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Understand the significance of Internet marketing on modern business strategies, its relationship with e-marketing, e-commerce, and e-business, and the impact of the Internet on consumer behavior and market dynamics. Learn how Internet applications and technology drive market competitiveness and customer satisfaction.
Learning objectives • Mengevaluasi relevansi Internet dengan konsep pemasaran modern; • membedakan antara pemasaran Internet, e-marketing, e-commerce dan e-bisnis; • mengidentifikasi perbedaan utama antara pemasaran internet dan pemasaran tradisional; • menilai bagaimana Internet dapat digunakan dalam fungsi pemasaran yang berbeda
Questions for marketers • Bagaimana signifikan internet sebagai alat pemasaran? • Bagaimana Internet marketing berhubungan dengan e-marketing, e-commerce dan e-bisnis? • Apa manfaat utama dari pemasaran Internet? • Apa perbedaan Internet memperkenalkan dalam kaitannya dengan model komunikasi pemasaran yang ada?
The impact of the Internet • Andy Grove, Ketua Intel, salah satu pengadopsi awal e-commerce, telah membuat analogi meteorologi dengan internet. Dia mengatakan: • Apakah Internet kekuatan topan, kekuatan sepuluh kali, atau itu sedikit angin? Atau sebuah kekuatan yang secara fundamental mengubah bisnis kita? (Grove, 1996)
The Internet’s impact on you? • Berapa banyak dari Anda telah membeli sesuatu di Internet dalam 6 bulan terakhir? • Berapa kali Anda menggunakan internet sebagai sumber informasi, sebelum membeli offline?
Demand – Internet access Figure 2.13 Global variation in number of PCs per hundred population and percent Internet access in 2000 Source: ITU (www.itu.int)
How does the Internet contribute to marketing? • Definisi pemasaran oleh Chartered Institute of Marketing (http://www.cim.co.uk/) adalah: • Pemasaran adalah proses manajemen yang bertanggung jawab untuk mengidentifikasi, mengantisipasi dan memuaskan kebutuhan pelanggan profitabilitas • Berikan contoh bagaimana internet (web dan e-mail) memberikan kontribusi untuk pemasaran
What is e-marketing? • E-marketing adalah: Menerapkan ... • Internet dan teknologi digital lainnya ... • (web, e-mail, nirkabel, iTV, database) untuk ... • mendapatkan dan mempertahankan pelanggan • (melalui proses pembelian multi-channel • dan siklus hidup pelanggan) Dengan ... • Meningkatkan pengetahuan pelanggan, penargetan, • pelayanan dan kepuasan
E-business and e-commerce • Define e-commerce • What is the relationship between e-commerce and e-business?
E-business and e-commerce Figure 1.2 The distinction between buy-side and sell-side e-commerce
Relationship between e-commerce and e-business Figure 1.3 Three alternative definitions of the relationship between e-commerce and e-business
Internet marketing contexts Figure 1.4 Summary of transaction alternatives between businesses and consumers
Internet applications Figure 1.5 Market and product strategic grid
Drivers • Cost/efficiency drivers • Meningkatkankecepatanpengiriman • Mengurangibiayapenjualan • Mengurangibiayaoperasi • Competitiveness drivers • permintaanpelanggan • Jangkauandankualitaslayanan yang ditawarkan • Hindarikehilanganpangsapasar • Exploit pasarbaru
Technology - addressing • Common gTLDs are: • .com represents an international or American company such as http://www.travelagency.com • .co.uk represents a company based in the UK such as http://www.thomascook.co.uk/. • .ac.uk a UK based University (e.g. http://www.derby.ac.uk) • .org.uk or .org are not for profit organisations (e.g. www.greenpeace.org) • .net a network provider such as www.freeserve.net.
How it works - components Figure 1.9 Infrastructure components of the Internet
How it works – client/server Figure 1.10 Information exchange between a web browser and a web server
How it works - HTML Figure 1.11 Home page index.html for The B2B Company in a web browser showing HTML source in text editor
Internet, intranet and extranet Figure 1.12 The relationship between access to intranets, extranets and the Internet
Interactivity and intelligence Figure 1.13 Summary of communication models for: (a) traditional media, (b) new media
Individualisation Figure 1.14 Summary of degree of individualisation for: (a) traditional media (same message), (b) new media (unique messages and more information exchange between customers)
Integration Figure 1.15 Channel requiring integration as part of integrated e-marketing strategy
Mixed-mode buying Figure 1.16 The role of mixed-mode buying in Internet marketing
Conversion marketing Figure 1.17 A model of the Internet marketing conversion process
Conversion marketing - example Figure 1.18 An example of the conversion process