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Lev Vygotsky and John Dewey. Daniel Dickens And Carolyn Starkey. PowerPoint prepared by Dickens. Good Morning, I am Tim Russert and this is Meet the Press. Joining me today via satellite from the grave are John Dewey and Lev Vygotsky.
Lev Vygotsky and John Dewey Daniel Dickens And Carolyn Starkey PowerPoint prepared by Dickens
Good Morning, I am Tim Russert and this is Meet the Press. Joining me today via satellite from the grave are John Dewey and Lev Vygotsky.
I want to thank both of you for disturbing you to allow us to talk with you about your philosophies.
I am Lev Vygotsky, born in Byelorussia in 1896. I started out as a physician and developed a genetic understanding of childhood development (children progress through a series of stages.)
What do you mean by stages? Will you elaborate on that a bit?
Children proceed through a series of zones of development based on social development...I like to call it ZPD.
ZPD stands for Zones of Proximal Development. For example...Tim may I borrow your white board? Sure?
The arrow point to a circle. You have a circle in your hands.
The child’s mother saw that the child was frustrated and intervened. The new level of development for the child is a result of the assistance he received.
I am a native, born in Vermont in 1859 to merchants and the product of strict schooling. I attended Johns Hopkins for my Ph D after two years of teaching high school. John tell us about yourself..
I was 92 when I died and I saw a lot of life from reconstruction to the Wars. I believe that practical knowledge is the key to education. Some even call me a pragmatist. I have written more books and articles than most people will read.
I hated the strict schooling of my youth because it did not allow for all of my interests to be explored. I worked throughout my life to combat ineffective methods for teachers. I wanted students to be students rather than memorizers of facts.
Schools should help to prepare students to be effective members in a democracy. People learn to think and reason by thinking and reasoning. Tim…may I use the board to demonstrate? You may.
I would like the chance to look introspectively at what I enjoy doing. Today’s Latin root word is intro...Does anyone know a word from this root? Introspective?
Hmm…It appears that this wagon is missing a motor all together.
That one is too small, that one is too large, but this one is just right.
The Child isn’t allowed to exercise his potential for problem solving under the stringent guidelines of the formal classroom and he needs study what interests him. This painted horse will perform nicely.
Not being alive for the computer age, what are your thoughts on technology?
The internet and technology gives a much needed breath of air to education because it moves beyond text books.
Technology allows for instruction that is meaningful and useful to students thus encouraging them to participate in their education.
Technology allows for students to develop abilities that are necessary attributes for any citizen in a democracy. They have more access to areas of knowledge that don’t lend themselves to being static.
I want to thank both John Dewey and Lev Vygotsky for their participation this morning. Dewey’s book Democracy and Education is quite a page turner.
Vygotsky’s book Thought and Language was only widely recognized after his death and is translated into English that is still a bit complex.
Remember…“If it is Sunday it is Meet the Press, or meet these important philosophers from their places of rest.