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Innovative VET Projects for OIC Member Countries

Explore ongoing projects under the OIC-VET Programme aiming to enhance vocational education and training in Islamic countries.

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Innovative VET Projects for OIC Member Countries

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  2. “Projects Currently Planned/Implemented Under the Pilot Application Phase of theOIC-VET Programme” 11-12 May 2010 Antalya, Turkey

  3. Planned and Ongoing Projects

  4. Planned and Ongoing Pilot Projects • Fisheries and Aquaculture: Product Processing and Management • Cotton Growing and Irrigation Techniques, Quality Improvement and Treatment of Cotton Diseases • Strenghening VET through Local Vocational Courses: The Experience of İSMEK • Managing People in Emergencies • Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program for University Students • New Strategies in Vocational Nursing Training • Study Visit on Occupational Health and Safety • Exchange of Practices and Views among Social Assistance Professionals • Promotion of Cooperation on Alternative Energy sources in OIC Member Countries

  5. Fisheries and Aquaculture: Product Processing and Management Project Type/Duration: OICTEP-PLM, OICTEP-US/ 3-5 Working Days Budget:20,000 USD Target Audience:15 participants Partner Country/Institution: Egypt/ Alexandria University Expected Outcome:To Enable them to learn and share new techniques;To disseminate their learning to the people working in this industry whichwill help them to be more efficient and produce more quality products; To exploit the potential in this sector by producing and exporting international standard fisheries products.

  6. Cotton Growing and Irrigation Techniques, Quality Improvement and Treatment of Cotton Diseases Project Type/Duration: (OICTEP-P)/ 2 Weeks Budget: 70,000 USD Target Audience:OneCotton expert, trainer, or cotton agronomist from Uganda, Chad, Sudan, Benin, Cote D’Ivoire, Mali, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Bangladesh, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Expected Outcome: To enhance the long-term competitiveness of cotton growingin theOIC countries in a sustainable way through the promotion of modern growing techniques and technologies, irrigation systems and treatment of cotton diseases;To upgrade the knowledge and skills of the participants in the field of cotton improvement and quality control; To facilitiate technical and business exchanges and partnerships among the participating countries.

  7. Transferring the Practice of Local Vocational Courses: Experience of ISMEK Project Type/Duration: (OICTIPs)/ 3Years Budget: 33,350 USD Target Audience:Local Municipalities in the OIC Countries Partner Country/Institution: Turkey/ ISMEK of Istanbul Metroplitan Municipality. Expected Outcome:The major outcome of the project would be the establishment a strong network among the similar institutions and construct a platform where they can transfer innovative training methods, share knowledge and experience, and exchange expertise.

  8. Managing People in Emergencies Project Type/Duration: (OICTEP-PLM)/ 1Month Budget: 50,000 USD TargetAudience:The managers of the emergency agencies of Bangladesh and/or Indonesia Partner Country/Institutions: Turkey/ Search and Rescue Association (AKUT) and the Turkish Red Crescent Society. Expected Outcome:The project aims at helping the emergency agencies to better establish, manage and develop teams while working during emergency situations. The expected outcome in the long run is to transform the relief service providers in these countries to better and timely respond to the emerging situations.

  9. Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program for University Students Project Type/Duration: (OICTEP-US)/ 2 Weeks Budget: 30,000 USD Target Audience:20 University Students selected from various universities around the MCs Partner Country/Institution: Qatar/ Qatar Foundation Expected Outcome: The aim of the project is to improve the entrepreneurial and leadership skills of the youth in the OIC MCs to make them more self-confident and proactive in becoming the successful leaders of the future.

  10. New Strategies in Vocational Nursing Training Project Type/Duration: (OICTEP-P)/ 1Month in 4 Installements Budget: 60,000 USD Target Audience:Three participants from each country, two trainers and one decision maker. Partner Country/Institutions: Turkey/ Nursing training research & training centres of the Ministry of Health. Expected Outcome: The expected outcome in the long run is to strengthen nursing services to help meet the health needs of both individuals and the community and, moreover, to effectively support the management and operation of health systems and services, especially in low income countries taking into account their specific socioeconomic characteristics and health systems.

  11. Study Visit on Occupational Health and Safety Project Type/Duration: (OICTEP-P)/ 5 days (24 - 29 May 2010) Budget:12,500 USD Potential Beneficiaries: Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates and Oman. Target Audience:Occupational Health and Safety Professıonals Partner Countries/Institutions: Turkey/Occupational Health and Safety Institute (ISGÜM) of Ministry of Labour and Social Security. Expected Outcome: Professionals from several OIC Member Countries shall visit the ISGÜM for the purpose of exchanging views and practices on occupational health and safety.

  12. Exchange of Practices and Views among Social Assistance Professionals Project Type/Duration: (OICTEP-P)/ 4Days Budget: 13,500 USD Target Audience:One Social Assistance Expert from Albania, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Jordan, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Morocco, Pakistan, Sudan, Syria and Tunisia. Partner Countries/Institutions: Turkey/ General Directorate of Social Assistance and Solidarity(SYDGM) of Prime Ministry. Expected Outcome: To promote cooperation among the Social Assistance Institutions of Middle Income MCs with the exchanging of their experiences in their activities social assistance to the poor. They are also expected to discuss the legislation and organizational structure under which they operate to provide feedback on effective means in tackling poverty.

  13. Promotion of Cooperation on Alternative Energy Sources in OIC Member Countries Project Type/Duration: (OICTEP-P)/ 4 Working Days Budget: 10,500 USD Target Audience:10 Professionals from Bangladesh, Egypt,Lebanon, Pakistan, Sudan and Syria. Partner Country/Institution: Turkey/ Ministry of Energy Expected Outcome: To enhance cooperation among Stakeholders in the energy sector of the OIC countries to determine the capacity for energy output from alternative energy sources through possible joint projects and activities.

  14. Way forward

  15. Thank You

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