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Grade Level. The learning activities are developmentally appropriate for 10 through 12 grade.

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    2. Grade Level The learning activities are developmentally appropriate for 10 through 12 grade. 

    3. Overview Students will go on an adventurous imaginary trip to a Spanish Parador. Students will view vocabulary associated with the parador and produce an original filmstrip in which they check in and out of a hotel. The filmstrip will include potential challenges that they may encounter in a hotel.

    4. Students will then conduct research on the web and appraise 5 paradores in Spain. Students will hold a group discussion justifying their favorite parador. They will then create a brochure to advertise their favorite Parador. Buen Viaje estudiantes! Overview

    5. Approximate Duration The duration will be five 50 minutes class periods.  

    6. Content Standards Communication: Interpretive Mode      Students understand and interpret spoken and written communication in the target language on a variety of topics. Communication: Interpersonal Mode      Students engage in direct oral and written communication in the target language in order to socialize, provide and obtain information, acquire goods the target language in order to socialize, provide and obtain information, acquire goods and service, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. Cultures: Products      Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products, books, tools, food, art, laws, music, games) and perspectives (meanings, attitudes, values, ideas) of the target cultures.

    7. Content Standards (Cont) Connections: Reinforcement      Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the second language. Connections: Acquisition      Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are available only through the second language and its cultures. Communities: Learning      Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting. Communities: Enrichment      Students show evidence of becoming lifelong learners by using the language for enjoyment and enrichment.  

    8. Benchmarks CM-1-E1      demonstrating through appropriate responses an understanding of written and spoken language, as expressed by speakers of the target language in both formal and informal settings;   (1) CM-1-E4      identifying the main ideas from written or oral media, such as film, documentaries, and other presentations;   (1,4) CM-1-E5      understanding and applying information using mathematics, scheduling, weather or climate;   (1,3,4)

    9. Benchmarks CM-2-E4      sharing ideas about and personal reactions to a variety of sources, both live and recorded;   (1,4) CM-2-E6      negotiating the acquisition of goods, services, or information, according to changing circumstances;   (1,4) CM-2-E7      using age-appropriate greetings, gestures, and introductions to exchange essential information;   (1)

    10. Benchmarks CN-2-E1      comparing information found in authentic materials in both the native and target languages on topics of personal interest.   (4) CT-1-E2      using community resources to research a topic related to culture and/or language study;   (3,4) CT-2-E5      planning a real or imaginary trip.   (2,3,4)  

    11. Interdisciplinary Connections Mathematics : Algebra      In problem-solving investigations students demonstrate an understanding of concepts and processes that allow them to analyze, represent, and describe relationships among variable quantities and to apply algebraic methods to real-world situations. Mathematics : Measurement      In problem-solving investigations, students demonstrate an understanding of the concepts, processes, and real-life applications of measurement. 

    12. Educational Technology Standards Make informed choices among technology systems, resources, and services. ( 5, 6 ) Refine knowledge and enhance skills in keyboarding, word processing, desktop publishing, spreadsheets, databases, multimedia, and telecommunications in preparing and presenting classroom projects. ( 3, 6 ) Evaluate technology-based options for lifelong learning. ( 4 )  

    13. Use appropriate technology to locate, retrieve, organize, analyze, evaluate, and communicate information for problem solving and decision making. (1, 2, 4) Evaluate the usage of technology and the processes involved during and upon completion of individual and group projects. (2, 5) Educational Technology Standards

    14. Objetives 1)Student will demonstrate the procedure used to check in and out of a hotel as evidenced in their original skit recording. 2) Students will individually critique internet sites on "Los paradores de Espana" and share their findings in group discussion.

    15. 3) Students will use the website to contrast and compare euros and dollars. 4) Students will complete the American Passport application form downloaded from the American Passport Express Website. Objetives

    16. Lesson Materials and Resources Textbook: Buen Viaje, Level 2 Chapter 6- Protase Woodford, & Conrad Schmitt, Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2005. Buen Viaje Ch 2 video. Bulletin board with several hotel brochures, post cards from different places, and other items related to the hotel. Construction paper for the parador brochure.

