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Introduction to Emergency Medical Care 1

Introduction to Emergency Medical Care 1. OBJECTIVES. 37.1 Define key terms introduced in this chapter. Slides 10 , 12 , 14 , 33 , 35 , 37 , 40 , 42 , 44 , 47 , 50 , 53 , 55 , 59

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Introduction to Emergency Medical Care 1

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  1. Introduction to Emergency Medical Care1

  2. OBJECTIVES 37.1 Define key terms introduced in this chapter. Slides 10, 12, 14, 33, 35, 37, 40, 42, 44, 47, 50, 53, 55, 59 37.2 Describe special challenges patients may have, including various disabilities, terminal illness, obesity, homelessness/poverty, and autism. Slides 10–19 37.3 Describe general considerations in responding to patients with special challenges. Slides 22–26 continued

  3. OBJECTIVES 37.4 Recognize physical impairments and common medical devices used in the home care of patients with special challenges, including respiratory devices, cardiac devices, gastrourinary devices, central IV catheters and discuss EMT assessment and transport considerations for each. Slides 29–30, 32–62 continued

  4. OBJECTIVES 37.5 Explain why patients with special challenges are often especially vulnerable to abuse and neglect and what the EMT’s obligations are in such situations. Slides 64–66 continued

  5. MULTIMEDIA • Slide 20 Autism Video

  6. The variety of challenges that may be faced by patients with special needs Types of disabilities and challenges patients may have Special aspects of prehospital care for a patient with special needs continued

  7. Congenital and acquired diseases and conditions Types of advanced medical devices patients may rely on How to recognize and deal with cases of abuse and neglect

  8. Topics • Patients with Special Challenges • General Considerations in Responding to Patients with Special Challenges • Diseases and Conditions • Advanced Medical Devices • Abuse and Neglect

  9. Patients with Special Challenges

  10. Disability • Condition interfering with the ability to engage in activities of daily living • Developmental disability • Cerebral palsy, Down syndrome • Result of traumatic injury or medical condition • Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury

  11. Terminal Illness • End stage cancer, heart failure, kidney failure, progressive fatal diseases (Huntington’s, Lou Gehrig’s) • May depend on technology to sustain life or relieve pain • Advance directives • Special emotional needs

  12. Obesity • Increases risk of multiple diseases • Special measures to care for obese patient • Allow patient to assume comfortable position for breathing • Have enough assistance when lifting or moving patient

  13. Homelessness and Poverty • Serious health problems related to homelessness and poverty • Mental health problems • Malnutrition • Substance abuse problems • HIV/AIDS • Tuberculosis • Pneumonia

  14. Autism • Affects 1 in 91 children • Affects ability to communicate • May need to modify assessment techniques and treatment protocols

  15. ABCS of Dealing with Autistic Patients • Awareness • Basic • Calm • Safe

  16. Awareness • EMT must adapt approach and strategies to patient • Disruption of routine not well tolerated by patient • Communication can be challenging • May have escalation or meltdown—involuntary tantrum-like behavior

  17. Basic • Instructions—simple, clear precise • Questions—short, closed-ended • Equipment—keep to minimum; do not overstimulate • Treatment—defer interventions that are precautions rather than necessary

  18. Calm • Calm creates calm • Start with one-to-one contact • Clear, controlled voice • Empathy, compassion • Take extra time—unless life-threatening emergency, follow patient’s timeline

  19. Safe • Begin treatment where patient is found • Remove things that may aggravate child • Do toe-to-head survey, one step at a time • Consider taking breaks during exam • Let patient tell you when ready for next step

  20. Autism Video Click here to view a video on the subject of autism. Back to Directory

  21. General Considerations in Responding to Patients with Special Challenges

  22. Advanced Medical Devices in the Home

  23. Knowledgeable Caregivers • Caregivers likely trained on device • Ask: Has problem occurred before? What fixed it? • Have you been taught how to fix this problem? • Have you tried to fix this problem? What happened? • How do you normally move patient?

  24. Knowledgeable Patients

  25. EMT Assessment and Transport

  26. Following Protocols • Is the problem with the device life threatening? • Do I have the knowledge to fix this problem? • Do I have supplies needed to fix this problem? • Is it within my protocols or within medical control authorization?

  27. Think About It • What is important to do with an autistic child who is escalating? • What would be the most important question to ask yourself when a medical device fails?

  28. Diseases and Conditions

  29. Types of Diseases • Congenital • Congenital heart disease, cleft palate, congenital deafness • Acquired • COPD, AIDS, traumatic spinal cord injury, deafness

  30. Special Concerns • Patient with a chronic disease may experience sudden worsening of disease • Patient may also develop acute illness • Acute illness may be more devastating because of coexisting chronic disease

  31. Advanced Medical Devices

  32. Respiratory Devices • Continuous positive airway pressure devices • Tracheostomy tubes • Home ventilators

  33. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Devices (CPAP)

  34. EMT Assessment and Transport • Problems not usually related to machine • Patient may wish to bring machine to hospital • Alert ER staff of use in radio report

  35. Tracheostomy Tubes • Surgical opening through neck into trachea in which breathing tube is placed • BVM fits on end of tube • Mucus build-up in tube • Patient may or may not be able to speak

  36. EMT Assessment and Transport • Check tube • If clogged, clear using whistle tip catheter • Patient may buck during suction • May need to ventilate with BVM • During transport, elevate patient’s head to allow drainage

  37. Home Ventilators

  38. EMT Assessment and Transport • Make sure vent tube has no mucus build-up • Assure that BVM is connected to oxygen • If transporting ventilator, secure device

  39. Cardiac Devices • Implanted pacemaker • Automatic implanted cardiac defibrillator (AICD) • Left ventricular assist device (LVAD)

  40. Implanted Pacemaker

  41. Implanted Pacemaker

  42. AICD • Implanted in upper left chest or upper left abdominal quadrant • Detects life-threatening cardiac rhythms • Delivers shock to correct dysrhythmia • Shock very painful to patient • Cannot be felt by caregivers

  43. EMT Assessment and Transport • May want to request ALS • Treat as high-risk cardiac patient • High-concentration oxygen • Frequent reassessment • If cardiac arrest, use CPR and AED as indicated

  44. Left Ventricular Assist Device

  45. EMT Assessment and Transport • Battery failure: plug into AC source • Pump failure: use hand or foot pump • Battery should be secured so as not to pull tubing

  46. Gastrourinary Devices • Feeding tubes • Urinary catheters • Ostomy bags

  47. Feeding Tubes

  48. Feeding Tubes

  49. EMT Assessment and Transport • Secure tube to patient’s body with tape prior to transport • Keep nutrients higher than tube • Put protective cap in place to prevent leakage

  50. Urinary Catheters

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