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Interactive Lecture. The Crucible Arthur Miller Please find a seat – ladies on the left and guys on the right. What happens when someone is wrongly accused of something?. Take two minutes to answer the above question on your journal paper. **It’s the last page of your packet.
Interactive Lecture • The Crucible • Arthur Miller • Please find a seat – ladies on the left and guys on the right.
What happens when someone is wrongly accused of something? • Take two minutes to answer the above question on your journal paper. **It’s the last page of your packet.
1500-1750 Puritanism
Mayflower landed Dec. 1620 with 100 passengers (Pilgrims) A. Seeking religious freedom B. Critical of Church of England C. Over ½ died during winter D. Withdrew from church to purify themselves. **This is ironic because ____________ __________________________________ __________________________________.
Massachusetts Bay Colony meshed with the first settlers (Puritans) A. Did not withdraw from church B. They thought they had to purify the church from within. C. Government was a theocracy--- a government guided by the church and its regulations.
Puritan Beliefs A. Humans existed solely for the glory of God B. Bible was sole expression of God’s will C. Philosophies: 1. Predestination- belief that one’s destiny has already been chosen 2. Original Sin- belief that because of Adam & Eve, all have sinned
Puritan Values • Industry • Moderation • Simplicity • Work Ethic
Puritan Activities that were forbidden A. Dancing the maypole B. Gambling C. Bowling D. Attending plays E. Unprofitable hunting
Puritan Writings A. Poems B. Hymns C. Journals D. Diaries E. Biographies F. Autobiographies G. Histories
VIII. Forbidden Puritan Writings • Drama • Fiction
Punishments • http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gDsIOkob1VM&autoplay=1&desktop_uri=%252Fwatch%253Fv%253DgDsIOkob1VM%2526autoplay%253D1 http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=f28xL-vJEOo&autoplay=1&desktop_uri=%252Fwatch%253Fv%253Df28xL-vJEOo%2526autoplay%253D1
Everyone in the Massachusetts Bay Colony was required to attend Sunday services.
Sunday Services: • Men and women sat on opposite sides of the church. • Boys sat together and were expected to be completely silent. • A good prayer lasted an hour or more. • The minister preached from two to four hours and kept time with an hourglass sitting on the pulpit.
Sunday Services • Churches were unheated; sometimes the communion bread froze and water in the christening bowl became ice. • To keep people awake, the “tithing man” carried a long pole with a feather tied on one end and tickled the listeners. • There were two services on Sunday: one in the morning and one in the afternoon, each of equal length, each to be attended.
Stop • Turn to your journal paper. • List three important aspects about the Puritan life style.
Witchcraft in Salem • http://player.discoveryeducation.com/index.cfm?guidAssetId=94D6D3B7-7132-446F-B0D8-784C58CAE435&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=US.
Stop • Turn to your journal paper. • How would you react if you were accused of being a witch in the 1600’s? • You're Accused!
Women’s Roles • Primary purpose in life was to serve husband and household. • They were considered incapable and frail. • Women could not own property. • Women were repressed and disregarded for their intellectual value. • Women were considered morally weak because Eve was first to sin in the Garden of Eden.
Women’s Roles • Women never publicly gave their opinions particularly on religious matters. • If they did, they would be banished from their community. • They were nurses and midwives. • Women cooked, cleaned, and made clothes for their family.
Tribute to Hangings… • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3B_bfXbDIk&feature=fvwp&NR=1.
Stop • Turn to your journal paper. • Contrast women’s roles in today’s society to women’s roles in the Puritan society. • When you are done, tear off your journal paper and make sure you turn it in before you leave.