    17. Hardware Computer, Projector, Television, Video tape player/recorder, digital camera, and internet access.

    18. Software Microsoft Office (PowerPoint, Word) Inspiration

    19. Websites http://www.parador.es/ http://www.xe.com/ucc

    20. Background Information Prior to this lesson students should be able to use basic Spanish vocabulary to identify items in a hotel. In addition, students should have a basic understanding of surfing the internet

    21. Lesson Procedures A week before I teach this lesson I will have a bulletin board, several hotel brochures, post cards from different places, and other items related to the hotel. I will also have a display table items such as soap, sheet, blanket, pillow, keys, hotel card, bell etc.

    22. Teacher will tell students that they will take an imaginary trip. So, they need to get ready! “We will be traveling to an exiting location outside of the USA”. 1) Students will brainstorm items that the they will need to pack. Using Inspiration the class will organize the items that they brainstormed into categories. Categories include: clothing, hygiene items, travel aids, and other. DAY 1

    23. 2) Teacher will introduce el Capitulo 6 “En el hotel” textbook page 160 and go over the objectives for the module with the students. 3) Teacher will go over the new vocabulary and “at the hotel..Useful phrases” by using “Bienvenidos a mi parador” PowerPoint presentation, the PRT table, and Buen Viaje Chapter 6 textbook pages. Teacher will lead students through the new vocabulary by asking questions in Spanish. 4) Teacher will model the procedure of checking in and out of a hotel. Day 1

    24. 5) Students will watch Ch 6 Glenco video with the procedure of checking in and out of the hotel. (Students will be told that they will be creating their own video on day 2). 6) Students will then fill out the hotel vocabulary sheet and will complete the hotel magic squares for homework. Day 1

    25. 1) Student volunteers will do a Patomine activity of a hotel Places in the classroom will be set up to in order to create a hotel. Student volunteers will follow the instructions of the teacher as they check into a hotel (TWE Pg 162). 2) Students will then be assigned to a group of three. One student will be the client and the other the receptionist, and the third will be recording the skit. Each group will write a script with the proper procedure of checking into a hotel. Each group will take turns recording their script, skits will be graded by using the "Hotel Skit" rubric. Day 2

    26. Students complete the "Los paradores de Espana Web activity" developed by Lisa Jones (see attached files). They will select 5 paradores that they would like to visit in Spain and rank them from most favorite to least favorite. For each parador they will write a short description of the parador, list foods and drinks served, what is there to see around the parador, what sports and activities they would like to participate in, and a description of the impressions that they get from the photos. They will also convert Euros to Dollars and figure out how much it would cost to stay at each parador in dollars during the November to January and July to August. Students will discuss their findings with the class. Day 3: Computer Lab

    27. Students will complete “Los Paradores” Brochure Activity. They will create a brochure to advertise a Parador in Spain. They will be the advertising/marketing director for the parador that they ranked number 1 on day 3. Students will present their Brochure to the class on Friday. Day 4

    28. Students will take the vocabulary quiz for this module. After Quiz, students will present their Brochures to the class. Brochure will be graded by using el Parador Rubric. Day 5

    29. Assessments Daily Participation grade. Vocabulary quiz Videotaped skit presentation recording. Los Paradores de Espana Web Activity. Los paradores de Espana brochure. Extra: American Passport Application.

    30. Reproducible Materials: El hotel vocabulary handout El hotel magic squares 1 and 2 El hotel vocabulary quiz Paradores web activity Paradores brochure activity Paradores brochure rubric USA Passport Form

    31. Reproducible Materials El hotel vocabulary handout El hotel magic squares 1 and 2 El hotel vocabulary quiz Paradores web activity Paradores brochure activity Paradores brochure rubric USA Passport Form

    32. Explorations and Extensions Students will go online to the American Passport Express Website and download a passport application form (extra credit). They will fill out the passport application and bring it to class. Students traveling abroad will be encouraged to submit their application forms.

    33. Lesson Development Resources Buen Viaje, Level 2 Chapter 6- Protase Woodford, & Conrad Schmitt, Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2005.

    34. Explorations and Extensions Students will go online to the American Passport Express Website and download a passport application form (extra credit). They will fill out the passport application and bring it to class. Students traveling abroad will be encouraged to submit their application forms.

    35. Contact Information Virginia Cecchini guidrvir@spi.cpsb.org Sulphur High School

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