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陆面水文模型发展、参数标定与移植 及其模拟研究

ECCE Summer School for Advanced Study in Climate and Environment 2006 年 7 月 30-8 月 12, 北京. 陆面水文模型发展、参数标定与移植 及其模拟研究. 谢正辉,及其研究小组 中国科学院大气物理研究所 http://web.lasg.ac.cn/staff/xie/xie.htm. 相关研究小组人员. 田向军 , 梁妙玲 , 张生雷 , 袁 飞 , 师春香 郑 婧 , 宋丽叶 袁 星 , 陈 锋 苏凤阁 , 杨宏伟 (USA). 陆面过程.

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陆面水文模型发展、参数标定与移植 及其模拟研究

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  1. ECCE Summer School for Advanced Study in Climate and Environment 2006年7月30-8月12,北京 陆面水文模型发展、参数标定与移植 及其模拟研究 谢正辉,及其研究小组 中国科学院大气物理研究所 http://web.lasg.ac.cn/staff/xie/xie.htm

  2. 相关研究小组人员 • 田向军, 梁妙玲, 张生雷, 袁 飞, 师春香 • 郑 婧, 宋丽叶 • 袁 星, 陈 锋 • 苏凤阁,杨宏伟(USA)

  3. 陆面过程 陆面过程是能够影响气候变化的发生在陆地表面的土壤中控制陆地与大气之间动量、热量及水分交换的那些过程;

  4. 提 纲 • 陆面水文模型发展、参数标定与移植 • 及其耦合、模拟研究; • 基于全国50 kmX50 km大尺度陆面水文模型; • 陆面模型的参数标定、移植与模拟; • 讨论

  5. 陆面过程中地下水位的动态表示及其与气候模式的耦合.陆面过程中地下水位的动态表示及其与气候模式的耦合. • Xie Zhenghui, Zeng Qingcun, Dai Yongjiu, and Wang Bin, Numerical simulation of an unsaturated flow equation, Sciences in China(Series D), 4(14),429-436, 1998. • Xie Zhenghui, Zeng Qingcun, Dai Yongjiu, An unsaturated soil flow problem and its numerical simulation, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 16(2), 183-198,1999 • Xie Zhenghui, Liang Xu, Zeng qingcun, A parameterization of groundwater table in a land surfacee model and its applications, Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 28(4),331-342, 2004. • Liang Xu, Xie Zhenghui, A new parameterization for surface and groundwater interac -tions and its impact on water budgets with the variable infiltration capacity(VIC) land surface model, Journal of Geophysics Research,108(D16), 8613,doi:10.1029/2002-JD003090, 2003. • Yang Hongwei, Xie Zhenghui, A new method to dynamically simulate groundwater table in land surface model VIC, Progress in Natural Progress,13(11), 819-825, 2003. • Yeh et al 2005 JC. • Maxwell et al 2005, JHM. • Xie Zhenghui, Xiangjun Tian, Hongwei Yang, A land surface parameterization scheme with a groundwater model for climate models and its applications,2006. • Tian xiangjun, Xie Zhenghui, Coupling a Groundwater Component to the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model,2006.

  6. 地表地下陆面水文机制 • Liang Xu, Xie Zhenghui, 2001, A New Surface Runoff Parameterization with Subgrid -Scale Soil Heterogeneity for Land Surface Models, Advances in Water Resources, 24(9-10), 1173-1193, 2001. • Xie Zhenghui, Su Fengge, Liang Xu, Zeng Qingcun, et al,Applications of a surface runoff model with Horton and Dunne runoff for VIC, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. 20(2), 165-172, 2003. • Liang Xu, Xie Zhenghui, Important factors in land-atmosphere interactions: surface runoff generactions and interactions between surface and groundwater, Global Planetary Change, 38,101-114,2003. • Tian Xiangjun, Xie Zhenghui, Zhang Shengle, Liang Miaoling, A subsurface ruoff parameterization with water storage and recharge based on the Boussinesq-Storage Equation for a Land Surface Model, Science in China (Series D), 2006.

  7. 陆面水文生态模拟 • Xie Zhenghui, Liu Qian, Su Fengge, An application of the VIC-3L land surface model with the new surface runoff model in simulating streamflow for the Yellow River basin, IAHS Publiction No.289, 241-248, 2004. • 谢正辉,刘谦,袁飞,杨宏伟,基于全国50km×50km网格的大尺度陆面水文模型框架,水利学报,(5),76-82,2004. • Yuan Fei, Xie Zhenghui, Liu Qian, Yang Hongwei, Su Fengge,et al, An application of the VIC-3L land surface model and remote sensing data in simulating streamflow for the Hanjiang River Basin, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 30(5), 680-690,2004. • Su Fengge, Xie Zhenghui, A model for assessing effects of climate change on runoff in China, Progress in Natural Progress, 13(9), 701-707,2003. • 梁妙玲,谢正辉,我国气候对植被分布和净初级生产力影响的数值模拟,气候与环境研究,已接受,2006. • Yuan Fei, Xie Zhenghui, Liu Qian, Xia Jun, Simulating Hydrologic Changes with Climate Change Scenarios in the Haihe River Basin, Pedosphere, 15(5): 595-600, 2005.

