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Timer Operations. Overview. Topics to be covered: Free running counter Output compare Input capture Pulse accumulator Real time interrupt Reading: Text, Section 8.7, Chapter 11; E9 Chapter 9; HC11 Ref. Chapters 10-11. Cont. Overview. Registers Control registers
Overview • Topics to be covered: • Free running counter • Output compare • Input capture • Pulse accumulator • Real time interrupt • Reading: Text, Section 8.7, Chapter 11; E9 Chapter 9; HC11 Ref. Chapters 10-11 Cont..
Overview • Registers • Control registers TCLT1 Timer control register 1 TCTL2 Timer control register 2 TMSK1 Main timer interrupt mask register 1 TMSK2 Miscellaneous timer interrupt mask register 2 PACTL Pulse accumulator control register • Data registers TCNT Timer counter register TIC1-3 Timer input capture registers 1-3 TOC1-5 Timer output compare registers 1-5 PACNT Pulse accumulator count register Cont..
Overview • Status registers TFLG1 Main timer interrupt flag register 1 TFLG2 Miscellaneous timer flag register 2 • Pins • Timer uses pins on Port A • If you’re not using a certain timer function, you can use the pin for I/O Cont..
Overview • The 68HC11 supports a wide variety of timer-based applications through the use of its on-chip timer • Using the timer frees the CPU for other processing • Don’t need to use time-delay loops • More accurate timing • Standard time-delay loops do not account for time spent in ISRs • Some applications of the timer subsystem • Generating pulses (continuous streams or one-shots) • Internal timer to start and/or stop tasks • Measure period (or frequency) • Measure pulse widths • Count events Cont..
Overview • The HC11’s “free running counter / timer” forms the basis for all timing functions and provides time information to all programs • Free running counter description: • The (2 MHz) E-clock drives a prescaler to the counter • Prescaler divides E-clock by 1, 4, 8, or 16 • The counter is a 16-bit count • Counting sequence is from $0000 to $FFFF and repeat • Counter value can be read from the TCNT register, $100E,F (16-bit, 2-address register) υ Always use a 16-bit load (LDD, LDX, LDY) υ Can’t write to TCNT • TCNT reset to $0000 when HC11 is reset Cont..
Overview • When the counter value rolls over from $FFFF to $0000, • Timer overflow flag bit is set (TOF -- bit 7 in TFLG2 register, $1025 -- not $1024 as in Fig 11.1) • An overflow interrupt may occur if enabled (TOI -- bit 7 in TMSK2 register, $1024) • Prescale bit selection • Bits PR1 and PR0, bits 1 and 0 in register TMSK2 determine prescaler division value • These bits are "write once" during the first 64 E-clock cycles after a reset Cont..
Overview • Resolution using 8 MHz system crystal Cont..
Overview • Clearing flag bits in TFLG1 and TFLG2 interrupt flag registers • Flag bits in these registers are cleared by writing 1s to the associated bit positions • Use LDAA / STAA or BCLR -- not BSET! • To clear timer overflow flag TOF, use LDAA #$80 STAA TFLG2 or BCLR TFLG2,X, $7F
Timer output compare function • Uses: • Output pulse waveforms • Square waves • Variable duty-cycle waves • Single pulses • Elapsed time indicator (to external circuitry) • Trigger execution sequence at a specified time • Can generate an interrupt with/without external output • Description: • There are 5 output compare functions, OC1 -- OC5 • Each is associated with a 16-bit output compare register: • TOC1--TOC5 Cont..
Timer output compare function • At addresses $1016 -- $101F • The user or user program stores time values in these registers • Times at which the user wants something to happen • Usually, you read TCNT, add a value to it (the amount of delay), store in TOCx • During each E-clock cycle, the values contained in all 5 of the output compare registers are compared to the value of the free running counter • If there is a compare (a match) between one of the registers and the free running counter, • The corresponding flag bit is set (OCxF in register TFLG1, $1023) Cont..
Timer output compare function • The state of the associated output pin(s) on port A may change, depending on configuration • Timer output compare interrupt is generated if enabled (OCxI in register TMSK1, $1022) • Functions OC2-OC5 • These functions manipulate single output bits, bits PA6 -- PA3 Cont..
