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Online Registration. An overview, summary, and discussion of the survey data and an analysis of the most recent developments in the technology marketplace to provide insight, assistance, and possible future collaboration. Presented by: Matt Moran, Perry Alexander, and Kris Zander. Question 2.
US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Online Registration An overview, summary, and discussion of the survey data and an analysis of the most recent developments in the technology marketplace to provide insight, assistance, and possible future collaboration. Presented by: Matt Moran, Perry Alexander, and Kris Zander
Question 2 US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Zoomerang Online Registration Survey Results How do you offer registration for the following groups? 52 states responded Top number is the count of respondents selecting the option. Bottom % is percent of the total respondents selecting the option.
US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop How do you offer registration for the following groups? • 41 states use some type of online system • 11 states use an offline system • Most player registration systems also collect information on coaches and administrators • Survey shows percentages for three above are identical for 40 states • Referee data is collected by the Federation
US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Does your State Association currently utilize a Data Management Solution (OMS) provider for online registration? The seven states that answered no are not included in the next five slides
US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop If yes, who do you use? Three vendors provide service to two thirds of the states: Active Network Affinity Youth Leagues
Question5 US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop To what extent do you utilize their services (check all that apply)?
Question5 US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop To what extent do you utilize their services (check all that apply)? OTHER SERVICES: • Player registration • Will begin State Cup registration online 2008 • Premier League • Event registration • We tested them this year with 2 of our leagues. • Indoor player and coaches registration • ODP Player Registration and Team Management
Question6 US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop On a scale from 1 to 10, please rate how pleased you are with the services offered by your current provider? 68% of the states are pleased to very pleased with their current provider 40% are somewhat pleased 2% are somewhat not pleased
Question7 US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Do you use different providers/ companies for various areas of registration? If yes, how are they divided?
Question7 US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Do you use different providers/ companies for various areas of registration? If yes, how are they divided? • We do not do referee registration • Hammerhead does all but Kidsafe (done by e7) • In the process of going to all online registration w/ Blue Sombrero but still use League Organizer for some of registration needs • We do our own Tournament, ODP, Guest Player Form and notification to Travel on our site.
Question7 US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Do you use different providers/ companies for various areas of registration? • Demosphere for on-line registration/ODP/Coaching courses/premier league rosters/guest players/travel/ Risk Management • Got Soccer for League/Tournament registration and scheduling Coaching Education- Use our own Overall Data Management both rec and travel- Demosphere Tournament-Demosphere Guest Player & Permission to Travel- YLUSA State Cup Application and Scheduling- Demosphere • We use Affinity specifically for ODP Boys & Girl's Registration, and Demosphere for everything else related to MSYSA programs.
Question7 US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Do you use different providers/ companies for various areas of registration? • All our tournaments are hosted and managed by College in Soccer • We use PayPal for online payments • e7- Cup Management (registration, scheduling, results, communication) • We use CMI for ODP registration, plan to use Demosphere for all aspects once the entire state is on board • Outdoor different than indoor • At present we use League Organizer for registration, will be changing to Demosphere for the 2008/2009 seasonal year.
Question8 US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop What was the main motivator to moving to an online system?
Question8 US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop What was the main motivator to moving to an online system? OTHER REASONS: • Centralized web-based registration and risk mgmt • Real time data always for the state administrators • We never received data from clubs • All of the above • All of the above plus online access to data • Web based can access from any computer • Make administrativeprocesses more efficient
Question9 US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Has your State Association used a Data Management Solution (OMS) provider in the past?
