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Bienvenue à la classe de français!

Bienvenue à la classe de français!. FSF 1D/FSF 2D Mlle Beaugrand. Course Information. You will use oral speaking, listening, reading and writing You will read short stories, write letters, dialogues and predictions

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Bienvenue à la classe de français!

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  1. Bienvenue à la classe de français! FSF 1D/FSF 2D Mlle Beaugrand

  2. Course Information • You will use oral speaking, listening, reading and writing • You will read short stories, write letters, dialogues and predictions • You will build your vocabulary on topics such as friends, travel, movies and your interests • You will work individually and in groups • Your final mark will be made of: • 70% from work during the semester (tests, quizzes, assignments, presentations etc) • 30% from the final examination (in-class test & written project)

  3. Course Materials • The textbooks will be kept in class • Your cahier (workbook) will cost $5 – some of you have already paid. If not, please bring in $5 tomorrow. • Bring your binder & cahier to class EVERYDAY • There are dictionaries in class but it is recommended to get your own French-English dictionary to use at home

  4. Course Info • 70% of your final mark is based on course work throughout the semester (quizzes/tests, presentations, dialogues and projects). • All summative assessments assigned must be completed to be successful in this class • 30% of your final mark will be based on the final evaluation • in-class test • written project • oral component

  5. Attendance and Punctuality • You are expected to be in class, on time, everyday. You must arrive, ready to work when the bell rings • You must ask permission (en français) if you need to leave the classroom to use the washroom or for any other reason • You are responsible for making up all material missed (including tests) if you are absent. Look at the class website or ask a classmate before class • If you know you will miss a class, let me know before that class so you can be given work to complete

  6. Electronic Devices • Under no circumstances are cell phones permitted in this classroom unless you have prior permission • the only exception to this rule is to use the Word Reference App – you MUST ASK before taking your phone out or I will confiscate it. • iPods and MP3 players may be used only during individual work time and must be turned off during lessons, presentations and tests • If I see any cell phone in class, it will be confiscated and returned at the end of the day • Continued presence of cell phones in class will result in increasingly severe consequences

  7. Class website • Today’s information, along with daily lessons, announcements and useful links will be posted on the class website • If you miss class, you are responsible for finding out what you missed by checking the website • http://beaugrandd/wikispaces.com

  8. Class Rules • RESPECT! • Respect for the teacher • Respect for your classmates • Respect for the classroom • What does this look like? Brainstorm!

  9. When RESPECT is lost… • Together, let’s decide what appropriate actions can be taken when there is a lack of respect in the classroom • Behaviour Contract

  10. How to be successful in French • Come to every class prepared – what does this mean? • Cahier, binder, pencil/pen, paper • Homework/assignments completed • Positive attitude! • Hand in assignments on time • Study for tests • Take good, organized notes in class • Come in for extra help if you are having trouble – don’t wait until it’s too late!

  11. Late Policy – French Dep’t • Note: Online translators are NOT permitted for ANY assignments and will result in you re-doing the assignment • If an assignment is not submitted on time, the Continuous Communication Policy will be put in place • Consequences of not submitting assignments by the due date will get increasingly severe with each occurrence • You will be required to come in for lunch detention everyday until the assignment is submitted • Same goes for assignments submitted that are less than a Level 1

  12. How will a Split Class Affect Me? • Many oral communication activities will be done together at the beginning of each class • Most grammar concepts will be taught separately • This means, at times, I will be teaching the other students --- What if you have a question? • ask another student • look in your textbook/class notes • look in the dictionary • look for anchor charts on the walls • write it down and ask me when I am finished

  13. Any Questions?

  14. Get to know your classmates • Find one student in the class that each statement in true for • Using the form EST-CE QUE TU… • When a student answers OUI, write their name on the line • If they say NON, then ask someone else! • You can only write each students’ name once

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