P128 carries P149 is identified by P2 has type E75 Conceptual Object Appellation “http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb40996788h” E55 Type {still image} {photograph} P87 isidentified by E53 Place P55 hascurrent location E44 Place Appellation “Bibliothèque nationale de France,département Arts du spectacle” P3.1 E55 Type {format} E84 InformationCarrier P48 has preferredidentifier P3 has note G E42 Identifier “Bibliothèque nationale de France, départementArts du spectacle, DIA-PHO-1(393)” E62 String “Rec. factice : n. et b. et coul. ; formats divers ; image/jpeg”

  21. Example H according to EDM Event (performance,1986) edm:incorporates N “[Hamlet : photographies /Daniel Cande]” edm:wasPresentAt edm:Agent {Daniel Mesguich} edm:happenedAt dc:title dc:title edm:occurredAt edm:Place {Saint-Denis : Théâtre Gérard Philipe} edm:isRepresentationOf edm:TimeSpan {17-11-1986} edm:Agent {Cande, Daniel (1938-....). Photographe} dc:creator edm:InformationResource edm:incorporates edm:Agent {Daniel Cande (Paris)} dc:publisher edm:hasType skos:Concept {still image} edm:InformationResource edm:hasType skos:Concept {photograph} “Hamlet / adaptation et mise en scène de DanielMesguich. - Saint-Denis : Théâtre Gérard Philipe,17-11-1986 ; Notice du catalogue :http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb41321471d” dc:relation dcterms:created edm:TimeSpan {1986} dc:format edm:realizes edm:Place {Bibliothèque nationale de France,département Arts du spectacle} “11 photogr. pos. :diapositive coul. ;24x36 mm ; image/jpeg” edm:currentLocation edm:PhysicalThing dc:identifier “Bibliothèque nationale de France, départementArts du spectacle, DIA-PHO-6(175)” edm:isSimilarTo edm:ProvidedCHO

  22. Example H according to FRBROO P16 used specific object R25 performed N F31 Performance F25 PerformancePlan R17 created P4 F28 ExpressionCreation E52 Time-Span {17-11-1986} P14 carried out by P7 E55 Type{work performed} P16.1 R20 recorded E53 Place {Saint-Denis : Théâtre Gérard Philipe} E39 Actor{Daniel Mesguich} P14.1 R16 initiated P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Cande, Daniel (1938-....)} F27 Work Conception F21 RecordingWork P102 has title E55 Type {stage director} R21 created arealisation of R13 is realised in P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Cande, Daniel (1938-....)} F29 Recording Event R21 created E35 Title “[Hamlet : photographies/ Daniel Cande]” P14.1 F26 Recording E55 Type {photographer} E31 Document P149 is identified by P70 documents E75 Conceptual Object Appellation “http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb41321471d” R14 incorporates P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Daniel Cande (Paris)} F30 Publication Event R24 created F24 Publication Expression P78 isidentified by P4 has time-span E52 Time-Span E50 Date “1986” P2 has type P3 has note E55 Type {still image} {photograph} P87 isidentified by E53 Place R6 carries P55 hascurrent location E44 Place Appellation “Bibliothèque nationale de France,département Arts du spectacle” P3.1 E55 Type {format} F5 Item P48 has preferredidentifier H E42 Identifier “Bibliothèque nationale de France, départementArts du spectacle, DIA-PHO-6(175)” E62 String “11 photogr. pos. : diapositive coul. ; 24x36 mm ; image/jpeg”

