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Managing Cholesterol Levels for Heart Health

Learn about cholesterol, its impact on heart health, and ways to prevent high cholesterol levels through diet and lifestyle changes.

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Managing Cholesterol Levels for Heart Health

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  1. Overview Cholesterols in PDO (Jan – September 2003) By: Ali Al Mandhry, MCL

  2. Background • Cholesterol is a type of FAT (LIPID), found in the blood and body cells. It is carried in the blood attached to a protein in the form of : LDL ,HDL & Triglycerides • It is Essential for many VITAL body functions: • Formation & Maintenance of cell membranes • Formation of several Hormones • Production of bile salts which help digest food. • Conversion into Vitamin D in the skin when exposed to sunlight. • 85% of cholesterol is ENDOGENOUS (Liver), 15% from DIET (Dietary Cholesterol)

  3. LDH and HDL are forms in which fat and cholesterol get transported in the blood Cholesterol + Triglycerides Lipoproteins HDL good LDL bad HDL LDL VLDL

  4. Why is Cholesterol Control important? It is ONE of the MAJOR RISK FACTORS for Heart Disease. High Cholesterol & other fats in the blood can lead to heart disease & Stroke. It causes a condition Called “Atherosclerosis” i.e. Narrowing & Hardening of the arteries that supply the: – Heart , Brain, & Other organs

  5. Too much Cholesterol Results in !! ?? LDL LDL The problem with cholesterol happens when special cells catch LDL and deposit the cholesterol out of it in the walls of the blood vessels. This is called ARTHEROSCLEROSIS.

  6. What a blessing!! LDL HDL HDL usually collects the bad cholesterol and takes it back to the liver. That is why HDL is known as “good cholesterol.” An easy way to remember that HDL is good H=Help, since HDL helps collect bad cholesterol and, therefore, helps prevent heart attack. LDL HELP HDL

  7. Recommended level of Total Cholesterol

  8. What is HIGH Cholesterol Total Cholesterol Levels LDL Cholesterol Levels 6.2 mmol/L or more is High Cholesterol & it means you are at increased risk for heart disease. 4.1 mmol/L or more you are at higher risk for heart disease

  9. Three RISK Categories Risk Category LDL- GOAL Coronary Heart Disease & Diabetes < 2.6 mmol/L Multiple (2+) risk factors < 3.4 mmol/L Zero to one risk factor < 4.1 mmol/L

  10. Status of PDO Cholesterol Estimations

  11. Total Cholesterol carried out in PDO

  12. High Cholesterol in PDO

  13. High Cholesterol by Age

  14. High Cholesterol by Gender

  15. LDL Cholesterol

  16. High LDL Cholesterol – Jan to Aug 2003 -

  17. LDL Cholesterol – Jan to Aug 2003 -

  18. High LDL Cholesterols – Jan to Aug 2003 -

  19. High LDL Cholesterols – Jan to Aug 2003 -

  20. Steps to Prevent High Cholesterol • Quit Smoking • Modify Diet • Reduce Excess Weight • Increase Physical Activity • Maintain Normal Blood pressure • Control Diabetes, Hypothyroidism

  21. Tips for Eating smart • Limitsaturatedfats, like dairy fats (in ice cream and butter), palm and coconut oil (in baked goods) and Red meat and meat products. • Limit high-cholesterol foods, like egg yolks, organ meats (such as liver) and shellfish. • Eat more fruits and vegetables. • Eat more boiled or grilled fish and skinless chicken breasts. • Avoid fried foods. • Choose lean cuts when you eat beef and lamb. Also eat smaller portions. • Eat a variety of fibre-rich foods, like oats, dark breads and apples. • Choose low-fat or non-fat dairy products.

  22. Balancing the Equation Weight gain results from food intake being greater than physical activity

  23. Balancing the Equation Weight loss results from food intake being less than physical activity

  24. Balancing the Equation Weight maintenance occurs from food intake equaling physical activity

  25. Thank You

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