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29 April 2013. DRAVIDIAN WORDNET. 29 April 2013. Tamil Thesaurus. Preliminary work on lexical semantics. Monumental work on Tamil Thesaurus. Ontologicial classification of Tamil Vocabulary Rajendran, S. (2001) tamizhc coRkaLanjciyam. (in Tamil).Tamil University Publication. 29 April 2013.

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  1. 29 April 2013 DRAVIDIAN WORDNET

  2. 29 April 2013 Tamil Thesaurus • Preliminary work on lexical semantics. • Monumental work on Tamil Thesaurus. • Ontologicial classification of Tamil Vocabulary • Rajendran, S. (2001) tamizhc coRkaLanjciyam. (in Tamil).Tamil University Publication.

  3. 29 April 2013 Domains in Tamil Thesaurus • Tamil vocabulary is classified into four major domains: • Entities • Abstracts • Events and • Relationals

  4. 29 April 2013 Lexical Hierarchy of the Domain `Construction’ parumaippeyarkaL `concrete nouns ' aHRinaippeyarkaL `irrational nouns' uyirillaatavai `non-living beings' uruvaakkiya maRRum patananjceyta poruTkaL `manufactured and processed items' kaTTappaTTavai `constructed'

  5. 29 April 2013 Nouns Relations Example Synonymy viiTu ‘house’ - illam `house‘ Hypernymy-Hyponymy paLLi 'school' – kalviccaalai 'educational institution‘ Hyponym-Hypernymy kalluuri 'college' – aracukkalluuri `govt college‘ Holonymy-Meronymy ndaaRkaali 'chair' - kaal 'leg‘ Meronymy-Holonymy cakkaram 'wheel' to vaNTi 'cart‘ Related Verb paTittal ‘reading’ – paTi ‘read’ Coordinate terms kooyil `temple' – macuuti 'mosque'

  6. 29 April 2013 Verbs Relations Example Synonym paTi ‘read’ – payilu ‘read’ Hypernymy cuvai ‘taste’ – uNar Troponymy keeL ‘ask’– kenjcu ‘plead’ Nominal paruku `drink’ – parukutal `drinking’ Related Noun kaNTupiTi `discover’ – kaNTupiTippu `discovery’

  7. 29 April 2013 Tamil WordNet • Objective: To build a WordNet for Tamil to enhance machine translation • Resources: Tamil Thesaurus, Technical Glossaries (Tamil University Publications), Princeton English WordNet • Funding Agency: Tamil Software Development Fund, Tamil Virtual University - 4 lacs • Time Frame: 18 months

  8. 29 April 2013 Details • Software used • Front-end – Java • Back-end - Mysql Database • Project Deliverables • 50k root words • Relationships coded • Stand-alone and web-based interface • Embedded morphological analyser

  9. 29 April 2013 Statistics • Total Words: 50497 • Unique Senses: 41013 • Nouns: 46710 • Verbs: 2881 • Adjectives: 416 • Adverbs: 490

  10. 29 April 2013 Total Words: 50497Unique Senses: 41013 Project Completed (2004) http://www.nrcfosshelpline.in/code/wiki/TamilWordnet

  11. 29 April 2013

  12. 29 April 2013 Standalone version – Tamil WordNet (Snapshot)

  13. 29 April 2013 Standalone version – Tamil WordNet (Snapshot)

  14. 29 April 2013 Web-version – Tamil WordNet (Snapshot)

  15. 29 April 2013 Web-version – Tamil WordNet (Snapshot)

  16. 29 April 2013 First Effort on Dravidian Languages • National Workshop on WordNet for Dravidian Languages • 2-3 June 2003 • Organized by AU-KBC Research Centre, Chennai, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore and Tamil University. • Hands-on experience on specified domain – construction • Report available on Global WordNet website

  17. 29 April 2013 MHRD Project • Creation of Machine Translation tools and resources for English to Dravidian Languages: Pilot Study • to develop Machine Translation(MT) system and needed linguistic resources for • English-Dravidian languages(Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu and Kannada), • This would facilitate the creation of rich educational contents in Indian languages. • This research effort is to make all the tools and translation system to be based on Machine Learning methodologies so that computer graduates and other such non-linguists are able to immediately participate in the national mission on literacy by contributing additional tools for language translation.

  18. 29 April 2013 Modules • Module 1: Machine Translation • aims at developing teaching material corresponding to the tools developed so that it can be delivered as part of undergraduate computer science and engineering curriculum on data mining/machine learning. • This will ensure a critical amount of man power required for sustaining translation effort needed for national mission on education. • Module 2: Training • aims at training 500 faculties selected from across the country on machine translation methodologies using machine learning techniques. • Module 3: Dravidian WordNet • aims at developing a Dravidian WordNet required for translation.

  19. 29 April 2013 Total Budget • IIT Bombay – 15 lacs • Amrita University – 40 lacs • Tamil University – 15 lacs • University of Hyderabad – 15 lacs • Dravidian University – 15 lacs • Time Frame • 12 months • March 30, 2009 – March 29, 2010

  20. 29 April 2013 Work done • Part of a one year Pilot project involving Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada • Funding Agency: Ministry of HRD • Duration: 18 months (July 2009-Dec 2010) • Deliverable: 13k synsets • 7k synsets linked to IndoWordNet, available at http://www.cfilt.iitb.ac.in/wordnet/webhwn/wn.php

  21. 29 April 2013 Statistics on Dravidian WordNet

  22. 29 April 2013 Publications • `Tamil WordNet’, Proceedings of the Fifth Global WordNet Conference, IIT-Bombay, 31 Jan-4 Feb 2010 (S.Rajendran) • `Building a WordNet’ for Dravidian Languages, Proceedings of the Fifth Global WordNet Conference, IIT-Bombay, 31 Jan-4 Feb 2010 (S.Rajendran, S.Gopakumar, V.Dhanalakshmi) • `Representation of Kinship in WordNet’, Proceedings of the 9th International Tamil Internet Conference, Coimbatore, 23-27 June 2010 (S.Arulmozi) • `Polysemy in Tamil and other Indian Languages’, Proceedings of the Fifth Global WordNet Conference, IIT-Bombay, 31 Jan-4 Feb 2010 (S.Arulmozi & Panchanan Mohanty) • `Telugu WordNet’, Proceedings of the Fifth Global WordNet Conference, IIT-Bombay, 31 Jan-4 Feb 2010 (S.Arulmozi)

  23. 29 April 2013 First IndoWordNet Workshop • Amrita University • 11-14 June 2009 • Necessity for developing linked WordNets of different languages of India was stressed • Challenges such as language divergence, lexical semantics, embedding WordNet in MT and cross-lingual search applications can be achieved • Participation from groups: Hindi, Marathi, Sanskrit, Nepali, Assamese, Bodo, Manipuri, Konkani, Kashmiri, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada • Proposal on Indhradhanush

  24. 29 April 2013 Dravidian WordNet • Present Project • Funded by DIT.

  25. 29 April 2013 Links • Tamil WordNet – Open Source http://www.nrcfosshelpline.in/code/wiki/TamilWordnet • VerbNet (English) http://verbs.colorado.edu/~mpalmer/projects/verbnet.html • Princeton English WordNet http://wordnet.princeton.edu/ • Global WordNet Association http://www.globalwordnet.org/ • WordNets in the World http://www.globalwordnet.org/gwa/wordnet_table.htm • WordNet Bibliography http://lit.csci.unt.edu/~wordnet/ • IndoWordNet http://www.cfilt.iitb.ac.in/wordnet/webhwn/wn.php

  26. 29 April 2013 Thank you!

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