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Generic Conversions for Constructing IND-CCA2 Public-key Encryption in the Random Oracle Model

Generic Conversions for Constructing IND-CCA2 Public-key Encryption in the Random Oracle Model. Tatsuaki Okamoto NTT. Security of Public-Key Cryptosystems. Target One-wayness (OW) : hard to invert Semantically secure (Indistinguishable) (IND) : No partial information is released

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Generic Conversions for Constructing IND-CCA2 Public-key Encryption in the Random Oracle Model

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  1. Generic Conversions for Constructing IND-CCA2 Public-key Encryption in the Random Oracle Model Tatsuaki Okamoto NTT

  2. Security of Public-Key Cryptosystems • Target • One-wayness (OW) : hard to invert • Semantically secure (Indistinguishable) (IND) : No partial information is released • Non-malleable (NM): for any non-trivial relation R E(M)→E(R(M)) • Attacks • Passive attacks (Cosen Plaintext Attacks: CPA) • Chosen-ciphertext attacks(Cosen Ciphertex Attacks: CCA) hard

  3. Semantic Security (IND : Indistinguishability) The probability of correctly guessing (b = b’) is negligible m0, m1 : randomly selected Adv : guess of b’

  4. Chosen Ciphertext Attack (CCA) CiphertextC0 Public-key C1, Cn Attacker Decryption oracle Rule: C0≠C1, ,Cn ( ) Information on PlaintextP0 P1, Pn • CCA1 (Lunch time attack, Naor-Yung 90) • C0 is given to the attacker, after the active attack is completed. • CCA2 (Rackoff –Simon 91) • C0 is given to the attacker, before the active attack starts.

  5. Relationships among Security Definitions (1) • Non-malleable (NM) → Semantically secure (IND) • i.e., NM-CPA → IND-CPA, NM-CCA2 → IND-CCA2) • IND-CCA2 → NM-CCA2 • Remark : NM-CPA → IND-CCA1 • Conclusion : Strongest security • Semantically secure against chosen-ciphertext attack 2 • IND-CCA2=NM-CCA2 ←

  6. Relationships among Security Definitions (2) Target Attack

  7. History of Provably Secure Public-key Encryption 19761978 1979 1982 19841990 199119931994 1998 2001 DDN NY BR BDPR DH Rabin RSA GM (NM-CCA2) (Random oracle model) (OW-CPA) (IND-CPA) (IND-CCAI) RS OAEP CS (IND-CCA2) Concept of public-key cryptosystem Proposal of various tricks Provable security (Theory) Practical approach by random oracle model Practical scheme in the standard model

  8. m0, m1 Adv b=0/1:correctly output C C’=C・ Re DO Adv Decryption oracle M’/R =Plaintext of C The plain RSA scheme is not secure in the sense of IND-CCA2 • not indistinguishable (IND) deterministic • vulnerable against CCA2 random-self-reducibility

  9. EC-ElGamal Encryption • elliptic curve • point with order • Public-key (E, P, W, ) Secret-keyx • Encryptionplaintextm, • bit-wise exclusive-or, (rW)X is the x-coordinate of rW • Decryption ciphertext

  10. The Elliptic Curve ElGamal Scheme Is Not Secure in the Sense ofIND-CCA2 (1) • Malleable = m’ Non-trivial relation with

  11. The Elliptic Curve ElGamal Scheme Is Not Secure in the Sense ofIND-CCA2 (2) • CCA2 Attack Adv Decryption Oracle

  12. How to Construct an Encryption Scheme with the Strongest Security (IND-CCA2) • Based on zero-knowledge proofs • Dolev-Dwork-Naor (1991) • Inefficient • Based on truly random function (random oracle model) • Bellare-Rogaway : OAEP (1994)..PKCS#1(Ver.2)1998 • Fujisaki-Okamoto (1999) , Pointcheval (2000) • Okamoto-Pointcheval : REACT (2001) • Practical (using practical one-way functions in place of random functions) • Practical construction without using a random function • Cramer-Shoup (1998)

  13. Primitive Encryption Function (Trapdoor Function) Example RSA ElGamal etc Secure Encryption Scheme Semantically Secure against Adaptively Chosen Ciphertext Attacks (IND-CCA2) Design Strategy of Practical and Provably Secure Public-key Encryption Conversion Using Hash Functions (Random Functions)

  14. Random Oracle Model(Truly Random Model) Output Input 0・・・・    ・・・・0 0・・・・    ・・・・1 1・・・・    ・・・・1 01011・・・ ・・・0 10011・・・ ・・・0 011001・・  ・・0 ・・・H(random oracle/ random function) 2n H n bits random Random oracle Random function H x1 H(xk) xk H(x1) User 1 User 2

  15. Conversions for the RSA Encryption Function • OAEP(Bellare-Rogaway 1994) • OAEP+ (Shoup 2001) • SAEP (Boneh 2001) • SAEP+ (Boneh 2001) • REACT (Okamoto-Pointcheval 2001)

  16. OAEP RSA-OAEP:de facto standard format of the RSA encryption ・・・used in SSL(PKCS#1) and SET m 00…0 r G G(r) H(s) H s t one-way permutation (Example) RSA-OAEP

  17. Security of OAEP (FOPS 2001) • OAEP is IND-CCA2 secure under the partial-domain one-wayness assumption in the random oracle model. • RSA-OAEP is IND-CCA2 secure under the RSA assumption in the random oracle model. The reduction efficiency (to the RSA inversion) is less than that of the optimal case.

