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PRESENTATION TO THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON LABOUR ANNUAL REPORT PRESENTATION (2008/09) 27 October 2009. VISION AND MISSION. Vision To lead and inspire a productive and competitive South Africa . Mission Productivity SA is a tripartite organisation dedicated to the development and
VISION AND MISSION Vision • To lead and inspire a productive and competitive South Africa. Mission • Productivity SA is a tripartite organisation dedicated to the development and enhancement of South Africa’s productivity by unleashing the spirit of continuous productivity improvement in all South Africans. 1
KEY FOCUS AREAS FOR 2008/09 • Inspiring a culture of Productivity among South Africans • Productivity Knowledge and Information • Enhancing Productivity Skills and Competencies • Public Sector Productivity • Turnaround solutions for companies • Industry sector collaborations and strategies • Corporate Services 2
KEY HIGHLIGHTS FOR 2008/09 • Productivity SA re-branding consolidation • Hosting the World Productivity Congress (first in Africa) • Productivity research projects • Productivity interventions in SMME's (PCBP) • Turnaround solutions for companies • Industry sector collaborations and strategies • International collaboration (skills development) • Unqualified Audit Report 3
Objectives Achievements Successful hosting of the World Productivity Congress Productivity Movement campaign Productivity awards Media and advertising campaign Awareness workshops International Partnerships INSPIRING A CULTURE OF PRODUCTIVITY • To promote understanding and importance of productivity in South Africa • Cultivating a Productive attitude among learners and teachers • To create a forum for exchange of productivity knowledge and skills locally, regionally and internationally 5
Objective Achievements Implementation of partnership projects with: Asian Productivity Organisation (APO) Japan Productivity Centre for Socio Economic Development (JPC-SED) Productivity SA still serves as PAPA Secretariat of Pan African Productivity Association AU Labour and Social Affairs Commission International Partnerships • To create a forum of transferring cutting-edge productivity knowledge and skills to Productivity SA and other National Productivity Organisations in Africa 7
Objectives Projects Annual Public Sector Study; Contribution to the IMD Competitiveness Yearbook; Impact Assessment of the influence of the government framework, including labour legislation, on productivity and competitiveness; Annual Productivity Statistics; and the Impact of Skills Development on Productivity Study Knowledge Management and Research Initiate, conduct and coordinate productivity-related research by means of a network of research partners in order to produce at least four reports a year Distil lessons learnt and best practices from successful cases inside and outside the country for adaptation and application Generate information to positively influence policy debates and formulation and therefore impact productivity and competitiveness 9
Objectives Projects National Schools debates Training of Productivity facilitators Training of government and SOE managers on productivity Incorporation of productivity concepts and values into the National Curriculum statement Training of small enterprises, coached and mentored to measure and improve productivity in their own organisations Enhancing Productivity Skills and Competencies • To lead the development, customisation and distribution of productivity competencies and mindsets among South Africans and to provide productivity improvement solutions to public-benefit • To incorporate productivity concepts, values and applications into the National Curriculum Statement • To develop increased number of sustainable small micro enterprises through productivity improvement 12
Objective Social Plan Interventions • To provide technical support to prevent job losses and ensure the survival of businesses by returning them to profitability through: • Developing enterprise turnaround strategies • Promoting collaboration between management and employees in turning around the companies through future forums • Projects for 2008/09 • Establish Future forums in distressed companies • Develop Turnaround Strategies • Establish Proactive Future forums in Stable Companies • Develop Early Warning Systems • Conduct Impact Assessments • Conduct Desktop Sector Studies 15330 jobs have been impacted upon 15
Workplace Challenge Programme (Best Operating Practices) Objective • To facilitate government and industry partnerships to improve the performance and competitiveness of sectors, industries and business through: • Improved value-chain efficiencies • Promoting constructive labour relations at the workplace • Developing world class practices for continuous productivity improvement • Sharing and disseminating experiences and lessons 20
Objectives To create an enabling environment that continuously ensures alignment of human capital with Productivity SA mandate. To acquire cutting-edge productivity knowledge and skills from the Asian experiences Achievements Annual Equity and Workplace Skills reports submitted to DoL Intervention through APO/JPC-SED partnerships funded by the Japanese government: 12 employees trained on the APO’s Basic Course for Productivity Practitioners (Total 30 from PAPA members countries) 2 employees participated on an observational study mission to Japan (Total 12 from Africa) Human Capital 24
Thank You 26