  8. 陆面过程研究前沿问题 • 水文过程研究需要深入; • 生态过程机制(C,N循环)需要发展,植被动态演替; • 各种非均匀性问题; • 陆面模型的参数标定与移植; • 陆面数据同化问题,全球土壤湿度等陆面分量的时空分布; • 与区域与全球气候模式的耦合; • 各种应用问题; • 雪盖、冻土和旱土、大面积水面作用的描述简单,冻土、雪盖占陆面面积都远大于1/4,沙漠区占1/4。

  9. 基于全国50 kmX50 km网格 大尺度陆面水文模型

  10. 陆面过程模式(VIC) 水分收支过程 能量收支过程 基于全国50 kmX50 km网格 大尺度陆面水文模型

  11. Grid Cell Vegetation Coverage Grid Cell Energy and Moisture Fluxes 2 1 ... 1 N N+1 P Rs RL RL Variable Infiltration Curve Ec Three-Layer Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC-3L) Model S L i=im[1-(1-A)1/b] im Et i0+P W R P Infiltration Capacity Eb i0 W0 R Canopy 0 As 1 Fraction of Area i i Layer 1 Qb Baseflow Curve Qd Layer 2 Dm Qd Layer 3 Ds/Ws=1 Baseflow,B Ds/Ws<1 Qb DsDm 0 WsW3c W3c Layer 3 Soil Moisture,W3

  12. 水分收支过程 植被蒸散、裸土蒸发、土壤水传输、排水和径流决定了陆面过程中的水分收支,也是VIC中所考虑的主要水文过程。 • 蒸散发(evaporation and transpiration) • 冠层截流(canopy interception) • 土壤水模型(soil hydrological model) • 径流和排水(runoff and drainage)

  13. 蒸 散 发 陆面过程模式VIC中的蒸发 冠层湿部蒸发Ew(wet canopy evaporation) 冠层蒸腾Etr(dry canopy transpiration) 裸土蒸发Eg(bare soil surface evaporation)

  14. 冠层水量平衡 冠层持水量Mc的平衡方程可由下式表达: P-降水率; Ew -土壤湿部蒸发; Dc-大于叶片最大持水量而滴落到地面的部分。

  15. E R P K1 D1 K2 D2 Qb z=0 土壤水模型 z=-z1 z=-z2 用一维Richard’s方程来描述土层间的传导和扩散过程: 各土层的控制方程为: z=-z3

  16. 径流和排水 Variable Infiltration Curve Baseflow Curve i=im[1-(1-A)1/b] im Dm i0+P W R P Infiltration Capacity Ds/Ws=1 Baseflow,B i0 Ds/Ws<1 W0 DsDm 0 WsW3c W3c 0 As 1 Fraction of Area Layer 3 Soil Moisture,W3

  17. 能量平衡方程 Rn - net radiation; H - the sensible heat flux; E -the latent heat flux; G - the ground heat flux.

  18. VIC 模型结构的简单介绍 土壤、植被参数 源程序及控制文件 Forcing data Flux data

  19. 运行VIC模式所需的子目录 • ../SOURCE/ 存放源程序及global • ../PARAMETER/ 存放土壤及植被参数 • ../FORCING/ 存放 forcing data 数据 • ../RESULTS/ 存放输出的结果 控制文件

  20. ../Source/global 控制文件 • 在 global 控制文件中包含了运行 VIC 模式所需的三个参数文件: 1、植被参数文件 2、土壤参数文件 3、植被参数库文件 其中,土壤和植被参数文件中存放研究区域内,每个网格中所包含的土壤、植被的相关的统计数据。植被参数库文件存放各种植被类型的一些固定参数。

  21. ../Source/global 控制文件 • 在 global 控制文件中包含了运行 VIC 模式所需的三个参数文件: 1、植被参数文件 2、土壤参数文件 3、植被参数库文件

  22. 统计结果如下:

  23. 植被参数文件的结构

  24. ../Source/global 控制文件 • 在 global 控制文件中包含了运行 VIC 模式所需的三个参数文件: 1、植被参数文件 2、土壤参数文件 3、植被参数库文件