Question10 US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop What has been the main reason for NOT moving to an online system? Other responses • We are in the process • all of the above • Not sure when we will move to player registration
Question11 US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Would you like insight from US Youth Soccer regarding online systems? • I would forward available programs to member clubs. • Not at this time- we have just interviewed many online companies and have narrowed it down to 2. We will be bringing it to our board next week for a vote. • I don't know what you mean by insight • Always interested • Maybe, depending upon what is meant by insight
Question11 US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Would you like insight from US Youth Soccer regarding online systems? • We're still without a player registration system and any information could be helpful • Little late now. Had hoped US Youth Soccer would have been involved with this issue much sooner • Our contract ends 7/08 and we are currently reviewing other options, although we are happy with Active • Not at this time. • As long as there is not an attempt to sell another system than that which we now use
Question12 US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Would you see a value in a system offered by US Youth Soccer? • yes and no • At this time we are in a time crunch. Our registrar wants to roll out the system, if approved, at our AGM in January. • the creation of a system that is nationally based could eliminate some redundancy in recording & reporting info. COMMENTS: • Already committed to this company for several years in a contract • Not sure... not happy with USSF Ref system
Question12 US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Would you see a value in a system offered by US Youth Soccer? • very open ended question -- it depends on the service -- I would recommend hiring Active • Yes, but at this point I think that states are using all kinds of different systems. Now it may be difficult to get everyone to use the same system. • BUT AGAIN, ITS A LITTLE LATE NOW • If it was free and offered the same type of service that we currently have with Active (LeagueOne) • Standard System would be great for all
Question12 US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Would you see a value in a system offered by US Youth Soccer? • we are very pleased with our service company and what they offer. • If everyone had a universal system. • It would be great if we all used the same system and could get a better price, especially with merchant fees • one unified communication system is critical to enable seamless communication • Yes, if the system meets our needs. • If it can be customized to meet our individual needs • Not at this time.
Question12 US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Would you see a value in a system offered by US Youth Soccer? • I think states differ in what they require and this could be a problem. • as long as it was a centralized database system w/ all the features named in question & truly fully integrated and securitized processes • only if it met all of the requirements of my state association • If it would be easier and cheaper and if each state could make its own changes quickly.
Question13 US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop What would be the goal(s) of an online system for you?
Question13 US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop What would be the goal(s) of an online system for you? OTHER GOALS: • Content managed web site, game assigning, and more • Individual player registration • Any others that I may have missed • Referee Registration • Referee assignment processes • Referee, volunteer, amalgamation of all data bases
Question14 US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Have your members requested online registration? COMMENTS: • 41 states indicated members had requested online registration in Question 14. • 41 states use some type of online system in Question 2. • 6 states cited member requests as a reason for implementing online registration in Question 8. Zoomerang Survey Results Online Registration Survey Compiled by Matt Moran Charted by Perry Alexander Feb 01, 2008 11:01 AM PST
US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Recent Developments Future Directions Discussion of the most recent developments in the technology marketplace to provide insight, assistance, and possible future collaboration. Presented by: Matt Moran, Perry Alexander, and Kris Zander
US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Why go online? The Survey said: • Centralized web-based registration and risk mgmt • real time data always for the state administrators • We never received data from clubs • All of the above • All of the above plus online access to data • Web based can access from any computer • Make administrative processes more efficient
US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Why go online? More reasons! • Automation • Streamline processing • Eliminate paperwork • Staff productivity • Staff satisfaction • Allows for data integration • Cost savings • End User Satisfaction • Customer service • More information • Communications • Marketing • 24/365 Availability • Growth • Enhanced web offerings
Player Registration Coach Registration Administrator Registration Coaching Education Olympic Development State Hosted Events Travel & Tournament Calendars Camps Member Directories Risk Management State Hosted Tournaments Tournament Sanctioning Awards, Nominations and the like forms Insurance US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop What can go online?
US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop “Stand Alone” – the old standard Different solutions – diverse vendors is the old style Each system may be good but for the user it means a learning curve for each, starting over again, re-entering all data. Multiple passwords, multiple reporting, no clear picture of overall use of services. Everything is stand alone.
US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Integration – the new buzz word multiple reporting modules master database system One master database system – multiple reporting modules – everything works the same. Single password, multiple reporting and/or unified report, clear picture of overall use of services. Everything is integrated.
