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Advanced Line Inspection Solutions in Russia for High-pH and SCC Detection

Explore cutting-edge tools and technologies for in-line inspection of pipelines in Russia, including magnetic tools, EMA control, TFI, MFL, and more. Identify cracks, holes, corrosion, laminations, and ensure quality control with advanced EMA technology. Stay ahead with innovative solutions for detecting defects and ensuring pipeline integrity.

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Advanced Line Inspection Solutions in Russia for High-pH and SCC Detection

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  2. High-pH SCC – EMA CONTROL

  3. Magnetic Tools TFI (DMTP-24”) MFL(DМТ-24”)

  4. Magnetic Tools MFL Tool TFI Tool

  5. Cracks Identification MFL Tool (axial magnetization) TFI Tool (transverse magnetization)

  6. TFI Tool. Crack (L=41 mm, H=4mm(0.4t), W=10mkm)& Hole Hole Crack

  7. EMA Tools – DEMAP-24” (2007)

  8. EMA Technology TFI Crack Hole EМАТ Crack Hole

  9. Inter-granular SCC. EMA Technology EМАТ MFL MFL+ TFI

  10. Inter-granular SCC. EMA Technology

  11. Disbanded Coating EMA (Disbanded Coating)

  12. Circular EMAT ILI. Sonic test of pipe surface with EMA sensors. Circular wave transmission

  13. Combined Circular & Axial EMAT ILI Sonic test of pipe surface with EMA sensors. Combined circular & axial wave transmission

  14. DEMA-24” (2009)

  15. DEMA-24” (2009). Test Stand Scheme

  16. DEMA-24” (2009). Test result. Slots & holes Axial slotting Pitting

  17. DEMA-24” (2009). Test result. Slots & holes Transverse echo data layer TFI Axial slotting Pitting Longitudinal echo data layer MFL

  18. DEMA-24” (2009). SCC SCC SCC Pit corrosion

  19. DEMA-24” (2009). Test Result. SCC & Corrosion Transverse echo data layer TFI SCC SCC Pit corrosion Longitudinal echo data layer MFL

  20. 100 mkm Laminations

  21. Test Result. Crack & Laminations SH0 Crack Laminations SHA1 SHS1

  22. EMAT ILI comparison SPETSNEFTEGAZ 24” EMAT ILI (2007) Channels 16 x Crack Detection 16 x Coating Disbandment Detection 16 x Quality Control Energy – 1.4 kW * hour SPETSNEFTEGAZ 24” EMAT ILI (2009) Channels 144 x Crack Detection 72 x Coating Disbandment Detection 72 x Quality Control Energy – 8.4 kW * hour

  23. RUSSIA - 2009

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