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Understanding Nitrogen Effects: NitroEurope IP GHG Balance

This extensive research delves into the impact of reactive nitrogen on Europe's greenhouse gas budgets. Exploring N's role in GHG balance, this study tackles the intricate interactions among various pollutants and ecosystems. With a multidisciplinary approach, the project aims to assess the complexities of nitrogen deposition and its consequences on biodiversity, water quality, and human health. Can the scientific community address these challenges effectively? The NitroEurope IP project aims to provide insights through comprehensive standards, data management, training, and dissemination. By evaluating net GHG budgets and the link between nitrogen supply and emissions, this initiative seeks to improve understanding and inform future strategies for sustainable nitrogen management.

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Understanding Nitrogen Effects: NitroEurope IP GHG Balance

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  1. NitroEurope IP Nitrogen and the European GHG balance Sutton, Mark A., Jan Willem Erisman, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, Claus Beier, Wim de Vries, Pierre Cellier, Francesca Cotrufo, Eiko Nemitz, Ute Skiba, Mark Theobald, Ulrike Dragosits, Claire Campbell, Marcel van Oijen, Bridget Emmett, Lucy Sheppard, David Fowler, Albert Bleeker, Alex Vermeulen, Nicolas Bruggeman, Kim Pilegaard, Oene Oenema, Hans Kros, Jean-François Soussana, Günther Seufert, Adrian Leip, Peter Bergamaschi, Albrecht Neftel, Juerg Fuhrer, Jan K. Schjoerring, Per Gundersen, Annette Freibauer, Vincenzo Magliulo, Sophie Zechmeister-Boltenstern, Timo Vesala, Jørgen E. Olesen, Bob Rees, Pete Smith, Jo Smith, Michael Obersteiner, Andre van Amstel, Bogdan Chojnicki, Tuomas Laurila, László Horváth, Lars R. Hole,Jan Duyzer, John Moncrieff, Keith Smith, Riccardo Valentini, Volodymyr Medinets, Leif Klemedtsson, Franco Miglietta, Zoltán Tuba, Oswald Van Cleemput, Michael Sommer, Per-Erik Jansson, Lech Ryszkowski, Lutz Breuer, Alistair Manning, Ulrich Dämmgen,Josep Peñuelas, Peringe Grennfelt, Filip Moldan, Albert Tietema, Torben R. Christensen, Antonio Vallejo, Patrick Schleppi, Eva Boegh, Jari Liski and Zoltán Bozóki and quite a few others….

  2. 7000 90 80 6000 70 5000 60 World population milions Agricultural surface World population and 4000 50 Fertilizers and NOx Agricul. surface milions ha Fertilizer Tgr 40 3000 NOx emissions 30 2000 20 1000 10 0 0 1850 1900 1950 2000 Year Why care about nitrogen?

  3. Nitrous Oxide (N2O) GHG balance Particulate Matter Nitrogen oxides (NOx) Ammonium nitrate in rain (NH4NO3) Further emission of NOx & N2O carrying on the cascade Ammonia (NH3) Terrestrial Eutrophication & Soil Acidification Livestock farming Natural ecosystems Aquatic Eutrophication Leached Nitrate (NO3-) Nitrate in streamwaters Atmospheric N2fixed to reactive nitrogen (NR) The Nitrogen Cascade NR Fertilizer manufacture NR Crops for food & animal feed

  4. The Nitrogen Challenge • Multi-sourceagriculture, fossil fuel, natural • Multi-pollutantN2O, NOx, NH3, aquatic NO3-, aerosol etc • Multi-problemGHG balance, biodiversity, water quality, human health • Multi-receptorForests & other terrest. ecosystems, agriculture, rivers, stratosphere, urban, coastal & marine, humans Can the scientific community handle it?

  5. Net GHG Nitric Acid (HNO3) Ozone (O3) Carbon dioxide (CO2) Wet deposition NH4+ and NO3- AerosolNH4NO3 Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) Methane (CH4) Particle Organic Nitrogen (PON) GREENGRASS Ammonia (NH3) Nitric oxide (NO) Nitrous oxide (N2O) Volatile Organic Nitrogen (VON) NOFRETETE GRAMINAE Land-atmosphere exchange of nitrogen Nitrogen community previously splitinto separated research efforts

  6. NitroEurope IP What is the effect of reactive nitrogen supply on the direction and magnitude of net greenhouse gas budgets for Europe? Effect of N on the GHG balance:

  7. NitroEuropeOverall Science Structure Plus four supporting components: C7. Standards and Data Management C9: NEU Training C8. NEU Management C10: NEU Dissemination

  8. C2 Manipulation • Process testing • System responses to perturbation • Interactions between drivers Linking Tasks and Delivery in NEU • C1 Flux Networks • Methods development • Integrated air, plant and soil data • Process understanding

  9. Nitrogen deposition • C4 Landscape analysis • Spatial interactions • Complexity • Management interactions • Abatement strategies Linking Tasks and Delivery in NEU DNDC • C3 Plot-scale modelling • Reconstruction of observations • Explanation of interactions • Prediction of future responses

  10. Inverse model CH4 emission estimates • C6: Verification • Independent data check • Uncertainty assessment • Protocol compliance • Revision of IPPC/UNECE values Linking Tasks and Delivery in NEU Grassland N2O emission PASIM • C5 European Integration • Upscaling • Improving input datasets • Ecosystem vs multi-sector models • Past changes and future scenarios

  11. NitroEurope:Flux network (C1)& Manipulationnetwork (C2) 13 Super Sites 9 Regional Sites 50 Inferential Sites 22 Core Manipulation Sites 14 Assoc. Manipulation Sites

  12. N2O Hoeglwald NEU Level 3 site

  13. NEU Level 3 site Oensingen Investigation of possibilities to measure EC fluxes with PTR-MS 15N isotopic labelling on6 subplots N-content in applied manure N2 – Fixation NH3 – bidirectional exchange Import: Fertilizer Gradient fluxes with „Flairmonia 4 automated static chambers and campaigns with QCL-EC NO/NO2-Exchange N2O – Emission and Uptake 3 dynamic chambers for NO, NO2, O3 Export: Harvest (hay, silage) Organic N Inorganic N C, N content in yield Soil profiles with METT System 2 sucking candle installed with remote control Run Off with dissolved N2O, NO3-

  14. The NEU L1 DELTA Network

  15. Bush, nr Edinburgh Examples of DELTA NHx data from the UK

  16. Arable Forest Shrub/wet Grass NitroEurope Manipulation Network (NEU C2) Sites and experiments N&P (CH4) N&P (CH4) Grazing H2O+N Drain peat N form Afforest+H2O T+H2O Croprotat. Drain peat T+H2O+CO2 T+H2O N cultivation LU change Draining/flooding T+N conversion cultivation Draining/flooding CO2+N Cutting T+H2O+CO2 N N & Temp CO2+N H2O T+H2O H2O H2O+N LU change

  17. The effect of N on the GHG balance …

  18. The effect of N on the GHG balance …

  19. Further information • See www.nitroeurope.eu • 2nd General Assembly Paestum, Italy (5-9 Feb 2006) • Project Office • Stefan Reis, Joyce Luk • Email: neu@ceh.ac.uk

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