  23. Example H according to FRBROO (alternative) R25 performed P16 used specific object F25 PerformancePlan R17 created N F31 Performance F28 ExpressionCreation P4 P14 carried out by E52 Time-Span {17-11-1986} P7 E55 Type{work performed} P16.1 R20 recorded E53 Place {Saint-Denis : Théâtre Gérard Philipe} E39 Actor{Daniel Mesguich} P14.1 F21 RecordingWork R16 initiated P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Cande, Daniel (1938-....)} F27 Work Conception E55 Type {stage director} R21 created arealisation of R13 is realised in P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Cande, Daniel (1938-....)} F29 Recording Event R21 created P14.1 P4 has time-span E55 Type {photographer} E52 Time-Span P78 isidentified by F26 Recording P70 documents P2 has type E50 Date “1986” E55 Type {still image} {photograph} E31 Document P128 carries P149 is identified by E75 Conceptual Object Appellation “http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb41321471d” E35 Title “[Hamlet : photographies/ Daniel Cande]” P102 has title P87 isidentified by E53 Place P55 hascurrent location E44 Place Appellation “Bibliothèque nationale de France,département Arts du spectacle” P3.1 E55 Type {format} E84 InformationCarrier P48 has preferredidentifier P3 has note H E42 Identifier “Bibliothèque nationale de France, départementArts du spectacle, DIA-PHO-6(175)” E62 String “11 photogr. pos. : diapositive coul. ; 24x36 mm ; image/jpeg”

  24. Example E according to EDM Hamlet(an opera byA. Thomas) Event (performance,1868) edm:incorporates edm:isDerivativeOf “[Hamlet : trente-quatremaquettes de costumes /par Paul Lormieret Alfred Albert]” N edm:wasPresentAt edm:Agent {Georges Colleuille} edm:happenedAt dc:title edm:occurredAt edm:incorporates edm:Place {Paris : Théâtre national de l'Opéra} edm:TimeSpan {09-03-1868} edm:Agent {Albert, Alfred (1814?-1879). Dessinateur} dc:creator edm:InformationResource dc:creator edm:Agent {Lormier, Paul (1813-1895). Dessinateur} dc:language “fre” edm:incorporates edm:hasType skos:Concept {still image} edm:InformationResource edm:hasType skos:Concept {drawing} “Hamlet : opéra en 5 actes / mise en scène deGeorges Colleuille. - Paris : Théâtre national del'Opéra, 09-03-1868 ; Notice du catalogue :http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb40916184t” dc:relation dcterms:created edm:TimeSpan {1868} dc:format edm:realizes edm:Place {Bibliothèque nationale de France,département Bibliothèque-musée de l'opéra} “34 dess. : crayon, plume,lavis d'encre, aquarelle ;H. 170-305 x L. 130-225mm ; image/jpeg” edm:currentLocation edm:PhysicalThing dc:identifier “Bibliothèque nationale de France, départementBibliothèque-musée de l'opéra, D216-23 (1-27)” edm:isSimilarTo edm:ProvidedCHO

  25. Example E according to FRBROO P14 carried out by R16 initiated E39 Actor {Albert, Alfred (1814?-1879)} F27 Work Conception P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Lormier, Paul (1813-1895)} P4 E52 Time-Span {09-03-1868} R2 is deri-vative of P16 usedspecific object N F1 Work F31 Performance F1 Work P7 P16.1 R25 performed E55 Type{work performed} P30 had specificpurpose E53 Place {Paris : Théâtre national de l'Opéra} F25 PerformancePlan R17 created R3 is realised in (+ R40 has representative expression?) F28 ExpressionCreation E7 Activity {making the costumes} P14 carriedout by P14.1 P33 used specifictechnique E39 Actor{Georges Colleuille} E33 Linguistic Object E29 Designor Procedure F22 Self-Contained Expression E55 Type {stage director} = = P72 has language E56 Language {fre} E39 Actor {Albert, Alfred (1814?-1879)} P14 carried out by R17 created P2 has type P14.1 E55 Type {still image}{drawing} E55 Type {draughtsman} P14.1 E39 Actor {Lormier, Paul (1813-1895)} F28 ExpressionCreation P14 carried out by P78 isidentified by P4 has time-span E52 Time-Span R18 created E50 Date “1868” E31 Document P149 is identified by P70 documents E35 Title “[Hamlet : trente-quatre maquettesde costumes / par Paul Lormieret Alfred Albert]” P128 carries E75 Conceptual Object Appellation “http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb40916184t” P87 isidentified by P102 has title E53 Place P55 hascurrent location E44 Place Appellation “Bibliothèque nationale de France,département Bibliothèque-musée de l'opéra” E55 Type {format} P3.1 F4 ManifestationSingleton P3 has note P48 has preferredidentifier E E62 String “34 dess. : crayon, plume, lavis d'encre, aquarelle ;H. 170-305 x L. 130-225 mm ; image/jpeg” E42 Identifier “Bibliothèque nationale de France, départementBibliothèque-musée de l'opéra, D216-23 (1-27)”

