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Music and foreign language learning : a tandem supported by research

Discover the tandem of music and foreign language learning supported by research, engaging students through physiological and psychological factors for effective memorization and cultural transmission.

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Music and foreign language learning : a tandem supported by research

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  1. Music and foreignlanguagelearning: a tandemsupportedbyresearch

  2. 1. Startingpoint Whydoesresearchsupportthistandem? Physiologicalreasons: Language and musicactivatethetwobrainhemispheres Learning in differentways More effectivememorizatindue to the link of word and rhythm

  3. Psychologicalreasons Studentinterest Trigger of emotions Relaxingatmosphere in theclassroom

  4. READING LISTENING Didacticreasons Workingthefourskills Using real texts A way to transmitthe culture of theforeignlanguage SPEAKING WRITING

  5. 2. Approach Howmuch can the use of songs in theforeignlanguageclassroomimprovestudents performance and avoidacademicfailure?

  6. 3. Test Firststep- Choosingthegroup Eachschoolwillworkwithtwogroupswiththesamelanguagelevel: between 10 and 20 students per group. Experimental Group (EG) Control Group(CG)

  7. Secondstep – Choosingthesong Songs in English or German Age Musical preferences Languageproficiency

  8. Thirdstep- workingthedifferentskills and strategieswitheachgroup in theclassroom. 1st lesson EG Listeningwithouttext Global: writedownthetopic, theemotions Listeningwiththetext (+Reading) Detailedorexhaustive Gap text to fill in wordsorimages. Searchingforunknownwords. CG Reading Global: ordertheparagraphs in thetext Paint a picture Detailed: searchforunknownwords.

  9. 2nd/3rd lesson CG Writing: Readthetext and write a dialogue oranopinion Speaking: Play the dialogue ordiscussaboutthetopic EG Writing: Listen to thesong and write a briefstory. Speaking: Singthesong

  10. 5. Analysis Written test in bothgroups ·4th lesson: Bothgroupswilltakethesamemultiplechoice test, with 10 grammar and vocabularyquestionsaboutthesong. DrawingGraphics Eachschooldraws a circular graphicwiththeir test results.

  11. 5. Results Consequences Comparison of groupresults in eachschool to getpracticalconsequences.

  12. 6. Bibliography AlHachami (2016) Das gesungeneWortimDeutsch-alsFremdsprache-Unterricht, Dissertation, Univ. Mannheim. Als PDF ub-madoc.bib.uni-mannheim.de Ddeubel (2016) 10 reasons to use to use songs in theclassroom, ddeubel.edublogs.com Gountouva, I (2013) Der Einsatz von PopmusikimDaF- Unterricht, Masterarbeit, Univ. Thessaloniki. Als PDF ikee.lib.auth.gr>files>GRI-2014-12543 Fernández Martín(2013) El papel de las canciones en la enseñanza de idiomas a inmigrantes: una propuesta didáctica, en marco eLe Jäncke, Lutz (2012) Therelationshipbetweenmusic and Language, Frontiers in Psychologie: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

  13. Kiviranta&Mäkelä (2014) Einsatz von MusikimFremdsprachenunterricht, Masterarbeit, Univ. Tampere. Als PDF tampub.uta.fi>GRADU-1401261546 Perner, M (2017) Rappenfür die Sprechsicherheit, In MagazinSprache, März 2017, Goethe-Institut Ruiz Calatrava (2008) La enseñanza de idiomas a través de la música, en: archivos,csif.es>pdf>Numero_13 Internetquellen (4.05.2011) Lieder imFremdsprachenunterricht, www.hueber.de (19.07.2013) FremdsprachenlernensichleichterdurchSingen www.welt.de>infoline_nt

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