US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Integration – the new buzz word • Integrated web based database systems • All systems can talk to each other • Data stored ONCE and reused • Online, real time reporting anywhere • Full featured communications • Targeting marketing and information • Club, District, Statewide reporting on all services used
US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Kentucky eSystem Modules • Travel – Provides immediate approval for out-of-state travel and guest players and management • Coaching – Automates coaching clinic registration, management and certification process • ODP – Automates registration process for ODP tryouts and team management and provides schedule of activities • Tournament Sanctioning– Streamlines tournament sanctioning process with online approval for sanctioned tournaments and program management • Tournament Hosting- Automates State Hosted Tournaments registration and team management • Camps – Automates camp registration and management.
US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Kentucky eSystem Modules • Members – Automates annual member renewal, collects all member information, provides online mini-web site. • eSystem – allows views by member, district and state of -participation in all programs. Member views available to members. For vendor information on Hammerhead eSystems modules, please contact todd.cox@activenetwork.com, 513-688-0307 ext. 11 • Player Registration– in process of conversion – currently we use LeagueOne to views player information For vendor information on LeagueOne player registration, please contact bill.richardson@activenetwork.com 888-543-7223 ext. 3934
US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop What Integration Can Do?
US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Selection: State
US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Selection: District 2
US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Selection: Lexington YSA
US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Selection: Lexington YSA
eSystem allows drill down to the actual online form used by the eSystem used to collect the data Each Member Association has full access to eSystem reporting for their data US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Selection: Lexington YSA
US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Selection: Lexington YSA
US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Online Registration If you have questions or need more information, please contact us by email or telephone; Matt Moran mmoran@usyouthsoccer.org 1-800-4soccer Perry Alexander perryalexander@insightbb.com 1-859-619-6199 Kris Zander kriszander@kysoccer.net 1-859-254-1254
US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Online Player Registration Supplement Most states have a system or several systems. A few have none. The following slides are for those that need more information on how to start and how to select that first system.
Central database will: Provide visibility to the state office for all registered players. Prevent the same player from being registered as a Primary in multiple clubs. Provide a method to resolve disputes when two clubs register the same player. Provide the information that the state office requires for billing. Eliminate hassles associated with file transfers. Improve data quality. Risk management easier and more secure. Protect sensitive data. Ensures that coaches do not receive cards until they have been cleared. Ease the workload of club registrars by allowing clubs to have multiple people working on registration. Real time access to all registered players, volunteers, and teams Enforce registration rules and enable workflow to reduce paperwork No more file transfers US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Why Go Online for Registration
Ability to distribute workload. Multiple administrators from the same league or league can work on the data at the same time. Access registration data from any computer (home, work, and ”the road”) Shared database means everyone is working off the same data Better real time auditing and reporting. Local registrars receive immediate feedback to correct any registration errors before they happen Everyone is always on the same ‘version’ and enhancements can be added statewide with no need for sending out or downloading ‘updates’ Keep all histories for players, coaches and teams across seasons and years US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Why Go Online for Registration
Talk with your office staff to see what processes might be better managed through an online system See what solutions other organizations are already using Talk with other states who are pleased with their solution and take a look at their systems and their features – ask how they use it. Knowing what works for other states is the best way to pick one Identify any unique needs or processes your organization uses and discuss those with potential vendors Talk with software vendors about products they have available and look at demos or their systems in use by others Check what you have seen and against what you need Pick a system then check the company’s results with users. US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Planning To Go Online
Assign staff to manage the relationship with the software vendor Make sure all staff members are adequately trained and can help members when necessary. Ensure the vendor provides ongoing support and will be around for the long term so that you get the best ROI possible Identify prime members who will test the software to insure that they can use it in their processes. Test the system with the select members as a pilot If the system passes the test, proceed to a contract and to a state wide rollout plan US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Planning To Go Online
Make sure the tools are very visible on your website so they know exactly where to go to find the tools Send out an email blast to your membership announcing the new tools available to them. Make a big deal about announcing these benefits to them. Clearly illustrate the benefits and features of any online tools you implement Make sure the software is easy to use and has adequate support tools (Users guide, etc.) Provide initial and ongoing training and support out of the state office. US Youth Soccer adidas Workshop Assuring Members Adoption