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QuadCore Team – DLX ISA. David Bild Greg Bok Jake Czyz Brandon Keao. Floating-Point Instructions. There are three categories for the DLX floating-point instructions: Arithmetic Conversion Set-on-comparison All operation occur in the floating-point registers and are in the R-type format.
QuadCore Team – DLX ISA • David Bild • Greg Bok • Jake Czyz • Brandon Keao
Floating-Point Instructions • There are three categories for the DLX floating-point instructions: • Arithmetic • Conversion • Set-on-comparison • All operation occur in the floating-point registers and are in the R-type format.
DLX ISA Floating-Point Instructions: Arithmetic Brandon Keao
Floating-Point Instructions: Arithmetic • These intructions preform arithmetic operations on two floating-point registers • Always R-format • There are 2 categories of floating-point arithmetic instructions: • Single-precision • Double-precision
Floating-Point Instructions: Arithmetic • SP operations interpret the values in the two registers as SP FP values • The result is rounded to a SP value and stored in a FP register • ADDF- Adds two SP values • SUBF - Subtracts two SP values • MULTF - Multiplies two SP values • DIVF - Divides two SP values
Floating-Point Instructions: Arithmetic • DP operations interpret the values of two even/odd pairs of FP registers as DP FP values. • The result if rounded to a DP value and stored in an even/odd pair of FP registers. • ADDD - Adds two DP values • SUBD - Subtracts two DP values • MULTD - Multiplies two DP values • DIVD - Divides two DP values
DLX ISA Floating-Point Instructions: Conversion And Special Instructions Greg Bok
Floating-Point Instructions: Conversion • Sometimes need to convert between precisions or integer/floating-point • The DLX ISA includes 6 such instructions • R-format • Double-precision FP register operands must be even-numbered FP registers • 32-bit integers used
Floating-Point Instructions: Conversion • CVT2DF: double-precision to single-precision • CVTD2I: double-precision to integer • CVTF2D: single-precision to double-precision • CVTF2I: single-precision to integer • CVTI2D: integer to double-precision • CVTI2F: integer to single-precision
Special Instructions: TRAP • J-type, unconditional branch • 26-bit name field zero-extended to 32-bits to obtain target address • Moves PC + 8 to IAR (interrupt address register)
Special Instructions: RFE • Return From Exception • J-type, unconditional • Returns to code that was executing before TRAP instruction • Moves value in IAR register to PC
Special Instructions: NOP • R-type • Performs no operation -- hardware state is unaffected • Typically used to fill branch delay slots when no useful instruction will work
DLX ISA Floating-Point Instructions: Set-on-Comparison David Bild
Floating-Point Instructions: Set-On-Comparison • Compares two floating point numbers (SP or DP) • Sets FPSR (Floating Point Status Register) to ‘1’ if comparison is true, ‘0’ if false • 6 comparisons are provided: <, >, =. <=, >=, ~=
DLX ISA Load & Store Instructions Jake Czyz
Load and Store Instructions • For loading/storing data from/to memory • Handle data of size: • Byte • Halfword • Word • Double (for floating point only)
Load and Store Instructions • Byte and Halfword instructions always load/store the least significant byte or halfword, respectively. • Loads and Stores may be done with any of the general purpose registers, except that loading R0 has no effect (it always stores the value 0x00000000).
Load and Store Instructions • All are I-Type • Data always moved between memory and the register(s) specified by rd
Load and Store Instructions • Load/Store Address Calculations: • Load • lw rd rs1 imm • rd = Mem(Sign_Extend(imm) + rs1) • Store • sw rd rs1 imm • Mem(Sign_Extend(imm) + rs1) = rd
Load Instructions • LB Loads a byte (w/ sign ext.) • LBU Loads a byte (w/ zero ext.) • LH Loads a halfword (w/ sign ext.) • LHU Loads a halfword (w/ zero ext.) • LW Loads a word • LF Loads a single precision float • LD Loads a double precision float* *to/from a pair of even/odd registers
Store Instructions • SB Stores a byte • SH Stores a halfword • SW Stores a word • SF Stores a single precision float • SD Stores a double precision float* *to/from a pair of even/odd registers