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Lesson 3. A New Testament Chronology. Correlating Bible Data With Secular History Data (1). Pentecost. Jesus died 30 A.D., Acts 1 & 2 reveal that the church was established less than two months later on Pentecost.
Lesson 3 A New Testament Chronology
Correlating Bible Data With Secular History Data (1) • Pentecost. Jesus died 30 A.D., Acts 1 & 2 reveal that the church was established less than two months later on Pentecost. • Annas & Caiaphas. The last year of Caiaphas reign was 36 A.D. Therefore, Peter’s experience before the Sanhedrin (Acts 4) took place somewhere between 30-36 A.D.
Correlating Bible Data With Secular History Data (2) • Gamaliel. Considered the greatest of teachers in the sect of the Pharisees. Grandson of Hillel, who established the most influential school among the Pharisees. Gamaliel died 18 years before the destruction of Jerusalem in 52 A.D. • Candace. The name given to a succession of queens that reigned in Ethiopia in the 1st Century A.D. (No help in determining N.T. dates, but secular data does corroborate the accuracy of the N.T. text).
Correlating Bible Data With Secular History Data (3) • Aretas IV. Reigned from approximately 9 B.C. to 40 A.D. Exact dates uncertain, but he reigned longer than 47 years. Political arguments regarding Aretas’ reign and the death of emperor Tiberius lend plausibility to the date of 37 A.D. as being the year that Paul escaped from Damascus (Acts 9:25). • Famine Under Claudius. Began in the fourth year of Claudius’ reign (44 A.D.), and lasted for 4 years.
Correlating Bible Data With Secular History Data (4) • Reign & Death of Agrippa I. Began reign by appointment of Tiberius in 34 A.D. By 41 A.D. had gained all of Judea. Reigned over all of Judea for 3 years. Died 44 A.D. • Sergius Paulus. Reigned as Proconsul of Cyprus. Evidence of later proconsuls indicate that Sergius Paulus must have served as proconsul before 50 A.D. This helps to set the latest possible date of Paul’s first Missionary Journey.
Correlating Bible Data With Secular History Data (5) • Claudius’ Edict Against the Jews. Roman historian Seutonias, in his Life of Claudius, (ch. 25) corroborates the account of Acts 18:2, but gives no date. The language of his account indicates that the riots which led to the Jew’s expulsion may have been directed towards Jewish Christians in the city.
Correlating Bible Data With Secular History Data (6) • Proconsulship of Gallio in Achaia. Achaia did not have a proconsul before 44 A.D. A letter dated 52 A.D. mentions Gallio as ruling in Achaia. Gallio’s time as proconsul fell between 50-54 A.D. This would allow for a date of 52 A.D., when Paul appeared before him (18:12). • Tyrannus. Though evidently a teacher of some repute, there is no extra-biblical data available about Tyrannus.
Correlating Bible Data With Secular History Data (7) • The Egyptian. A false prophet that led a rebellion against the Roman garrison in Jerusalem during the reign of Nero (54-68 A.D.) He told his followers the walls of Jerusalem would fall (as Jericho). When his followers were defeated, he fled into the wilderness. Lysias (Acts 21:38), thought Paul may have been the Egyptian who had returned, and unsuccessfully tried to rally the people behind his cause once again.
Correlating Bible Data With Secular History Data (8) • Ananias. The high priest when Paul was tried in Jerusalem. Appointed to office by Herod of Chalis, in 48 A.D. Was put out of office by Herod Agrippa II by 59 A.D. Paul’s trial must have been before 59 A.D. • Governorship of Felix. Reigned from about 52 A.D. until the emperor recalled him in 60 A.D. So, Paul appeared before him about 58 A.D.
Correlating Bible Data With Secular History Data (9) • Governorship of Festus. Paul had been in prison for 2 years when he appeared before Festus (who followed Felix). So, that date would be 60 A.D. Secular historians place the beginning of his reign anywhere between 57 A.D. and 61 A.D. • Reign of Herod Agrippa II. Reigned in Judea from 48 A.D. and consolidated power in Judea from 52 A.D. until the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.
Correlating Bible Data With Secular History Data (11) • Publius. The Roman ruler’s name, on the island of Miletas has been corroborated by inscriptions. Nothing is known of his exact office or the date of his reign. • Two Years in Roman Prison. If the date given regarding Felix rule as governor is correct, then Paul would have served his two years in prison (Acts 28:30) from 61-63 A.D.
Summary of Dates (Apostolic Age - 1) • Beginning of Church, (30 A.D.) Acts 1 & 2 reveal the church began the same year Jesus died. • Paul’s Conversion, (34 A.D.) We can set with reasonable certainty the date of Paul’s escape from Damascus to 37 A.D, (Coinciding with the death of Tiberias). Working backward 3 years in keeping with Galatians 1:17, we arrive at the date of 34 A.D. as the date of Paul’s conversion.
Summary of Dates (Apostolic Age - 2) • Paul in Antioch, (40-42 A.D.) Acts 11:25ff show this was before the death of Herod Agrippa I in 44 A.D. (Recorded in 12:1-23) • Paul’s First Journey, (45-48 A.D.) Paul’s first journey began in the narrative following the death of Herod Agrippa I, (Acts 12:21-25 and 13:1-3). The Galatian churches were established during this first tour. Paul and Barnabas report back to Antioch at the end of this tour.
Summary of Dates (Apostolic Age - 3) • Jerusalem Council, (51 A.D.) (Galatians 1:17-18; 2:1) Paul indicates that after 14 years, he returned to Jerusalem. Either means 14 years after conversion, or 14 years after first visit to Jerusalem, 3 years after his conversion. Reese asserts latter date. (17 yrs. after Paul’s conversion) (cf. Acts 15) • Paul’s Second Journey, (51-54 A.D.) Paul tried before Gallio in Corinth (52 A.D). Again reports back to the church in Antioch of Syria. Revisits churches of Galatia, thenMacedonia, Berea, Thessalonica, Athens, Corinth, Ephesus, Jerusalem
Summary of Dates (Apostolic Age - 4) • Paul’s Third Journey, (54-58 A.D.) Three to four years in length. 3 months in Achaia (20:3); 2-3 years in Ephesus (19:8-10; 20:31). Closes with trip to Jerusalem with contribution to the poor there. • Paul’s Arrest in Jerusalem, (58 A.D.) Paul had been in prison for t years before Festus came in to office in 60 A.D.
Summary of Dates (Apostolic Age - 5) • Paul’s Two Years in Prison in Caesarea, (58-60 A.D.) From the time Paul was arrested and presented to Felix, until he was sent to Rome by Festus. • Paul’s Voyage to Rome, (60 A.D.) (Acts 27 and 28). • Two Years in Paul’s First Roman Imprisonment (61-63 A.D.) (Acts 28:30-31).
Summary of Dates (Apostolic Age - 6) • The Burning of Rome, (64 A.D.). It is commonly believed that Nero was responsible for the burning of the city, and laid the blame on the Christians. After this date, official tolerance toward the Christian faith ended. • The Destruction of Jerusalem, (70 A.D.). The fanaticism of Jewish Zealots was squelched by the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans under the generalship of Titus.
Summary of Dates (Apostolic Age - 7) • The Writing of the Book of Revelation, (96 A.D.). Those who view this date as accurate believe that an aged apostle John was banished to the isle of Patmos in 96 A.D. It is at this time (cf. Revelation 1:9) that John wrote the book. The persecution of Christians here would have been during the reign of the emperor Domitian. • Note: All the New Testament books were written between the years 45 A.D. and 96 A.D.