  18. OAEP+ m F(m||r) r G G(r) H(s) H s t one-way permutation (Example) RSA-OAEP+

  19. RSA-REACT (Hybrid Encryption) (ex)

  20. Comparison of the RSA Family

  21. FO-1 FO-2 Pointcheval REACT DHAES / ECIES CS(ACE) PSEC-KEM ACE-KEM (Fujisaki-Okamoto: PKC 1999) (Fujisaki-Okamoto: Crypto 1999) (Pointcheval 2000) (Okamoto-Pointcheval 2001) (Abdala-Bellare-Rogaway 1999) (Cramer-Shoup 1998) (Shoup + Fujisaki-Okamoto 2001) (Shoup 2001) IND-CCA2 Conversions for (Elliptic Curve) ElGamal Encryption (Remark: OAEP, OAEP+, SAEP, SAEP+ cannot be applied for Probabilistic Encryption Schemes such as ElGamal

  22. FO-1/2 • FO-1 • FO-2 ? Check in decryption ? Check in decryption

  23. FO-2:Applied to EC-ElGamal…PSEC-2 • : plaintext • ciphertext (Ex.1) one-time pad (Ex.2) block-cipher

  24. Decryption of PSEC-2 • Check ? Yes No null string

  25. Security of PSEC-2 • EC-DH Assumption • SymEnc:semantically secure against passive attack • g, h:random oracle PSEC-2 is IND-CCA2

  26. REACT ? Check in decryption

  27. Security of REACT • f is Gap-one way • G and H are random oracles • (SymE is semantically secure against passive attacks) AsymE is IND-CCA2

  28. A Typical Usage of REACT 復号 暗号 Session key IND-CCA2 is guaranteed in total.

  29. Inverting Problems • relation • x→y s.t. f (x, y)=1 f (x, y)=1 y x

  30. R-decision problems • (x,y) decide whether R( f, x, y)=1 • (Examples) • (e,g., decision DH ) (e,g., quadratic residuosity) • z is even when z with f (x,z) is uniquely determined. (e,g., lsb of RSA) s.t.

  31. Gap problems (R-gap problems) y x s.t. or or R-decision problem Oracle

  32. Duality of Gap and Decision problems • R-gap problem of f is tractable ⇒inverting problem of f = R-decision problem of f • R-decision problem of is tractable ⇒inverting problem of f = R-gap problem of f (e.g., f : RSA function; ) reducible to each other reducible to each other

  33. Relationship among the Assumptions Dual Gap- One-way Assumption Decisional Assumption One-way Assumption

  34. Relationship among the DH Assumptions Dual Gap DH Assumption Decision DH Assumption DH Assumption

  35. EC-ElGamal-REACT: PSEC-3 • : plaintext • ciphertext

  36. Decryption of PSEC- 3 • Check ? Yes No null string

  37. Security of PSEC-3 • EC-GapDH(GDH) Assumption • SymEnc:semantically secure against passive attack • g, h:random oracle PSEC-3 is IND-CCA2

  38. ECIES’(modified by Shoup) • Encryption • r : random • Decryption • Check ?

  39. Security of ECIES’ • Gap-EDH assumption • SymEnc:semantically secure against passive attack • Mac:secure • g:random oracle ECIES’isIND-CCA2

  40. EC-ACE-KEM (1) • Public-key • Secret-key w, x, y, z • Encryption • Ciphertext: • Shared key:

  41. ? ? EC-ACE-KEM (2) • Decryption check

  42. Security of EC-ACE-KEM • (1) • EC-DDH • h:Universal One-Way Hash Function (UOWHF) • EC-ACE is IND-CCA2 • (2) • EC-DH • h:Random Oracle • EC-ACE is IND-CCA2

  43. PSEC-KEM(revised by Shoup based on PSEC-2) • Encryption • Ciphertext(R, v) • Decryption

  44. Security of PSEC-KEM • EC-DH • h,g:Random Oracle PSEC-KEM is IND-CCA2

  45. Comparison of the EC-ElGamal Family The above numbers are those of EC-addition operations

  46. Conclusion • Simple RSA and (EC)ElGamal are not secure against active attacks • Several practical(efficient) conversions are proposed to realize the strongest level of security (IND-CCA2) based on any primitive encryption functions such as RSA and (EC) ElGamal.

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