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______________________________________________________________ A new Automatic Surface Observing System in Brazil A. D. Moura and J. M. Rezende (INMET - Brazil) ________________________________________________________________. St. Petersburg , Russian Federation, 27-29 November 2008.

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  1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A new Automatic Surface Observing System in Brazil A. D. Moura and J. M. Rezende (INMET - Brazil) ________________________________________________________________ St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 27-29 November 2008

  2. A typical automatic station (WMO standards)

  3. October 2008 433 stations installed

  4. Installation criteria, selection of sites and partners Area = 8.5 millions km2 Divided by 110x110 km2 Approximately 700 stations. Decision: 500 stations

  5. http://www.inmet.gov.br LAN Communication Brasilsat (geo) and cell phone (where possible)

  6. CCIM – CENTRO DE CONTROLE INTEGRADO DE OPERAÇÕES, COMUNICAÇÕES E INFORMAÇÕES METEOROLÓGICAS CCIM - Integrated Center for Controlling Operations and Communications of Meteorological Information Tool for decision support and planning, through the integration of data and technological tools necessary for the operational management and monitoring, using modern technologies such as geographic information systems, logistics planning, monitoring, integrated into a single environment, the Web interface and multi-user.

  7. PHASE I Integrated Management Operations System PHASE II Integrated Communications System Product Management System Information and User Support System The CCIM system is being implemented in two phases: I Operations management; communication networks. II Products; information and user support

  8. WEB Based Application • Very Wide Geographical Scope • Great Integration of Information • Headquarters • National Centers • Partners (National & International) • Users • Open Source Technology • Linux • MySQL • Java J2EE

  9. For Phase II 1. Add WIGOS “COMPLIANCE” 2. Traceability 3. Maintenance Laboratory

  10. Situation Room Brasília Communications DISTRICTS AWS Users Maintenance Teams Data Bank Partners INMET

  11. Display of stations and router with problems

  12. Optimizing maintenance routes (Gerência da Rede informed)

  13. Network Monitoring Control

  14. 24 hour Monitoring of all Automatic Weather Stations Note: Colors indicating function at every hour in real time

  15. 12 Maintenance Teams in several areas in Brazil

  16. Examples of AWS site locations with partnering organizations (e.g. Brazilian Army; Ethanol sugarcane factory)

  17. Free and open Data Dissemination Internet http://www.inmet.gov.br/sonabra/maps/automaticas.php

  18. Conclusions The system approached taken includes all components of an observational system, instead of just focussing on the station itself.

  19. The components include: • sensors; energy sub-system; • all sampling and communication system; • acquisition of supply for at least 5 years; • training and supporting 12 teams for field operation; • real-time communication while in the field; • a round-the-clock CCIM to control all elements of the system; • a unified Gerência da Rede (Manager responsible for all the network elements); • coordination among all Meteorological Districts to support Gerência da Rede and field operation (size of Brazil requires that); control and storage of materials and supplies.

  20. Conclusions Brazil is willing to share its experience with partners and NMHSs.

  21. THANK YOU! Antonio Divino & José Mauro ________________________________________________________________ INMET - Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia diretor.inmet@inmet.gov.br ________________________________________________________________

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