  26. Example J according to EDM Hamlet(an opera byA. Thomas) Event (performance,1868) edm:incorporates edm:isDerivativeOf N “[Hamlet : maquette construitede l'acte II, tableau 1 /par Charles Cambon]” edm:wasPresentAt edm:Agent {Georges Colleuille} edm:happenedAt edm:occurredAt dc:title edm:incorporates edm:Place {Paris : Théâtre national de l'Opéra} edm:TimeSpan {09-03-1868} edm:Agent {Cambon, Charles-Antoine(1802-1875). Dessinateur} dc:creator edm:InformationResource dc:language “fre” edm:incorporates edm:hasType skos:Concept {still image} edm:InformationResource “Hamlet : opéra en 5 actes / mise en scène deGeorges Colleuille. - Paris : Théâtre national del'Opéra, 09-03-1868 ; Notice du catalogue :http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb409161797” dc:relation dcterms:created edm:TimeSpan {1867} dc:format edm:realizes edm:Place {Bibliothèque nationale de France} “1 maquette en volume ;formats divers ;image/jpeg” edm:currentLocation edm:PhysicalThing dc:identifier “Bibliothèque nationalede France, MAQA-122” edm:isSimilarTo edm:ProvidedCHO

  27. Example J according to FRBROO P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Cambon, Charles-Antoine (1802-1875)} F27 Work Conception R16 initiated P4 E52 Time-Span {09-03-1868} R2 is deri-vative of P16 usedspecific object N F1 Work F31 Performance F1 Work P7 P16.1 R25 performed E55 Type{work performed} P30 had specificpurpose E53 Place {Paris : Théâtre national de l'Opéra} F25 PerformancePlan R3 is realised in (+ R40 has representative expression?) R17 created F28 ExpressionCreation E7 Activity {building the sets} P14 carriedout by P33 used specifictechnique P14.1 E39 Actor{Georges Colleuille} E29 Designor Procedure F22 Self-Contained Expression E55 Type {stage director} = E39 Actor {Cambon, Charles-Antoine (1802-1875)} P14 carried out by R17 created P2 has type P14.1 E55 Type {still image} E55 Type {draughtsman} F28 ExpressionCreation P78 isidentified by P4 has time-span E52 Time-Span R18 created E50 Date “1867” E31 Document P70 documents P149 is identified by E35 Title “[Hamlet : maquette construitede l'acte II, tableau 1 /par Charles Cambon]” P128 carries E75 Conceptual Object Appellation “http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb409161797” P102 has title E53 Place P87 isidentified by P55 hascurrent location E55 Type {format} E44 Place Appellation “Bibliothèque nationale de France” P3.1 F4 ManifestationSingleton P3 has note P48 has preferredidentifier J E42 Identifier “Bibliothèque nationale de France, MAQA-122” E62 String “1 maquette en volume ; formats divers ; image/jpeg”

