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https://getyourmojo.com/ Mojo Desk is a beautifully designed adjustable standing desk and ergonomically correct sit stand workstation. Mojo Desk provides you full Electric Adjustable Standing Desk that rises and lowers to your perfect ergonomic position - sitting or standing. Learn more about MojoDesk - the best electric adjustable standing desk.
The Electric StandingDesk A Study: Sitting versusStanding. AstudydonebytheIcahnSchoolofMedicine inNewYork showedthatworkerswhowereprovidedan adjustable standing workstation were less prone to sedentary behavior both in and out of the workplace. This study, which compared workers at a traditional desk against workers utilizing an adjustable desk for sitting and standing, was conducted for a period of one year, and at predetermined milestones, feedback was gathered from theworkers. Bythehalfwaypointoftheexercise,thedatawasoverwhelminglyfavoringtheemployeesutilizingthe variable heightdesks; Nearly half the workers at a standing deskreported declines in back and shoulder discomfort whileover80percentcommentedthattheirjobsseemedeasierwhileusingasitto standstyle desk. Two-thirdsofthemalsoreportedthatnotonlydidtheirproductivityincrease,buthealth improvements were noticed away from theworkplace. A new health hazard has beencreated. Anewcatchphraseintheworkplaceisthat“sittingis thenewsmoking.”Nearlytwodozenchronic conditionsareattributedtoprolongedsitting,andnotjustonthejob,butanywhere. As a society, we have progressed from an active lifestyle to one that is primarily sedentary. Since the Industrial Revolution took people away from agricultural and other physical endeavors, we’vemorphed into a sitting, obeseculture. Dr. James Levine of the Mayo Clinic has done extensive research into the links between obesityand the lack of exercise in America today. His analysis boils down to a very simple premise…if you don’t move around, you don’t burnenergy, The Mayo Clinic published an editorial written by Dr. Levineappropriately titled, The Chairman’s Curse: LethalSitting.It’snotdifficulttoreadbetweenthe linesandunderstandthatinfact,sittingiskillingus. Standing whileworkingatyourelectricadjustabledeskmaynotbethemoststrenuousofphysical activities.Butsupportedbytheevidence above,itiscertainlyafarbetterchoice. Simply movingaroundwhileworkingexpends energy,buttobetrulyeffective,anotherelementcomes into play---and that isergonomics.
Ergonomics areimperative. Theadjustabledesktopmust beergonomicallyfriendlyinorderto maximizetheeffectsofalternating between sitting andstanding. Researchbasedonanthropometricstudiesshowthattheaverageheightofafemaleworkerinthe UnitedStatesis5’4”.ANSI/BIFMArecommendsaworksurfacetobe ataheightof24.5”whensitting, and at 41.3” whenstanding. Forthemale,whoseaverageheightis5’10”,thesitting surfaceshouldbe at26.5” andstandingat44.8”.
WithadeskdesignedandcraftedbyMojoDesk,theabilitytoelectricallyadjusttheheighttoperfectly match your stature isguaranteed. And stability is equallyimportant. Oneothercriticalfeatureofthedeskis stability.Ithasbeen shownthatmanyelectric adjustable-height desksbecome unstable beyond the 40” height. Looking at thenumbers shown above, this is not acceptable. TheMojoDeskhas beendesignedwiththisinmind.Itisconstructedtobe stableatallheights,buttobe especially steady at the standing positions above40”. It’s time to make achange. There isnothingwrongwithsitting.We allneed tositat onetimeoranother.Butthe evidenceis undeniable, too much is bad forour health. Fortheindividualwhonormallyspendstheirworkdaysitting,havingtheopportunityto standandmove aroundperiodicallywhilecontinuingtoworkisjustwhatthedoctorordered. The electric standing deskis the perfect solution for agratifying work experience and a healthier lifestyle.