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Discover the tandem of music and foreign language learning supported by research, engaging students through physiological and psychological factors for effective memorization and cultural transmission.
Music and foreignlanguagelearning: a tandemsupportedbyresearch
1. Startingpoint Whydoesresearchsupportthistandem? Physiologicalreasons: Language and musicactivatethetwobrainhemispheres Learning in differentways More effectivememorizatindue to the link of word and rhythm
Psychologicalreasons Studentinterest Trigger of emotions Relaxingatmosphere in theclassroom
READING LISTENING Didacticreasons Workingthefourskills Using real texts A way to transmitthe culture of theforeignlanguage SPEAKING WRITING
2. Approach Howmuch can the use of songs in theforeignlanguageclassroomimprovestudents performance and avoidacademicfailure?
3. Test Firststep- Choosingthegroup Eachschoolwillworkwithtwogroupswiththesamelanguagelevel: between 10 and 20 students per group. Experimental Group (EG) Control Group(CG)
Secondstep – Choosingthesong Songs in English or German Age Musical preferences Languageproficiency
Thirdstep- workingthedifferentskills and strategieswitheachgroup in theclassroom. 1st lesson EG Listeningwithouttext Global: writedownthetopic, theemotions Listeningwiththetext (+Reading) Detailedorexhaustive Gap text to fill in wordsorimages. Searchingforunknownwords. CG Reading Global: ordertheparagraphs in thetext Paint a picture Detailed: searchforunknownwords.
2nd/3rd lesson CG Writing: Readthetext and write a dialogue oranopinion Speaking: Play the dialogue ordiscussaboutthetopic EG Writing: Listen to thesong and write a briefstory. Speaking: Singthesong
5. Analysis Written test in bothgroups ·4th lesson: Bothgroupswilltakethesamemultiplechoice test, with 10 grammar and vocabularyquestionsaboutthesong. DrawingGraphics Eachschooldraws a circular graphicwiththeir test results.
5. Results Consequences Comparison of groupresults in eachschool to getpracticalconsequences.
6. Bibliography AlHachami (2016) Das gesungeneWortimDeutsch-alsFremdsprache-Unterricht, Dissertation, Univ. Mannheim. Als PDF ub-madoc.bib.uni-mannheim.de Ddeubel (2016) 10 reasons to use to use songs in theclassroom, ddeubel.edublogs.com Gountouva, I (2013) Der Einsatz von PopmusikimDaF- Unterricht, Masterarbeit, Univ. Thessaloniki. Als PDF ikee.lib.auth.gr>files>GRI-2014-12543 Fernández Martín(2013) El papel de las canciones en la enseñanza de idiomas a inmigrantes: una propuesta didáctica, en marco eLe Jäncke, Lutz (2012) Therelationshipbetweenmusic and Language, Frontiers in Psychologie: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Kiviranta&Mäkelä (2014) Einsatz von MusikimFremdsprachenunterricht, Masterarbeit, Univ. Tampere. Als PDF tampub.uta.fi>GRADU-1401261546 Perner, M (2017) Rappenfür die Sprechsicherheit, In MagazinSprache, März 2017, Goethe-Institut Ruiz Calatrava (2008) La enseñanza de idiomas a través de la música, en: archivos,csif.es>pdf>Numero_13 Internetquellen (4.05.2011) Lieder imFremdsprachenunterricht, www.hueber.de (19.07.2013) FremdsprachenlernensichleichterdurchSingen www.welt.de>infoline_nt