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Embedded Systems Cheat Sheet

XPS TOOL FLOWS Hardware Platform Creation Hardware Platform Verification (Simulation) Software Platform Creation Software Application Creation and Software Verification (Debugging) Creating/Importing User Defined Peripherals Platform Generator (PlatGen)

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Embedded Systems Cheat Sheet

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  1. XPS TOOL FLOWS Hardware Platform Creation Hardware Platform Verification (Simulation) Software Platform Creation Software Application Creation and Software Verification (Debugging) Creating/Importing User Defined Peripherals Platform Generator (PlatGen) Creates an implementation netlist of a bus-based subsystem Library Generator (LibGen) Generates libraries and drivers for embedded processors Simulation Generator (SimGen) Generate a simulation environment including simulation models, HDL wrappers, and simulation scripts Xilinx Microprocessor Debug (XMD) Facilitates a unified GDB interface as well as a Tcl interface for debugging programs GNU Debugger (GDB) Provides a unified interface for debugging/verifying MicroBlaze and PowerPC systems during various development phases Create/Import Peripheral Wizard (CreateIP) Create your own peripherals and import them into EDK compliant repositories or Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS) projects MHS (Microprocessor Hardware Specification) - Defines the components of a embedded system processor system, including: Bus Architecture, Peripherals, Processor, Address Space, External Ports, Interrupt Request priorities and the connectivity of the system MSS (Microprocessor Software Specification) - Contains directives for customizing operating systems, libraries, drivers and file systems MPD (Microprocessor Peripheral Description) - Defines the interface of the peripheral. It lists ports, bus interfaces, parameters and default values. MHS overwrites MPD MDD (Microprocessor Driver Definition) - Contains directives for customizing software drivers PAO (Peripheral Analyze Order) - Contains a list of HDL files that are needed for synthesis and defines the analyze order for compilation. Used when the user peripheral is in HDL format BBD (Black Box Definition) - Manages the file locations of optimized hardware netlists for the black box sections of a peripheral design. Used when the user peripheral is in netlist format BMM (BlockRAM Memory Map) - Contains a syntactic description of how individual BlockRAMs constitute a contiguous logical data space Embedded SystemsCheat Sheet • Simulation libraries compilation • Set enviroment variable MODELSIM = <modelsim>\modelsim.ini • Set environment variable MTI = <modelsim>\win32 • compxlib –s mti_se –f all –l vhdl from <xilinx>/vhdl/src directory • compxlib –s mti_se –f all –l verilog from <xilinx>/verilog/src directory • compedklib –X . –o edklib from <xilinx>/vhdl/mti_se directory

  2. EDK Source Code MHS File system.mhs Source Code Processor IP MPD Files MSS File system.mss Compile PlatGen Synthesis User IP Files LibGen Object Files EDIF IP Netlists ISE/Xflow Libraries system.ucf Link system.bit Data2MEM Executable MHS File system.mhs download.bit SimGen ModelSim/NCSimSimulator XMD/GDB Hardware

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