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Ch. 9 Classification

Ch. 9 Classification. Classification is the arrangement of organisms into orderly groups based on their similarities. Aside from Domains, the largest, most general group for these organisms is the kingdom. Each kingdom is divided into subgroups called phyla (phylum) or divisions.

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Ch. 9 Classification

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  1. Ch. 9 Classification • Classification is the arrangement of organisms into orderly groups based on their similarities. • Aside from Domains, the largest, most general group for these organisms is the kingdom. Each kingdom is divided into subgroups called phyla (phylum) or divisions.

  2. The Plant and Fungi Kingdoms • Sub categories are called Divisions • Most Kingdoms • Sub categories are called Phyla or Phylum

  3. End of these is further subdivided into classes, then orders, then families. The most specific groups are genus and species. • These two names together ( the genus and species name) make up the organisms scientific name. ex: Canisfamiliars • Dichotomous keys are tables or charts that are used in helping to identify unknown organisms.

  4. Organisms from broad to specific • Broad-> kingdom, phylum (or division), class, order, family, genus, species <-specific

  5. Bacteria are divided into two kingdoms: • 1. Archaebacteriaare small, prokaryotic organisms that live in hostile environments. “Archae” means “ancient.” • 2.Eubacteria are common prokaryotic bacteria which live in soil and in/on other organisms. • 3. Protists are single celled or simple multi celled organisms. They are eukaryotic.Protistsinclude protozoa (animal-like protists); algae, (plant-like protists); and fungus-like protists.

  6. 4. Fungi are multi-cellular organisms (usually) which do not contain chlorophyll. They obtain food by dissolving and absorbing nutrients from their environment. • 5. Plants are more complex than fungi. They contain chlorophyll which allows them to make food using sunlight by photosynthesis. Plants may contain specialized tissues. • 6. Animaliais the Kingdom with the most complex organisms.

  7. (Animals, cont’d) They are different from most kingdoms in that they have cells without cell walls. • Animals tend to move around, react to their surroundings and obtain food from outside sources.

  8. End Of Ch. 9

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