Timer output compare function • Force Output Compare • Writing a 1 to a bit(s) in CFORC register “forces” a compare before the timer reaches the value in TOCx • Does not generate an interrupt • Drives the associated output pin according to setting of OMx and OLx bits in TCTL1 • Be careful using this with “Toggle” mode • Forcing an output does not affect the value in TOCx or the operation of the timer • When TCNT reaches value in TOCx, it will drive the output again • Doesn’t matter if you’re using “Drive Output High” or “Drive Output Low” modes Cont..
Timer output compare function • For “Toggle,” the output will toggle when you force it and then toggle back when timer reaches TOCx value • OC1 function • Used to control any combination of output pins PA7 - PA3 • To use PA7 for OC1, you must write a 1 to DDRA7 in PACTL • Uses 2 separate registers to control its operation • OCM1, output compare 1 mask register, is used to specify which output bits will be controlled • Set the bits to enable OC1’s control of the output pin • OCD1, output compare 1 data register, contains the data to be sent to the port A pins upon occurrence of a compare Cont..
Timer output compare function • For example, you can set PA3 and PA4 high and PA7 low when a successful compare occurs • No “Toggle” mode for OC1 • You can reset the output pins by writing to Port A and disabling the OCx • Data is latched when you write to Port A • Latch data is placed on pin when you disable counter Cont..
Timer output compare function • Example: Generate a single 10 ms high pulse • This is NOT using interrupts -- one-time use of code segment ;Listing 11.1 ;Drive one-shot high pulse for 10 ms ;with E –2 Mhz and prescale –1 ;REMINDER, see samples listing in Appendix E ;============================================== SEG Demo PWIDTH EQU 20000 LDD TCNT,X ;prevent preventure STD TOC2,X ;OC2 compare PULSE ;drive PA6-OC2 high BSET PORTA, X, $40 LDAA #$80 ;configure OC2 high Cont..
Timer output compare function STAA TCTL1, X ;and disconn.other Ocx’s LDAA #$40 ;clear OC2F if set STAA TFLG1, X LDO TCNT, X ;arm TOC2 for 10-ms trigger ADDD #PWOTH-17 STD TOC2, X PULSE1 ;wait for trigger BRCLR TFLG1, X, $40, PULSE1 ;new output OC2F high BCLR PORTA, X, $40 ;clear latch for PA6 LDAA #$40 ;then clear OC2F STAA TFLG1, X ;before BCLR TFLG1, X, $80 ;disconnecting OC2 BRA $ ;end for now Cont..
Timer output compare function • Example: Generating square waves • Use “Toggle” mode and interrupts • Initialization Set OMx and OLx Set TOCx Enable timer interrupt • Interrupt service routine Update TOCx (add half-period) Clear OCxF flag Return • See Listing 11.3 in text • Note that you must update TOCx after every interrupt to generate a continuous signal Cont..
Timer output compare function • Example: Pulse width modulation • Generate a pulse at a fixed periodic interval • Duty cycle of the pulse is based on the width of the pulse wrt to the total period – normally specifies the percentage of time the signal is high compared to the period • Steps to implement in EVBU: • Select desired prescale value • Determine count on TCNT that corresponds to desired period • Determine initial values of high and low cycle count values (adjust values later, once code is written, if needed) • Select desired OCx and specify address of output compare interrupt service routine Cont..
Timer output compare function • Develop the needed software to initialize timer operations and then the associated ISR ;Listing 11.4 ;Shows routines for handling PWM using output OC2 ;A main application program varies the duty cycle ;by modifying 16-bit data in address OC2HI and OC2LO. ;Duty cycle0100% * OC2HI/(OC2HI +OC2LO) ;User Responsibility to see up vector addresses and ;other intialization as required by application. ;=================================================== SEG Utility ;Subroutine INITOC2 ;Initializes timer output OC2 for PWM output ;interrupt driven Cont..
