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Welcome to the Objective 2 programme in Niederösterreich, Austria, co-financed by the European Commission during 2000-2006. This initiative focuses on improving regional economic structure, living conditions, and environmental aspects. With a total cost of EUR 875 million, the programme aims to tackle high unemployment rates and enhance the area's competitiveness. Discover the key objectives, action priorities, and measures focused on mobilizing regional potential, developing businesses and industry, and boosting tourism.
Welcome toObjective 2 programmeNiederösterreichAustria DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
1.1 Introduction The European Commission will actively participate in the development of the Niederösterreich region by co-financing the Objective 2 programme for the area during 2000-2006. The region is located in north-eastern Austria along the Slovakian and Czech borders. During the previous period the region was covered under the Objectives 2 and 5(b). The total cost of the programme is EUR 875 million, of which EUR 177 million will be provided by the EU Structural Funds. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
1.2 Map of the eligible areas DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
1.3 Description of the eligible area Niederösterreich is located in north-eastern Austria along the Czech and Slovakian borders. It is the largest region in Austria and the second most populated The population eligible under the Objective 2 programme stands at 495 869. The industrial (37%), agricultural and forestry (15%) sectors continue to employ a large share of the area's labour force while the service sector is under-developed compared to the national average. The GDP per capita is quite high at 97% of the EU average but rates sixth among Austria's regions. Unemployment in the Objective 2 areas is significantly above the national average. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
1.4 Main regional indicators in EU and Austria1988-1998-9Source: EC: Second report on Economic and Social Cohesion, Volume 2, Jan 2001 EconomyLabour market GDP/headEmpl.% of total, 1999Unempl. rate% 19881998AgriIndust.Servi.19891999 EU15 100,0 100,0 4,5 29,2 66,0 8,4 9,4 Österreich 102,2 111,7 6,2 29,8 64,0 3,1 4,0 Burgenland 61,1 68,8 6,3 34,3 59,5 3,5 3,3 N-österreich 84,4 91,4 10,1 29,5 60,5 2,7 3,1 Wien 152,0 162,8 0,8 22,8 76,4 5,3 5,9 Kärnten 80,9 91,6 7,8 30,6 61,6 3,2 4,7 Steiermark 78,6 90,1 8,5 33,8 57,7 3,2 4,1 O-österreich 97,8 104,9 8,3 34,9 56,9 2,4 2,7 Salzburg 115,7 124,8 4,9 26,5 68,6 2,0 3,4 Tirol 102,0 113,4 4,8 24,3 70,9 2,0 4,7 Vorarlberg 105,3 111,8 2,0 41,2 56,8 1,5 3,5 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
2. Development strategy • The key objectives are: • safeguarding Niederösterreich as a business location; • improving the regional economic structure; • improving living conditions and hence the attractiveness of the location, and; • improving environmental conditions and equal opportunities. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
2. Development strategy • These objectives, which apply to Niederösterreich as a whole, are supplemented by localised objectives geared to more specific local difficulties, with the aim of: • decentralising development and strengthening structurally weak parts of the region and their hubs; • developing and strengthening traditional industrial areas and rural areas; • strengthening relations with neighbouring countries and promoting the border regions. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Action priorities and measures • The programme includes the following three development priorities and 20 measures, together with technical assistance: • Mobilising endogenous potential for regional development, business infrastructure, key projects; • Developing business/industry, innovation/technology; • Developing tourism and the leisure industry; • Technical assistance DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
Priority 1 : Mobilising endogenous potential for regional development, business infrastructure and key projects Structural Funds: EUR 64 909 000 Total public funding: EUR 158 083 000 Total volume: EUR 229 466 000 (ERDF: 36.6% of total EU contribution), 8 measures: DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
Priority 1 : Mobilising endogenous potential for regional development, business infrastructureand key projects • Eight measures:1. Regional management • 2 Regional advisory services and networking • 3. Small-scale regional development and making towns and cities more attractive • 4. Regional cultural networking • 5. Technological infrastructure and technology transfer • 6. Small transport infrastructures, logistics facilities • 7. Business infrastructure • 8. Regional lead projects DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
Priority 2 : Developing business/industry, innovation/technology Structural Funds: EUR 82 351 000 Total public funding: EUR 127 397 000 Total volume: EUR 498 982 000 (ERDF: 46.5% of total EU contribution), 10 measures: DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
