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This is a summary of the ALLEA Board Meeting held in Israel, discussing updates on recent activities, finances, working groups, and preparations for the upcoming General Assembly.
ALLEA Board Meeting Israel Academy ofSciencesandHumanities, Jerusalem 3/4 December 2014
Item 1 – Meeting Agenda • Item 1Approval: Meeting agenda / Minutes of last Board meeting • Item 2 Report: Recent, on-going and upcoming activities • Item 3 Update on Working Group activities • Item 4Update on finances and membership dues 2014/2015 • Item 5New andpendingmembershipapplications • Item 6 Updates: General Assembly 2015 in Lisbon / ALLEA Mme de Staël Prize 2015 • Item 7 Preparation General Assembly decisions (Re-election of ALLEA Presidency; change of voting system; possible revision of Statutes) • Item 8 Discussion on abolition of CSA position • Item 9 Science policy activities and cooperation with partner institutions (STIS dialogue, ESF-ALLEA event, cooperation with other pan European organisations) • Item 10 Follow up discussions on previously raised issues (from Sofia meeting) • Item 11Next meetings and any other business
Item 2 Report: Recent, on-going and upcoming activities Attachment: Letter from ALLEA President to Prime Minister of Slovak Republic
Item 3 Update on Working Group activities Attachment: ALLEA remarks on Horizon 2020 scoping papers for work programmes 2016/17
Item 3 Update on Working Group activities Working Group Science Education / AEMASE network: Meetings in Paris on 17/18 December (Günter Stock / JürgPfister) Permanent Working Groups Intellectual Property Rights and Science & Ethics: Joint Meeting in Munich on 24 November (Carlo D´Adda) Working Group E Humanities: Meeting in Bern on 4 December (Matthias Johannsen) Working Group SSH represents ALLEA at European Commssion workshop in Brussels on 27 November (Matthias Johannsen)
Item 4 Update on finances and membership dues 2014 / 2015 Attachment: Overview ALLEA Membership Dues 2014/2015
Finances 2014 - key figures ALLEA accountbalance* (as of 01/12/14): 87.905,78 € De facto expenditures 2014 (Jan-Nov): 184.500 € (rounded) Expected pending expenditures 2014: 28.700 € (rounded) Expected total expenditures 2014: 213.200 € Figurespresented in business plan andadoptedby GA 2014 in Oslo: Expected expenditures 2014: 249.540,00 € Expectedincome 2014: 234.740,00 € * Includes 15.500€ membershipduesfor 2015; 3.600€ ofexpensestoberefunded
Membership dues 2014 (as of 01/12/2014) • Number of Academies* which settled their payment48 • full amount 42 • reduced amount 5 • overpayment 1 • Number of Academies which have not settled their payment 10 • Payment committed for later 2014 (full or reduced amount) 2 • Temporary exemption granted due to financial constraints 3 • No payment despite reminders /no reaction 5 *Including members elected at GA 2014 (payment of partial amount for 2nd half of 2014)
Membership dues 2014 *temporaryexemptionsandreductionsgrantedtotalling 35.100 €: KNAW; Spain (2xMadrid); France (Ac. des sciences); Belgium; Finland
Membership dues 2015 (as of 03/12/2014) Payments received: • National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia • Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts • Kosova Academy of Sciences and Arts • Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts • Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts • The British Academy • Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences Krakow • The Royal Society of Edinburgh Total received: 20.183 €
Item 5 New and pending membership applications
Item 6 Updates: General Assembly 2015 in Lisbon / ALLEA Mme de Staël Prize 2015 Attachment: Revised draft programme for General Assembly 2015 and award ceremony
Item 6 General Assembly 2015 - Program proposal Programme for 24 April 2014 ALLEA BUSINESS MEETING (closed) 9.00 – 13.00: meeting part I 13.00 – 14.15: buffet lunch and group photo 14.15 – 16.30: meeting part II 16.30 – 18.00: Visit to National Museum of Antique Art (MNAA)
Item 7 Preparation General Assembly decisions (Re-election of ALLEA Presidency; change of voting system; possible revision of Statutes) Attachment: Side note to minutes of Berlin meeting (July 2014)
Item 7 Preparation General Assembly decisions • Re-election of ALLEA Presidency • Change of voting system • Possible revision of Statutes Attachment: Side note to minutes of Berlin meeting (July 2014)
Item 7Statutes Article 15. Admission and voting rights. 1. All representatives of the Members and Associate Members shall be admitted to the General Assembly. Representatives of suspended Members and/or Associate Members shall not be admitted. The General Assembly can invite non-Members to attend at the General Assembly as observers. 2. Each Member which is not suspended shall be entitled to one vote; Associate Members shall not be entitled to vote. 3. A Member may have its vote cast by another Member, duly authorized to that end in writing.
Item 8 Discussion on abolition of CSA position Attachment: Research Europe article of 20 Nov. 2014 on the abolition of the CSA position
Item 9 Science policy activities and cooperation with partner institutions Attachments: Revised proposal for the STIS dialogue (18 Nov. 2014)/ Mail from IAP co-chairs/LERU Press Release/ “Leiden Statement”
Item 9 Science policy activities and cooperation with partner institutions • EASAC Council meeting in Geneva (report from Daniela Jezova and JürgPfister) • Science Policy Advice in Europe: Cooperation with other pan European organisations – STIS dialogue proposal (report from ALLEA President regarding meetings and EuroCASE annual conference in Brussels) • InterAcademyPartnership and European representation • ESF-ALLEA lecture series at the European Parliament: update • Opportunities for closer cooperation with Science Europe (e.g. regarding activities of Scientific Committees for the Humanities and Social Sciences)
Item 10 Follow up discussions on previously raised issues (from Sofia meeting)
Item 10 Follow up discussions on previously raised issues • Seek co-sponsor for ALLEA prize and possibly for ALLEA book series • Organisationof annual high-level meeting with most relevant stakeholders (Science Europe / LERU / etc.) • High-level panel debate with New Commissioner Carlos Moedas and the Presidents of Science Europe, LERU, ERC and ALLEA; discussion led by professional moderator • Form a “Migration” working team / Where is a door in the EU agenda to step in as regards the issue of “migration”? / How could ALLEA temporary working teams be financed? • Communication concept for ALLEA statements and reports / rethink publication design (in contact with Swiss academies – brainstorming meeting?) / “four pagers” to accompany longer ALLEA reports • ALLEA´s unique selling point: integrative membership of academies in EU- and non-EU-countries. “Council of Europe” as a potential partner for or addressee of future ALLEA activities?
Item 11 Next meetings and any other business Attachment: STAC report “The future of Europe is Science” of October 2014