  25. 统计结果如下:

  26. 土壤参数文件的结构

  27. ../Source/global 控制文件 • 在 global 控制文件中包含了运行 VIC 模式所需的三个参数文件: 1、植被参数文件 2、土壤参数文件 3、植被参数库文件

  28. ../Parameter/参数文件 • 将生成的参数文件放在 ../Parameter/ 目录下,然后在global控制文件中指定它们所在的目录即可: SOIL ../Parameter/土壤参数文件 VEGPARAM ../Parameter/植被参数文件 VEGLIB ../Parameter/植被参数库文件

  29. ../Forcing/forcing data数据 • Forcing data 文件中存放一定时间范围内,每个网格内的日降水量、最高及最低气温。 • 在生成forcing data 数据时,选取全国700多个站点数据,通过距离权重法,确定每个网格所需的数据。 • 最后将生成的文件放在../Forcing/目录下即可。

  30. Regional Parameter Estimation of the VIC Land Surface Model: Methodology and Application to River Basins in ChinaZhenghui Xie, Fei YuanInstitute of Atmospheric PhysicsChinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, ChinaQingyun DuanUniversity of California/Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,Livermore, CA 94550, USAJing Zheng, Miaoling Liang, Feng Chenaccepted by Journal of Hydrometeorology

  31. Model and Data • Calibration and transfer • Simulation • Conclusions

  32. Model and Data • Liang et al. (1994) developed the VIC-2L model which includes two different time scales (fast and slow) for runoff to capture the dynamics of runoff generation. • To better represent quick bare soil evaporation following small summer rainfall events, a thin soil layer is included in VIC-2L, and VIC-2L becomes VIC-3L. • Liang and Xie (2001) developed a new parameterization to represent the Horton runoff mechanism in VIC-3L and combined it effectively with the original representation of the Dunne runoff mechanism(Xie et al., 2003).

  33. Runoff and drainage R=R1(y)+R2(y) i f i=i m[1-(1-A)1/b] f = f m[1-(1-C)]1/B] i m f m R2 Potential infiltration rate [L/T] Soil moisture capacity [L] y P W i0 R1 R2/t wp W/t Wt A C As 0 1 0 1 (a) (b) Fraction of studied area Fraction of the area (1-As)

  34. Saturation excess runoff R1(y) where i0 --the point soil moisture capacity im --maximum soil moisture capacity b -- shape parameter(soil moisture capacity) P --precipitation

  35. Infiltration excess runoff R2(y) where fmm --the average potential infiltration rate fm –the maximum potential infiltration rate B -- shape parameter(potential infiltration rate) P --precipitation ∆t--time step

  36. NSRM 计算示意图 Begin Precitation P yes no P+i0<im i i i0+P im im R2 i0+P W Y R2 i0 R1 P R1 W Y Ssoil moisture Capacity Ssoil moisture Capacity i0 P W0 W0 As As 1 0 1 0 Fraction of Area Fraction of Area Solve Y Infiltration excess runoff R1 Saturation excess runoff R2 No Last time step ? Yes Stop

  37. How to estimate fm • From We get tf, then fmm

  38. Example: Philip Infiltration Curve f(t) f0 Infiltration Rate (mm/h) W0 t tf 0 where f(t) ---- the infiltration capacity[L/T] Kp---- the final capacity[L/T] Sp---- an empirical constant Time (hour)

  39. Coupling of VIC and NSRM VIC Precipitation Upper layer soil moisture NSRM Surface runoff VIC … Next step

  40. Data and model parameters • Vegetation data • Soil data • Forcing data 50 × 50 km2 resolution

  41. 海河流域 黄河流域 淮河流域 长江流域

  42. Vegetation related parameters

  43. Soil classification is based on global 5-min soil data provided by the NOAA hydrology office • Soil parameters are derived based on the work of Cosby et al. (1993) and Rawls et al. (1993).

  44. Model parameters of VIC-3L to be calibrated • Three depths of three soil layers • The exponent of the VIC-3L soil moisture capacity curve B • The parameters in the ARNO subsurface flow parameterization

  45. Forcing data are based on 740 meteorological stations in China, which contain 11 years of daily precipitation and air temperature data from 1980 to 1990. Such station information is mapped to the resolution of 50 × 50 km2 grids by combining interpolation methods

  46. Calibration and transfer • Classification of climate zones- Köppen Classification • Climatic characteristics for the transfer of calibrated parameters under the premise that hydrological processes and the parameters used to describe them are similar within than between different climate zones Method

  47. Grouping of Köppen climate zones into parameter transfer zones

  48. The climate zones of China according to Köppen classification

  49. Locations of the selected basins in China for calibration and verifications

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