  28. Example J according to FRBROO (alternative) P4 E52 Time-Span {09-03-1868} R2 is deri-vative of P16 usedspecific object N F1 Work F31 Performance P7 P16.1 R25 performed E55 Type{work performed} P30 had specificpurpose E53 Place {Paris : Théâtre national de l'Opéra} F25 PerformancePlan R17 created F28 ExpressionCreation E7 Activity {building the sets} P33 used specifictechnique P14 carriedout by P14.1 E39 Actor{Georges Colleuille} E55 Type {stage director} E29 Designor Procedure E39 Actor {Cambon, Charles-Antoine (1802-1875)} P14 carried out by P2 has type P94 has created P14.1 E55 Type {still image} E55 Type {draughtsman} E65 Creation P78 isidentified by P4 has time-span E52 Time-Span E50 Date “1867” E31 Document P149 is identified by P70 documents E35 Title “[Hamlet : maquette construitede l'acte II, tableau 1 /par Charles Cambon]” P128 carries E75 Conceptual Object Appellation “http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb409161797” P102 has title E53 Place P87 isidentified by E55 Type {format} P55 hascurrent location E44 Place Appellation “Bibliothèque nationale de France” P3.1 E22 Man-MadeObject P3 has note P48 has preferredidentifier J E42 Identifier “Bibliothèque nationale de France, MAQA-122” E62 String “1 maquette en volume ; formats divers ; image/jpeg”

  29. Example K according to EDM Hamlet(an opera byA. Thomas) Event (performance,1868) edm:incorporates edm:isDerivativeOf N “Christine Nilsson dans le rôled'Ophélie dans "Hamlet" d'Ambroise Thomas / peint parBrochart, photogr. par Goupil” “Nilsson, Christine (1843-1921) -- Portraits” dc:subject dc:title “Thomas, Ambroise (1811-1896).Hamlet -- Représentations” edm:isRepresentationOf dc:subject edm:Agent {Boussod, Valadon et Cie. Photographe} dc:creator edm:InformationResource dc:creator edm:Agent {Brochart, Constant-Joseph (1816-1899)} edm:incorporates edm:Agent {Goupil (Paris)} dc:publisher edm:InformationResource edm:hasType skos:Concept {still image} edm:hasType dc:relation “Notice du catalogue :http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb396209089” skos:Concept {photograph} dcterms:created edm:realizes edm:TimeSpan {1868} edm:Place {Bibliothèque nationale de France,département Musique} edm:currentLocation dc:format edm:PhysicalThing “1 photogr. pos. ;12,5 x 9,5 cm (im.),21 x 17 cm (cadre) ;image/jpeg” dc:identifier “Bibliothèque nationale de France,département Musique, Est.NilssonC.021” edm:isSimilarTo edm:ProvidedCHO

  30. Example K according to FRBROO E39 Actor{Nilsson, Christine (1843-1921)} E55 Type {singer} P14.1 E39 Actor{Brochart, Constant-Joseph (1816-1899)} F6 Concept{Thomas, Ambroise (1811-1896).Hamlet -- Représentations} R2 is deri-vative of P14 carried out by P16 usedspecific object N F1 Work F31 Performance P14 carried out by P138 represents P16.1 P138 represents E55 Type{work performed} P138 represents P14.1 E38 Image P94 has created E65 Creation E55 Type {painter} P130 shows features of E55 Type {photograph} P130.1 R16 initiated F21 RecordingWork P14 carried out by E39 Actor {Boussod, Valadon et Cie} F27 Work Conception R22 created a realisation of R13 is realised in E55 Type {photographer} P14.1 E39 Actor {Boussod, Valadon et Cie} R21 created F26 Recording F29 Recording Event P14 carried out by R14 incorporates E35 Title “Christine Nilsson dans le rôled'Ophélie dans "Hamlet" d'Ambroise Thomas / peint parBrochart, photogr. par Goupil” P14 carried out by F30 Publication Event R24 created E39 Actor {Goupil (Paris)} F24 Publication Expression P102 has title E52 Time-Span P4 has time-span P70 documents P78 isidentified by E31 Document E50 Date “1868” P2 has type P149 is identified by E53 Place R6 carries E75 Conceptual Object Appellation “http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb396209089” P55 hascurrent location E55 Type {still image} {photograph} P87 isidentified by E44 Place Appellation “Bibliothèque nationale de France,département Musique” P3.1 F5 Item P48 has preferredidentifier E55 Type {format} P3 has note K E42 Identifier “Bibliothèque nationale de France,département Musique, Est.NilssonC.021” E62 String “1 photogr. pos. ; 12,5 x 9,5 cm (im.), 21 x 17 cm (cadre) ; image/jpeg”