Priority 2 : Developing business/industry, innovation/technology 10 measures:1. Business enlargement and structural improvement;2. Business start-ups and settlements;3. R&D;4. Precompetitive Development;5. Inter-company cooperation, opening-up of markets;6. Industrial and commercial ‘soft’ measures;7. Advisory services for business, innovation, young entrepreneurs;8. Investments in environmental protection;9. Investments for sustainable economic operations;10. Environmental management, environmental advisory services for businesses. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
Priority 3 : Developing tourism and the leisure industry Structural Funds: EUR 27 693 000 Total public funding: EUR 40 201 000 Total volume: EUR 142 901 000 (ERDF: 15.6% of total EU contribution), 2 measures: 1. Investments in tourism and leisure industry; 2. Tourism software and inter-company cooperation. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
4. Management and contact details )The Office of the Lower Austrian Regional Government (Amt der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung) has been designated as the Managing Authority responsible for the overall coordination of the programme. The Austrian Regional Planning Conference (ÖROK: Österreichische Raumordnungskonferenz) will act as the secretariat for both Objective 1 and 2 programmes. The Monitoring Committee will include the competent Federal ministries (as appointed by the Federal Chancellery) and implementing bodies alongside the social partners and institutions responsible for equal opportunities and sustainable development.The Ministry of Finance and the department responsible for coordinating each Fund will have overall financial responsibility for financial control. DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
4. Management and contact information Österreichischen Raumordnunskonferenz (ÖROK)GeschäftsführerKunze, EduardHohenstaufengasse 3, A-1010 WienTel.: +43.1.5353444, Fax.: +43.1.5353454E-mail.: oerok@oerok.gv.atWeb: Österreichische Raumordnungkonferenz (ÖROK) Amt der Niederösterreichischen LandesregierungAbt. RU2 - Geschäftsstelle fur EU-RegionalpolitikRegionalpolitikSchwarz, WolfgangLandeshauptplatz 1, A-3109 Sankt PöltenTel.: +43.2742.2004190, Fax.: +43.2742.2004170E-mail.: wolfgang.schwarz@noel.gr.atWeb: Niederösterreich DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
4. Management and contact information European Commission: Directorate-General Regional Policy UNIT D-3, Operations in Austria and Benelux Rue de la Loi 200, B-1040 Brussels Tel. +32-2-295 13 62 Fax +32-2-296 64 71 E-mail gerd.gratzer@cec.eu.int Visiting address: Gerd Gratzer Building CSM1, 6/80 23, rue Pere de Deken, 1040 Brussels DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
5. Technical information Title : Objective 2 programme for NiederösterreichIntervention type : Single Programming DocumentCCI No. : 2000AT162DO002No. of decision : C(2001)202 Final approval date : 16-MAR-01 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
6. Overview of monitoring indicators 1/2 The following targets have been set at programme level: around 3 400 new jobs; around 16 700 jobs safeguarded; private investment of EUR 540 million (ATS 7.4 billion) to be mobilised; improving regional economic performance: raising regional GDP compared to the national average (basic line: 1995 per capita GDP in the Objective 2 area was 73.7% of the Austrian average); increasing the number of non-agricultural jobs at a greater rate for women than for men (number of non-agricultural jobs in the Objective 2 area in July 1999: 105 105 for men, 70 704 for women); DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
6. Overview of monitoring indicators 2/2 • decreasing regional unemployment (July 1998 unemployment in the Objective 2 area: 5.2%); • decreasing unemployment at a great rate for women than for men (unemployment rate in the Niederösterreich Objective 2 area in July 1998: 7.2% for women, 3.9% for men); • reducing the relative gap between regional incomes and the national average (monthly wages/salaries per person in the Objective 2 areas (1998) : EUR 1 401, compared to EUR 1 487 in Austria as a whole); • reducing the relative gap in regional incomes for men and women: monthly wages/salaries per employee in the Objective 2 area (1998): EUR 1 038 for women, Austrian average EUR 1 166; EUR 1 624 for men, Austrian national average EUR 1 736). DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
7. Financial breakdown by priority area andby Funds (in million euros) Priority area Total EU Public aid cost contrib. EC+oth.)1. Mobilising endogenous potential for regional development, business infrastructure and lead projects 229.466 64.909 158.083 2. Developing business/industry, innovation/technology 498.982 82.351 127.397 3. Developing tourism and the leisure industry 142.901 27.693 40.201 4. Technical Assistance 4.428 2.214 4.428 Total 875.777 177.167 330.109 EU Contribution ERDF Total 177.167 177.167 100.00% 100.00% DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL