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Civil Engineering Dept. Master Program. Infrastructure planning and management. Lecture(1). 2013-2014. Definition of the " Public Works " and " Infrastructure ".
Civil Engineering Dept. Master Program Infrastructure planning and management Lecture(1) 2013-2014
Definition of the "Public Works" and " Infrastructure" The term “Public Works”is applied to facilitates that usually require substantial capital investment; provide services or solve problems perceived to the public's responsibility; and are planned, designed, constructed, and proposed by or under the auspices of government agencies. Private companies may also construct and /or operate public works, to serve their own manufacturing or other need, or for profit.
What is Infrastructure? “The nation’s infrastructure is its system of public facilities, both publicly and privately funded, which provide for the delivery of essential services and a sustained standard of living. This interdependent, yet self-contained, set of structures provides for mobility, shelter, services, and utilities… America’s infrastructure is the base upon which society rests. Its condition affects our lifestyles and security and each is threatened by its unanswered decay.”
Overview of Infrastructures Transport Electric Telecom Water
Examples of Infrastructure projects Highways, streets, bridges, tunnels and transportation • Water supply, treatment, and distribution. • Wastewater collection, treatment and disposal • Solid waste collection, treatment, and disposal. • Electric power generation and supply • Communication facilities
Examples of Infrastructure projects (cont…..) Courthouses, schools, libraries and hospitals • Police station, fire houses, prisons and garages. • Public residential housing
Categories of public infrastructure projects • Development of new projects or provision of additional capacity or capability. 1
Rehabilitation and/or reconstruction of existing facility without changing the capacity or capability of the facility. 2 • Routine maintenance(preventive) and operation of infrastructure system (e.g., the municipal systems for transportation, water supply, sewage and storm water and solid wastes. 3 • Improve the system efficiency by modify the operation and management (e.g. Improve pumps efficiency by cleaning or/and lubrication ). 4
Operation and management Typical infrastructure planning steps • 7
What is Infra. Mgmt.? • Administrative process of creating, planning, and maintaining our infrastructures • An integrated, inter-disciplinary process that ensures infrastructure performance over its life cycle • Life cycle is entire time from design through decommissioning
What is Infra. Mgmt.? Overall Framework Program/Network/ System Level Database Project Level In-Service Monitoring & Evaluation
What is Infra. Mgmt.?Program/System Level Financing • Data (location, performance, evaluation) • Deficiencies/Needs (current, future) • Alternatives and Analyses • Priorities Budgets Policies Exogenous Factors
What is Infra. Mgmt.?Project/Section Level • Data (materials, loads, flows, costs, etc.) • Detailed Design • Construction • Maintenance Standards/ Specifications Budget Limit Environmental Constraints
What is Infra. Mgmt.? Ideal System • Would coordinate and enable the execution of all activities • Maximizes use and expenditure of resources • Maximize performance of assets • Serve all management levels
What is Infra. Mgmt.? Key Issues • Decay and deterioration (condition, failure) • Lack of maintenance/renovation (build, build, build!) • Scarcity of financing (federal gov’t funds projects of national/interstate importance - states left to build the rest; money tends to be for construction and not maintenance; lots of infrastructure needs - which ones are #1 priority?) • Inadequate reporting and accounting
Where Does Engineering Help? • Systems engineering perspective! • Framing of problem • Using quantitative tools to solve it • Tools: uncertainty/risk analysis • Optimization via LP, Probabilistic, etc. • Both parts are important
What is Infra. Mgmt.? CONTEXT (Tech./Social/Political Environment) PROBLEM RECOGNITION (Reviews, Prelim. Assessments) Periodic In-Service Monitoring & Evaluation PROBLEM DEFINITION (Objectives, Constraints, Decisions) GENERATION OF ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS/EVALUATION/ OPTIMIZATION IMPLEMENTATION (Schedules, Activities, Documentation)
Tools for Optimization • Mathematical Programming • LP (min/max with constraints), etc. • Heuristics • Probabilistic • Graphical (e.g. Scheduling Charts)
Some Estimates ? (Project Idea-1) • Summary of “Civil Infrastructure Systems: The Big Picture”, Jan2014. • Issues and obstacles in civil infrastructure • Developments and Opportunities • Recommendations • Highways, Bridges, Water, Construction Industry, Financials, Risk, Sustainable Development, Opportunities, Conclusions
Programming and budgeting process of public works agencies Programming It is a process of prioritizing proposed projects and developing a single-year or multiyear program of projects, usually within a constrained monetary amount.
Programming and budgeting process of public works agencies Budgeting It is procedures that actually produces the funding and authority to incur costs and allocate funds. The budget is usually an annual legislative authorization for expenditures and may follow multiyear authorization guidelines established be by the same legislative bodies.
Programming and budgeting process of public works agencies key elements for analysis the programming and budgeting.
Relationship between infrastructure and development A healthy infrastructure is a necessary ingredient of a robust economy. Infrastructure systems are a part of the nation's economy (through expenditures), and infrastructure systems are also necessary to accommodate economic expansion and productivity.
Relationship between infrastructure and development Social system Economic system Physical infrastructure Natural environment
Our Purpose - Now Justified • Understand issues in managing existing infrastructure rather than building new • Critically review status of infrastructure • Develop awareness of tools and resources for infrastructure management • For next time: read Dunker 1995
Relationship between infrastructure and development Goods and services Purchases Public Industry Wages Labor Energy and natural resources