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Problems – summary : Day- night rhythm by external visible light : Excitation of tryptophan and metabolism of tryptoph

Theory of coupled electromagnetic circuits and the relevance of their resonances in chronobiology In honor of the 90 th birthday of Franz Halberg W. Ulmer – Corresponding member of MPI of Physics Göttingen Germany. Problems – summary :

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Problems – summary : Day- night rhythm by external visible light : Excitation of tryptophan and metabolism of tryptoph

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  1. Theory of coupled electromagnetic circuits and the relevance of their resonances in chronobiologyIn honor of the 90th birthday of Franz HalbergW. Ulmer – Corresponding member of MPI of Physics Göttingen Germany Problems – summary: Day-nightrhythmbyexternalvisiblelight: Excitationoftryptophanandmetabolismoftryptophan – serotonin – melatonin. Thisisonly on surface (skin) possible: Lifetimeofsinglettransitions: 10-8 sec; lifetimeoftriplets: seconds, minutes,….. Eachcellshowsultraweakbioluminescence (uwb):

  2. Problems – summary: In darknessultraweakbioluminescence (uwb) exists in eachcell • Intensityofwavelengthsisonlydepending on biorhythm (circadian, circaseptan, etc). • Mechanism: Excitationsbyseveralstepsby ATP – (GTP) decay (0.5 eV) – pumpingmechanisms. • Receptors: tryptophan – serotonin – melatonin (singlet – triplettransitions). • Couplingto DNA androleofneurotransmitters. • Every chargedistributionofbiomolecules (andeven a cell) represents a capacitance. Transitions representcurrents – inductivitances (magneticfields). Thisviewgoes back to Heisenberg. Recentdevelopments: molecular electronic devices.

  3. L C Basic princple: Oneelectricoscillatorwith L: inductivitance (solenoid) and C: capacitance (condensator); electriccharge: Q, current: Q/dt

  4. L C spring M1 M2 Two coupled electrical resonators via magnetic interactions M of the currents (right) - mechanical analogon: two pendula coupled by a spring (left) L M C

  5. Threeidenticaloscillatorswithmagneticcoupling Mvia currentsbetween different states

  6. Resonator with dielectric coupling: Instead of the mutual inductivitance M a mutual capacitance is used to couple the two resonators - Basic equations and solution methods are always equivalent

  7. Carrier waves and beat frequencies by superpositions of different solutions (modes) of two resonators

  8. Two coupled resonators: Resonance time T from the difference values (beat frequency) ω’2 = 2∙π/T= (ω1- ω2)/2 – narrow intervals for circadian, etc.

  9. Number of beat resonance time intervals T with T1 and T2 < =10 sec; ω1 = 2∙π/T1 and ω2 = 2∙π/T2

  10. Two coupled resonators: Resonance time T from the difference values (beat frequency) ω’2 = 2∙π/T= (ω1- ω2)/2 – wide intervals for circadians, etc.

  11. Twocoupledresonatorsshow: Numerousbeatfrequenciesmaybecandidatestoprovideindependently circadian, circasemiseptan, circaseptan, ….,etc.Principalquestion: whoisthe CONDUCTOR in a cellularsystemtoselectparticularresonancetimes/periods? In chronobiology, thescientificworkof Franz Halbergrepresentstheroleof a ‚musicdirector‘In a cellular/ molecularbiologicallevelsynergeticphenomenashouldleadto such a selection: 1. Physicaltermschemesofbiomolecules - productionofsinglet – tripletresonances via externallightandultraweakbioluminescence (DNA, RNA, tryptophan, serotonin, melatonin) , configurations (chargedistributions) of different statesby double resonancesbetweenmolecules.2. Influenceofthegeomagnetic/solar magneticfieldtochargedmoleculesandions such as Mg-ATP-proteincomplexesandhydrolysisof ATP via Caions

  12. Characteristictermscheme: Solid arrows: allowedtransitions - dashedarrows: forbiddentransitionsfromsingletgroundstate1. Singlet double resonance (DE) 2. Singlet – triplettransitionsfromtheexcitedsingletstate (allowed) 3. Triplet – triplettransitionsandcascades (longlifetime: seconds, minutes, hours, etc. )

  13. More complex (realistic systems): I. Two electrical resonators (circuits) are coupled via a further resonator

  14. II. Three different circuits are mutually coupled via magnetic interactions (currents)

  15. Generalizationtothreeormorecoupledresonators[couplings via electric (dielectricum) ormagneticinteraction]

  16. Three/fourcoupledoscillatorscansimultaneouslyproduce ‚beats‘: 3 and 4 periodsofchronobiologyNumberofnecessaryconductorsisdrasticallyreduced

  17. Periodic system of resonators – simplified application to double-stranded DNA chains - Beat intervals: ca. 1 – 3.5 – 7 days

  18. Periodsof ATP –metabolismsupportedbytheresonances: Geomagneticand solar magneticfield (Caand Mg) andultraweakbioluminescence

  19. DNA(section): H bonds (protons) represent mutually coupled currents (inductivitances) and the charge distributions at the corresponding bases (A , T, G, C) are capacitances of resonators Large manifold ofmagnetically coupled resonators: weak couplings between not neighbouring proton bonds yielding highly nonlocal effects and time periods (‚beat frequencies‘)

  20. Conclusionsandrelevancetochronobiology:1. Conductorofbeats/carrierwaves: 2. Reductionofresonancesbycoupledcomplexsystems3. Diffusion of metallic ions in magneticfields(roleofCaand Mg ions in ATP-proteincomplexes)4. Skin surface (externallight, dayandnight)5. Ultraweakbioluminescence (roleof ATP)6. Proton bonds (H bonds) between DNA basepairsandresonancesbynonlocalinfluences – Calculationofthemagneticcouplingbetween different basepairs (veryweakanddecreasingwithdistancesprovidesrhythmsof ca. 1 day, 3.5 daysand 7 days

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