Timer output compare function ;Calling registers ; IX= register block address ;Return registers ; None, except CCR atteched INIOC2 PSHA ;preserve registers PSHB LDD TCNT,X ;delay PWM generation STD TOC2,X LDAA #$C0 ;OM2:OL2=1:1 to set STAA TCTL1,X ;OC2 high first time LDAA #$40 ;clear OC2F if set STAA TFLG1,X STAA TMSK1,X ;set OC2 to eable CLI ;interrupt PULB ;restore registers PULA RTS ;return Cont..
Timer output compare function ;Service routine RTOC2 ;Drives OC2 output for PWM by scheduling ;time delay for next edge. Also reconfigures ;next edge opposite to that of current edge. ;Note that routine will not work properly with ;duty cycles close to 0% or 100% ;Static variables (2 bytes each) ;Address OC2HI=OC2 time duration for high pulse ;Address OC2LO=OC2 time duration for low pulse ;This routine executed after TOC2 – TCNT occurs RTOC2 LDX #REGBAS ;point to registers ;if low part of cycle ;then load OC2LO Cont..
Timer output compare function BRCLR TCTL1,X,@40,GETOC2LO LDO OC2HI ;else load OC2HI BRA NEWTOC2 GETOC2LO LDO OC2LO NEWTOC2 ;update TOC2 ADDO TOC2,X LDAA TCTL1,X ;invert OL2 to toggle EORA #%01000000 ;next OC2 edge ;STAA TCTL1,X ;by updating cntrl reg. BCLR FTFLG1,X,$BF ;clear flag OC2F RTI ;return from service Cont..
Timer output compare function • Example: Use multiple output compares to generate a 1 E-clock period pulse at a rate of "period" on OC2 using polling Cont..
Timer output compare function • Example: Use multiple output compares to generate a 1 E-clock period pulse at a rate of "period" on OC2 using polling INIT_PLS LDX #$1000 /” DELAY ANY OC1, OC2 COMPARES “/ LDO TCNT,X STD TOC1,X STD TOC2,X /” WTGN1 =%010000000 “/ BSET OC1M,X #$40 /”ENABLE OC1 ACTION FOR OC2”/ BCLR OC1M,X #$80 /”OC2 PIN WILL BE HI FOR OC1 COMPARE”/ BSET OC1D,X #$40 BCLR OC1D,X #$80 BCLR TCTL1,X #$40 /”OC2 PIN WILL BE LO FOR OC2COMPARE”/ BSET TCTL1,X #$80 Cont..
Timer input compare function • The input capture function records the time when an active transition on a pin occurs • Useful for: • Measuring time between events (occurring in external hardware) • Results might be speed, frequency, period, distance traveled, fluid flow, etc. • Reacting to real-time events (do something after X occurs, or after X occurs Y times) • Description: • 4 input capture functions, IC1-3 plus IC4 (E9 only -- not on the A8 discussed in the text) • IC1 -- PA2, IC2 -- PA1, IC3 -- PA0, IC4 -- PA3 (or use pin as OC5/OC1) Cont..
Timer input compare function » Use 16-bit timer input capture registers at addresses $1010 -- $1015 (IC1-3) and $101E-F (IC4) • Input capture edge detectors sense when an edge occurs on the pin(s) • If an edge detection occurs, the following will happen • The TCNT value is loaded into the timer input capture register • The associated status flag is set • An interrupt may occur (if enabled) • Initialization of IC1-3: Cont..
Timer input compare function • Input capture pin IC4: • Pin 3 of port A can be used for general I/O, output compare operations, or input capture operations • Input capture operations are similar to IC1- 3, but initialization is different • To use as input capture, set bit I4/O5 to 1 in the PACTL register • Flag and interrupt mask bits are bits 3 in registers TFG1 and TMSK1 Cont..
Timer input compare function • Desired edge is specified by bits EDG4b, EDG4A (bits 7 and 6) in register TCTL2 • Shares interrupt service routine vector $FFE0-1 with OC5 Pulse width measurement example • Measure the width of a pulse on IC1 • Won’t work if pulse is too short or too long • Pseudo code: • Wait for and record time of rising edge • Wait for and record time of falling edge • Difference between the 2 is the pulse width Cont..