  31. Example I according to EDM Hamlet(an opera byA. Thomas) Event (performance,1907) edm:incorporates edm:isDerivativeOf N “Amleto. Monologue / AmbroiseThomas, comp. ; Titta Ruffo,BAR ; Carlo Sabaino, dir. l'orch.” “musique dramatique vocale” dc:subject dc:title edm:isRepresentationOf edm:Agent {Ruffo, Titta (1877-1953). Baryton (voix)} dc:creator dc:creator edm:Agent {Sabaino, Carlo (1874-1938). Direction d'orchestre} edm:InformationResource dc:creator edm:Agent {Thomas, Ambroise (1811-1896). Compositeur} dc:language “ita” edm:incorporates “Diffusé grâce à la générositéd'un donateur anonyme”“Titre uniforme : [Hamlet].Extrait (italien)” “Numéro commercial :His master's voice 052189” dc:identifier dc:description edm:InformationResource edm:hasType dc:relation “Notice du catalogue :http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37889427p” skos:Concept {sound} dcterms:created edm:realizes edm:TimeSpan {1907} edm:Place {Bibliothèque nationale de France,département Audiovisuel} edm:currentLocation dc:format edm:PhysicalThing “1 disque monoface : 78 t, aig. ;30 cm ; disc ; disque pré-lp ;multipart/mixed” dc:identifier “Bibliothèque nationale de France,département Audiovisuel,NCHismaster'svoice052189” edm:isSimilarTo edm:ProvidedCHO

  32. Example I according to FRBROO E55 Type {baritone} P14.1 E39 Actor{Ruffo, Titta (1877-1953)} P16 used specific object F23 ExpressionFragment P14 carried out by F31 Performance P16.1 P14 carried out by R15 has fragment E39 Actor{Sabaino, Carlo (1874-1938)} P14.1 E55 Type{piece performed} E55 Type {conductor} F22 Self-ContainedExpression R20 recorded F27 Work Conception R16 initiated P14 carried out by E55 Type {composer} R3 is realised in F21 RecordingWork P14.1 P102 has title E35 Title “[Hamlet]. Extrait (italien)” R2 is deri-vative of N F1 Work E39 Actor {Thomas, Ambroise (1811-1896)} R22 created a realisation of R13 is realised in P102.1 E55 Type {Titre uniforme} P4 has time-span E52 Time-Span R21 created F26 Recording F29 Recording Event E33 Linguistic Object = P78 isidentified by E50 Date “1907” P72 has language P2 has type E75 Conceptual Object Appellation “His master's voice 052189” P149 is identified by R14 incorporates E56 Language {ita} E55 Type {Numérocommercial} F30 Publication Event R24 created F24 Publication Expression P102 has title E35 Title “Amleto. Monologue / AmbroiseThomas, comp. ; Titta Ruffo,BAR ; Carlo Sabaino, dir. l'orch.” E52 Time-Span P4 has time-span P70 documents R6 carries P78 isidentified by E31 Document E50 Date “1907” P149 is identified by E55 Type {description} E53 Place P2 has type E75 Conceptual Object Appellation “http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37889427p” P55 hascurrent location P3.1 P87 isidentified by E62 String “Diffusé grâce àla générositéd'un donateuranonyme” P3.1 E55 Type {sound} E44 Place Appellation “Bibliothèque nationale de France,département Audiovisuel” F5 Item P3 hasnote E55 Type {format} P48 has preferredidentifier P3 I E42 Identifier “Bibliothèque nationale de France, départementAudiovisuel, NCHismaster'svoice052189” E62 String “1 disque monoface : 78 t, aig. ; 30 cm ; disc ; disque pré-lp ; multipart/mixed”

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