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RECRUITING HUMAN RESOURCES. What is the Goal of Recruiting?. Key Themes/Assumptions. Quality of hiring depends on quality of recruiting Recruitment should be performance-based, not time-constrained Hiring is a mutual decision between employer and applicant. Recruitment Issues. Timing?

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  2. What is the Goal of Recruiting?

  3. Key Themes/Assumptions • Quality of hiring depends on quality of recruiting • Recruitment should be performance-based, not time-constrained • Hiring is a mutual decision between employer and applicant

  4. Recruitment Issues • Timing? • Who do you recruit? • How do you attract them? • How do you reach them?

  5. How Do You Attract? • Are you an Employer of Choice? • A “marketing” approach to recruitment • Must understand…

  6. Realistic Job Previews Why do RJPs increase satisfaction & retention? Can help avoid “Truth-in-Hiring” lawsuits

  7. “Truth in Hiring” • Fraudulent inducement • Fraudulent concealment

  8. Evaluating Recruitment Sources

  9. Traditional Employee referrals Former employees Classified Empl. agencies Walk-ins College recruiting Job fairs “Innovative” TV/radio/billboard ads Internships Trade/professional networks/groups Signing bonuses Recruitment bonuses Internet Recruiting Channels

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