Timer input compare function ;Listing 11.8 ;Measure time between a rising and a falling edge on IC1. ;========================================================= SEG Demo LDAA #$10 ;config 10 compare rising edge STAA TCTL2,X LDAA #$04 ;clear flag IC1F if net STAA TFLG1,X POLLRISE ;Wait for rising edge BRCLR TFLG1,X,$04, POLLRISE LDD TIC1,X ;store the rise time STD RISETIME LDAA #$40 ;config to capture falling edge Cont..
Timer input compare function STAA TCTL2,X LDAA #$04 ; clear flag IC1F STAA TFLG1,X POLLFALL ;wait for falling edge BRCLR TFLG1,X,$04, POLLFALL LDD TIC1,X ; read the fall time SUBD RISETIME ; width = fall – rise STD PULSEWIDTH ; store width BRA $ ; stop here for now • Period calculation example • Determine the period of a periodic waveform on input IC1 • Must capture the times of consecutive rising (or falling) edges • Remember to initialize ISR vectors and to scale result (if needed) Cont..
Timer input compare function ;Listing 11.9 ;Service routines to measure period between two rising ;edges at the IC1 pin.Results valid in range of ;~27E cycles to 65,535 TCNT cycles lowers ignored ;========================================================= SEG Page0 IC1DUN DS 1 ;flag:0=not done, 1=pulse measured IC1MOD DS 1 ;mode flag:FF off, 0-1st,1 last edge PER DS 2 ;period 16 bits ;========================================================= ; IC1DUN=0 ; IC1MOD=$FF, means measurement has no started Cont..
Timer input compare function INITIC1 PSHA ;present register LDAA #$10 ;EDG1B : EDG1A = 0:1 for rising edge STAA TCTL2,X LDAA #$1F ;mode flag off STAA IC1MOD CLR IC1DUN ;single period not done BCLR TFLG1,X, $FB ;clear IC1F at set BSET TMSK1,X, $04 ;enable IC1 interrupt CLI ;enable interrupts PULA ;restore registers RTS ;and return Cont..
Timer input compare function ;Service routine RTIC1 ;Handles input capture IC1 interrupts ;Return variables on first edge ; IC1MOD = 0 ; PER = first capture time ;On record rising edge calculates period and disables ;further rising edge interrupts ;Return variables on second edge ; IC1MOD = 1 ; PER = period ; IC1DUN = 1 RTIC1 LDX #REGBAS ;point to register INC IC1MOD ;$ff -> 0 at first edge ;0 -> 1 at second edge BNE EDGE2 ;if not 0 then this is second edge Cont..
Timer input compare function EDGE1 ;process first edge LDD TIC1,X ;capture first edge time STD PER ;and save it LDAA #$04 ;clear flag IC1F STAA TRLG1,X TRI ;and return EDGE2 ;process second edge LDD TIC1,X ;capture second edge time SUBD PER ;second time – first time STD PER ;is low 2 bytes of results BCLR TCTL2,X, $30 LDAA #1 ;and signal period measured STAA IC1DUN EXITRIC1 BCLR TFLG1,X,$FB TRI ;and return from service routine Cont..
Timer input compare function • Measuring long periods • What if pulse is longer than 65,536 TCNT clock cycles? • First, change the pre-scale factor for the free running clock • Maximum measurable pulse would be 524.3 ms • Otherwise, you must count the number of times the timer overflows • Overflow doesn’t matter if pulse width is less than 65,536 TCNT cycles • Listing 11.10 shows one way to do this • This gets complicated • Also, there is a bug in the listing • Need a branch after the TST instruction (near label EDGE2) • Can count pulses up to 16,777,215 TCNT cycles • About 8.38 seconds with 8 MHz crystal and pre-scale set to 1
Pulse accumulator function • Pulse accumulator is an 8-bit counter that counts edges (events) or tracks the pulse width • Description: • Input is on PA7 (conflicts with OC1) • Initialization and control is via bits in PACTL: • DDRA7: data direction set to 0 • PAEN: pulse accumulator enable • PAMOD: mode bit -- 0 for event counting, 1 for gated time accumulation • PEDGE: specifies edge transition to be used • Flags and interrupt control • 2 flags in TFLG2 • PAOVF: set on counter overflow • PAIF: set on any detected edge • 2 corresponding interrupts: PAOVI, PAII Cont..
Pulse accumulator function • Fig 11.9 Pulse accumulator event counting mode Cont..
Pulse accumulator function • Event Counting • PAMOD = 0 • PACNT is incremented whenever an appropriate edge is detected (can be configured for rising or falling edges) • When PACNT overflows from $FF to $00, it sets PAIF in TFLG2 and generates an interrupt, if enabled • Can be used to generate interrupt when a preset number of edges have been detected • Short Counts • Write the 2’s complement of the expected count into PACNT • Ex. To generate an interrupt after 24 ($18) events, write $E8 (i.e., -$18) into PACNT • PACNT is an 8-bit counter, so this only works for counts less than 256 • See Listing 11.11 Cont..
Pulse accumulator function • Long Counts • Can count more than 256 by using software to keep track of the number of overflows • One way to do this: • Load 16-bit count value into ACCD • ACCA (upper 8 bits) has the number of overflows that will be needed (multiples of 256) • ACCB has the remainder • Write 2’s complement of ACCB into PACNT • If ACCB is not 0, then increment number of expected overflows • Wait for interrupt and then decrement expected overflow count • See Listing 11.12 Cont..
Pulse accumulator function • Fig 11.10 Pulse accumulation in the gated time mode Cont..
Pulse accumulator function • Gated Time Accumulation • PAMOD = 1 • Counts up once every 64 E-clock cycles when PAI input is at active level • Use PEDGE bit to specify which is active level • Does not count edges • Flag and interrupt bits work the same as for event counting • Can be used for pulse-width discrimination • Lets you tell wide pulses apart from narrow pulses • Set PACNT to a value halfway between the width of the narrow and wide pulses • Narrow pulse -- edge interrupt will occur before overflow interrupt • Wide pulse -- overflow interrupt will occur before edge interrupt
Real Time Interrupt • The real-time interrupt subsection of the timer operations is useful for scheduling other events - make an application do something at specif-ied intervals of time • Asserts real-time interrupt flag and interrupt at prescribed time intervals - set by values of bits RTR1 and RTR0 Cont..
Real Time Interrupt • Interrupt rates for E = 2 MHz Cont..
Real Time Interrupt • Example: 24 hour clock • Note that 68HC68T1 is more accurate ;Listing 11.14 FCNT EQU 244 ;number of RTII interrupts to ;make 1 second ;subroutine INITRTII ;Initializes real-time interrupt foreground timer ;No return registers except that CCR affected ;Application program should initialize ;following RAM variables: ; HR = Hour count in BCD ; MIN = Minute count in BCD ; SEC = Second count in BCD ;Calling registers Cont..
Real Time Interrupt ; IX = register block address INITRII BSET TMSK2,X,$40 ;set RTII flag CLI CLR FSEC ;initialize FSEC CLR FSEC + 1 ;FSEC is function of second count for RTII routine in hex RTS ;return ;Service routine RRTII ;Handles real-time interrupt ;Uses 16-bit software counter FSEC to count fractions ;of seconds. Updates RAM variables SECONDS, MINUTES, and ;HOURS as BCD values for use by any other routine Cont..
Real Time Interrupt RRTII LDX #REGBAS LDAA #$40 ;clear RTIF STAA TFLG2,X LDY FSEC ;count # of RTII INY ;occurrences STY FSEC CPY #FCNT ;add 1 to SEC if BEQ SECONDS ;enough occurred RTI SECONDS CLR FSEC ;reset function DEC COUNT CLR FSEC + 1 ;to zero LDAA SEC ADDA #1 ;add 1 to seconds count DAA ;adjust for decimal arithmetic Cont..
Real Time Interrupt CMPA ##60 ;check for seconds --- 60 BEQ MINUTES ;adjust minutes if --- 60 STAA SEC RTI MINUTES CLR SEC ;reset seconds to 0 LDAA MIN ADDA #1 ;add 1 to minutes count DAA ;adjust for decimal arithmetic CMPA #$60 ;check for minutes --- 60 BEQ HOURS ;and adjust hours if – 60 STAA MIN RTI HOURS CLR MIN ;reset minutes count LDAA HR ADDA #1 ;add 1 to hours count DAA Cont..